I have written quite a bit in 2020 on the coronavirus. I think it is justified because the reaction to the virus is the number one issue facing most Americans, at least politically speaking.
It is still amazing to me how easily people all over the world just gave up liberty because the powers-that-be told them to be afraid of something.
I had a Facebook friend the other day, who is a leftist in California, say that we need to do what’s necessary. It was in reference to more lockdowns in the state. I didn’t reply, but I wanted to say, “Spoken like a good little serf.”
I haven’t believed much of anything about this virus that has come from establishment media sources. If they’ll lie about stuff to get us into war, it surely is not beneath them to lie about the dangerousness of a virus.
I knew we were being lied to in March, and not just because of the sources. They were saying it was a three to four percent mortality rate in China. It was a completely flawed statistic. They took the number of people who died divided by the number of people who tested positive.
Back in February and March, there was not much testing. The people being tested in China were the really sick people, most of whom were going into the hospital. So of course 3 to 4 percent of them were dying. The people tested were already really sick. This is not how they calculate the mortality rate for the seasonal flu. The denominator is not the number of people who tested positive for the flu. It is a projection. It is an estimate. They didn’t do this with the coronavirus.
I am not an epidemiologist or any kind of a scientist. I am not a statistician, although I was pretty good at statistics in high school and college. But I could figure this out without much thought. Are you telling me that nobody else in the corporate media could have pointed this out? Or was it too inconvenient of a fact to point out?
And then the CDC changed guidelines for coding deaths. If you were diagnosed with COVID-19 or were suspected of having COVID-19 and then died, then you died of COVID-19. Again, that’s different from the way the seasonal flu has been handled and calculated in the past, and I already thought that was an overstated number.
Proper Language
The whole thing is a giant tragedy for the human race in 2020. Many millions of lives have been destroyed. If you count severe hardship and poverty, it is probably tens of millions or hundreds of millions. As bad as Americans have it with the lockdowns and hysteria, it is a hundred times worse in third-world countries where the people have very little wealth to fall back on. When they get shut out of a job, they can’t feed their families that night.
The use of language has been infected as well. I keep hearing almost everyone refer to this as a “pandemic”. It may be a pandemic of ignorance, but there is no pandemic regarding a virus.
I don’t know anyone personally who has died of the coronavirus. I barely know anyone who knows someone who has died of it. Most of the people who supposedly die of the coronavirus are people who typically die. They were elderly people and people with severe health problems.
The United States has a population of about 330 million people. You can always find an example of somebody dying of something. There are many thousands of deaths that occur each year with no explanation. That explanation is now coronavirus.
The people who have supposedly died of coronavirus are a good sample of people who typically die.
So I refuse to use the word “pandemic” in this context, unless it is in quotes.
I hear it from people frequently. “I couldn’t travel this year because of the pandemic.” “I didn’t get to see the concert because of the pandemic.” “I lost my job because of the pandemic.”
I refuse to say anything like this. I will say that I couldn’t travel because of the hysteria. I will say that I didn’t go to the concert because it was cancelled. I will say that someone lost his job because of the lockdowns. None of this is because of the “pandemic” because there is no pandemic.
If everyone who has the common cold or has recently had the common cold were marked as dying of the common cold if they died, then you would have an equivalent “pandemic” of the common cold. There are almost 3 million Americans who die every year. Some percentage of those people had the common cold or recently had the common cold at death. It doesn’t mean they died of the common cold.
I also despise the inaccurate use of language in blaming the virus for things that were caused by humans. For example, “I was temporarily laid off from my job because of COVID.” No, you were laid off from your job because of the hysteria and likely because of lockdowns by the state.
It is especially frustrating when people on “our side” use this type of language because it plays right into the hands of the fear mongers. It is not easy because of the things we hear every day, but you should make a conscious effort to be accurate in your language.
What’s Next?
I don’t know what 2021 will bring. I assume that Joe Biden will be president. I don’t know if the virus will magically disappear. I hope that’s the case, but I’m afraid that politicians have gotten a taste of this new power that they will not easily relinquish.
If people are willing to give up their livelihood because of what a few handpicked “experts” say, then what will be next? Maybe they will try the global warming/ climate change theme again and tell everyone they must obey all orders or else the oceans are going to flood the continent in the next 5 years.
