Should You Listen to Dave Ramsey and Suze Orman?

Although this blog is mostly about economics and investments from a libertarian standpoint, it is also about general advice on money.  I have written before on Dave Ramsey and Suze Orman, but I think it is worth repeating.  Although the two of them may have some differences, they are also similar in a lot of ways and I am going to lump them together for the sake of this discussion.

For people with spending problems, I would highly recommend listening to these two.  Give each of them a chance and see which one motivates you more.  If you are in debt (other than maybe a reasonable mortgage and car payment), then you should seek advice.  You should work extra hard and save extra hard to pay off your debt, especially if it is on a high interest credit card.  As Dave Ramsey says, eat “rice and beans”.

I heard Suze Orman once say that she is not in favor of budgets.  I agree with her on this, although I think exceptions can be made.  She said that budgets are like diets.  If you want to be healthy physically, you shouldn’t diet.  This implies that it is temporary.  You should eat healthy as a way of life.  The same is with spending.  You shouldn’t buy something or not buy something because it is or isn’t in your budget.  You should be disciplined to spend only on things you need or, if it is a want, it should be something that you will use and something that truly is worth what you are paying for it.  In other words, your spending should be based on a reasonably frugal lifestyle, not on a budget.  It doesn’t mean that you never treat yourself; it just means that you prioritize.  Part of prioritizing is paying yourself first.

I have heard both of them offer good advice in other areas.  I have heard Suze Orman say several times that she is in favor of term life insurance and not whole life insurance.  I have heard both offer advice that goes way beyond money.  Sometimes it is more like listening to Dr. Phil.  Now I’m not saying they are always right, but certainly their advice is worth listening to and considering.

With all of that said, there is one area that I would recommend you not listen to both of them.  Neither one of them understands Austrian economics.  They do not understand the workings of the central bank.  They don’t understand the dangers of a fiat currency.  They don’t understand the boom-bust cycle and how it is caused by central banks creating money out of thin air and artificially lowering interest rates.

This is why they tell you to invest in mutual funds.  They tell you to buy and hold and that the market will provide good solid returns over the long run.  They do not understand the benefits of having gold and other metals and commodities in your portfolio.  They don’t understand that gold is a much better hedge against inflation than stocks.

If you are looking for advice on investing, read Fail Safe Investing by Harry Browne.  Follow the advice on the permanent portfolio.  For other advice on money, I think Dave Ramsey and Suze Orman are worth listening to.

4 thoughts on “Should You Listen to Dave Ramsey and Suze Orman?”

  1. Thanks for your advise. I was curious about there advise from a libertarian stand point and I came across your blog. Very helpful. I have been reading suze Ormans latest book and it’s been working for me. I don’t know much about investments so I will be checking out that book you recommended: Fail Safe Investing by Harry Browne. Is there any other books or anything in the likes of that you recommend?

  2. Fail Safe Investing by Harry Browne is my number one recommendation. Pay particular attention to the permanent portfolio setup. For other books, I found The Dollar Meltdown by Charles Goyette to be interesting, but I would still favor the permanent portfolio as an overall strategy. Also, for the permanent portfolio, there is a mutual fund (symbol: PRPFX) that somewhat imitates this strategy.

  3. I stopped listening to Suze Orman decades ago. She is the one who introduced me to the term “OPM” or other people’s money. She was telling people to mortgage their house, and invest that money in the stock market and use OPM to make money and get rich. That did not make sense to me then and it does not make sense to me now. Apparently she has changed her tune and is telling people to pay off their homes as quickly as possible…..and get out of debt…..hmmmm can a leopard change her spots?

  4. Yeah, I find that Suze Orman has changed a bit. She is more conservative with her investment advice, although I find she avoids giving any investment advice in a lot of cases.

    I think her show is worth watching.

    But she doesn’t understand the Fed. There is always hope though.

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