Dave Ramsey and Suze Orman

Dave Ramsey and Suze Orman (both with television shows now) offer good money advice.  You should pay attention to much of what they say.  You should not pay attention to their investment advice.  They don’t understand Austrian economics.  They don’t understand that the Federal Reserve can create money out of thin air and cause a massive depreciation of the dollar.  If they do understand it, they don’t think it is a threat.  They don’t understand the business cycle and malinvestment.  That is why they have told people in the past to invest in mutual funds.

They are both smart in their unique ways.  They offer good advice in paying off debt and living below your means.  They offer good advice on life insurance and other money issues.  It is worth watching their shows if you haven’t seen them.  Just don’t necessarily take their investment advice.  They don’t understand the dangers of a fiat currency.  They don’t understand diversifying out of U.S. dollars.