Since the coronavirus worked so well and is so hard to prove its existence, maybe they will just come up with a new virus. The symptoms will be tiredness and anxiety. If you have anxiety, then you probably have the virus. You should probably stay home and take your marching orders.
Maybe the next panic will come from the vaccine coming to supposedly quell the current panic. But if people get sick from the vaccines, then I’m sure it will be blamed on something else. Again, maybe it will be a new virus or a mutated form of the coronavirus. They could make up anything at this point. As long as it is said by NBC Nightly News, then half the population will believe it.
It doesn’t matter what ridiculous thing I say. What has happened in 2020 is ridiculous. It is perhaps the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on the human race.
I went to the park over the weekend and there was a family playing basketball outside, and they were all wearing masks. There were other people on the play equipment wearing masks. This wasn’t virtue signaling. It was pure ignorance.
People have gone insane on the things they are saying and the things they are doing or not doing. They are allowing elderly relatives to die alone because they don’t want to risk the chance of giving them a virus. The few really old people that I know don’t want to be alone. They want to experience life right now because they don’t have much life left on this planet.
Children are being emotionally traumatized. In some cases, they are having to give up time with friends. Many of them have had sports or other activities taken away from them. It is ridiculous and cruel at the same time.
This is why it is important to live your life the best you can given the circumstances. I recently had lunch with three other guys. We shook hands. We didn’t wear masks. This is now somehow seen as reckless in the year 2020. To me, it is normal.
People need to get jealous of you. They should see other people living their life. They should see other people not living in fear. I believe that is the only way to defeat this giant hoax that is bringing so much misery to people all over the world.
The “state” has won the battle in 2020. The people not living in ignorance need to fight back by not complying with the madness when possible. The most important thing you can do is to live your life, even if those around you are only trying to avoid death at all costs. Let them live in fear with their so-called science. You can live your life.
Most people would find this post a bit on the negative side. For me, however, I think I am even more dispondent than you. And I don’t know how it will get better.
I have followed your advice recently. My wife and I went out to eat this weekend and then to a movie. We posted it on Facebook to show people that we are not cowering in fear in our homes. We are vacationing to South Florida over the holidays. Unfortunately I don’t believe the message you hope that people will take from that is the message that they will actually take.
For every person like me, they know or hear from hundreds of others who are following every direction given to “stay safe.” I am not enough to make a dent. The KGB once did tests and discovered that once you got someone to believe something for 6 months, after that there was nothing you could do or say to make them change their mind. And that is where we are at. It is like a cult. Except that a normal cult is a small group surrounded by a dominant culture. This time the cult IS the dominant culture. We are the crazy ones.
As much as I agree that we need to stand up and show them that they cannot affect our lives, unfortunately they can. It is difficult to display that I am going on with my life as usual when they have made it impossible. Movies are mostly closed. No concerts. No sporting events. I cannot visit my family (who are all in California) both because everything is shut down there plus they are all cowering in their houses, masked and distanced from one another. My son needs to get ready for Middle School next year which will not happen doing “virtual learning” which really means just watching old Bill Nye videos.
On the bright side, you can get a laugh from the cult on occasion. From the woman I saw this weekend using a dirty plastic bag to cover her hand and touch a gas pump. To the people wearing masks in their cars alone. But those laughs are not enough to make this all worth it.
Thank you for stating the truth so eloquently and precisely. I’ve sent this missive to as many people I can think of and then sent it to some more. I have been banging this same drum for since “The Event” became “The New Normal” and some have agreed and some think my ignorance is dangerous and down right un-American. All I can say is “If you aren’t pissed off then you aren’t paying attention”. Please keep up the good work and spread the good word.
Jeffrey – We can only do our tiny little part as individuals. If enough people exercise their freedom, it will have an impact. Maybe one of your Facebook friends will see the picture and figure it is ok to go out to eat at a restaurant. It’s said that the worst thing you can say to your own child is that you’re disappointed in them. Well, I’m disappointed in the human race in 2020. But what else can I do but try to get others on our side?
Paul – Thank you for your comment and helping to spread the message of liberty.