Stocks and Financial Advisors

There is a general bias of financial advisors towards stocks. Most financial advisors will tell you that if you are young, the majority of your money should be in stocks because time is on your side. They say that stocks always go up in the long-term.

Financial advisors want you to buy stocks because that is what makes the most money for them and the companies they work for. Of course, this is a generalization and there are certainly some financial advisors that are better than others. But you don’t ask a divorce lawyer if you should get a divorce or a car salesman if you need a new car.

If you lived in Japan and bought stocks 20 years ago and held them, you would still be down today (and that doesn’t even factor in inflation). I am not totally opposed to stocks, but to have over half of your investments in traditional stocks is crazy, especially right now. There are a lot of warning signs in the U.S. economy like a weak dollar, high energy prices, high personal debts, extremely high government debts, and an out-of-control government that taxes, inflates, and regulates us like crazy.

During normal times, I would recommend about 25% of your investments be in regular stocks (not counting ETF’s or specialty stocks/mutual funds). If you are speculating right now, I wouldn’t recommend much at all in stocks unless you have some good and specific reasons that a particular stock is headed up.