28 Pages and the Establishment Media

For the last couple of weeks, the media has mostly focused on the national conventions, at least when it comes to political stories.  And while there were some interesting stories within the conventions, there has been little talk of the release of the 28 pages from the 9/11 report.

If you get your news from the internet, then you may have seen this story.  If you get your news from the establishment  (sometimes called mainstream) media, then you probably don’t know about it.  If you rely on television, radio, and newspapers, then you are probably out of the loop on this.

There has been a push to release these secret (not anymore) 28 pages from the 9/11 Commission’s report.

We can assume that if there had been a direct smoking gun, then the government wouldn’t have released the pages.  The powers-that-be had to weigh their options of withstanding pressure of revealing the documents versus how much the release of the pages would change public opinion.  So far, it seems that the establishment has bet correctly on an apathetic American public.

Of course, the establishment media really does help direct the narrative.  If these 28 pages had been headline news, then Americans might be more outraged.  So while the internet has been wonderful in spreading messages that were previously untouched, we still have to acknowledge that the establishment media somewhat directs the narratives.

While there isn’t one particular direct smoking gun, there are a series of events that look really bad for the Saudis when put together.  It would be too coincidental for at least some Saudi officials to have not played a role in the 9/11 attacks.

You can check out 28pages.org for a summary and for the details.  There seems to be little question that Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia was helping to fund the hijackers.

(Also, you can check out this informative podcast on the Tom Woods show.)

Some people might say, “Who cares?”  They might say that the victims of 9/11 are already gone and nothing can bring them back.  But if you had a loved one murdered, wouldn’t you want to know who was responsible for it?

Of course, if goes much deeper than this.  It is not just about justice, as important as that is.  It is also about the U.S. government and the entire premise of its foreign policy.

If Prince Bandar funded the 9/11 hijackers – which looks to be the case – then this all of a sudden implicates the Bush administration.  The Bush family is close friends with Bandar.  If Bandar has blood on his hands, then Bush and Cheney likely do too.

The entire foreign policy of the U.S. since 9/11 is a farce.  The hundreds of thousands (or millions) of people who have died are real.  But the American people have tolerated all of these wars that have all been based on lies, which includes Afghanistan.

I do not favor a war with Saudi Arabia, but if any country should have been attacked based on the 9/11 attacks, it should have been Saudi Arabia.  Meanwhile, almost 15 years later, the war and occupation of Afghanistan goes on.  The war and occupation of Iraq goes on.  And let’s not forget all of the other wars and drone bombings in countries such as Libya, Pakistan, Yemen, and Syria.

To top it off, the Saudis are still supported by the U.S. government, both militarily and financially.  The Saudis are our supposed allies.  With friends like these, who needs enemies?

When you examine these 28 pages and see that certain Saudi officials were helping to carry out the 9/11 attacks, it becomes clear that the Bush administration likely also played a role.  All of a sudden, the 9/11 conspiracy theorists shouldn’t seem so crazy.  It almost becomes crazy to think that no U.S. officials played a role in the attacks.

Unfortunately, most Americans don’t seem to know or don’t seem to care.  Yet, it is these people who blindly support whatever war is the flavor of the day.  They have been completely lied to and deceived.

If it was clear that the Bush administration played a role in the attacks, or at least knew about them beforehand, I wonder how the American people would react.  Unfortunately, all too many would still be happy to turn vast amounts of power over to the government.

Bush and Cheney should be in prison forever, but this isn’t just a couple of bad apples.  This is representative of the deep state.  We can be reasonably sure that Obama knows most of the truth of what happened as well.  This may be why the establishment is so scared of Trump.  They don’t want him to find out any deep secrets because he is a wildcard and can’t be depended on to carry on the secrets.

At this point, all we can do is let people know about these 28 pages and the implications.  Let’s hope that with the decentralization of information via the internet, that more will be found out as time goes on.  It took just a small minority of people to get to the point where the government felt compelled to release the 28 pages.

Public opinion matters.  The more people who find out about the implication of the Saudis in the 9/11 attacks, the better it is.  It means less consent for the U.S. government.  It means that perhaps, one day in the future, there will be a big enough movement that government powers are actually curtailed and our foreign policy changes.

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