The book has 35 relatively short chapters, and each chapter stands on its own. I purposely do not discuss political parties, and I even mostly avoid political figures. The book shows why peaceful and voluntary cooperation leads to human flourishing and why government interference distorts this process.
This book was written so that somebody with a minimal knowledge of economics could still understand it. A mature high school student or homeschooler could benefit. With that said, I think many libertarians and libertarian-leaning people will benefit greatly from this book. My hope is that it will clarify your own thinking and also help you to articulate the message of liberty and free markets to others.
From Wednesday, April 26, 2017 until Sunday, April 30, 2017, you can download the Kindle edition for free. My hope is that readers of my blog will take advantage of this opportunity. If you read the book and enjoy it, please leave a review on Amazon.
If you are reading this post after the promotional period has expired, you can still download the Kindle edition for just $3.49. And if you are someone who needs to hold a book in your hands, you can purchase a paperback edition for $7.99.