Why the Hard Push for Vaccines?

This post may contain more questions than answers.  Some of the questions are rhetorical, but some of them are legitimate that I do not have the answers to.

Since at least March 2020, we have been continually lied to about COVID-19.  But it doesn’t always mean we know what the truth is.

We were lied to at the beginning when the claim was being made that the virus had a mortality rate of 3 to 4 percent.  They knew it was a lie, and those who didn’t know didn’t care to investigate.  They were taking the death rate based on confirmed cases, which at that time were mostly the sickest people who were being tested.

We were lied to about the PCR test.  Fauci himself even admitted that running the test above 35 cycles (amplifications) was unreliable, even though the FDA said to go ahead and run it at 40 cycles or higher.

We were lied to with “two weeks to flatten the curve”.  The whole point of shutting nearly everything down was supposedly to slow the spread so as not to overwhelm the hospitals.  When most hospitals were mostly empty, the narrative changed, and it was about saving any life at any cost, even though the lockdowns themselves were costing lives.

We were told that there were no treatments for COVID-19.  We were told to stay at home, social distance, wear masks, and do everything possible not to spread the virus.  We were never told by those in the establishment what to do if you actually contracted the virus.  You were just supposed to stay at home and then go to the hospital if you get really ill.  Then you would likely be put on a ventilator to die.

There were never any suggestions on how to treat someone who contracted the virus, unless you explored alternative media.  Although some doctors reported success with zinc and hydroxychloroquine, and later ivermectin, these treatments were either ignored or ridiculed.  The FDA, CDC, or any major corporation had no desire to actually do real studies to determine how effective these treatments are.  If there were any treatments, it might prevent the FDA from giving emergency authorization for vaccines.  It might also mean that fewer people would want a vaccine.

Right after the election in November 2020, the FDA authorized new messenger RNA vaccines for SARS-COV-2.  Since then, I can’t remember a harder push for anything coming out of Washington DC or the establishment in general.  The powers-that-be have been pushing harder for this vaccine than we have seen in pushes toward war or welfare programs.

The Biggest Villains

I know several people who identify as libertarians who are continually promoting the vaccine.  They will say that they don’t favor forcing people, but they will favor almost anything else that compels people to take a vaccine.  They will never raise an objection to the government spending billions of dollars developing, distributing, and marketing the vaccines.

My biggest curiosity is that the people who are pushing the vaccines the hardest are people that libertarians should trust the least.  Wouldn’t this raise a red flag?

Think about the people with national notoriety who are pushing vaccines the hardest.  It is people like Biden, Bush, Gates, Fauci, Newsom, and Cuomo, along with the establishment media.  These are the loudest voices for the vaccines, yet I consider them to be some of the most evil people on earth.  I am just waiting for John Brennan and Hillary Clinton to start a speaking tour to promote vaccines.

Wouldn’t this cause a libertarian to pause at least?  It’s not to say that some evil people, or just people who generally get things wrong, can’t get something right.  There are talking heads on television who share similar criticisms of Bitcoin as I do, but I don’t agree with them on many basic points of economics.  Still, I don’t see them obsess over this one thing.

But for Biden, and Gates, and Fauci, and some of the most totalitarian governors out there, they are absolutely obsessed with people getting vaccinated.  They continually make claims that the vaccines are safe and effective.

But these people love power, and they generally hate people.  Are they really trying to save humanity by pushing vaccines?

It is possible they may just happen to be right on this one thing, but you can see why I would be skeptical, especially when they are so obsessed over pushing this agenda.

It is also curious that Fauci apparently lied about funding gain-of-function research for coronaviruses (making viruses more deadly and contagious to humans), yet he is perhaps the biggest pusher of the vaccines.  Is he trying to make up for past mistakes, or is there something else going on here?

The Delta Variant

I have no idea if this delta variant is real.  And if it is, what is going on with it?

If you watch any news on television, you will hear that cases are spiking, that the delta variant is really contagious, and that it is a pandemic amongst the unvaccinated.  I am willing to concede that all of these things may be true, although I really can’t know because of how often we have been lied to.  I know that statistics can be manipulated to fit a narrative.

I have already explained that the CDC is making it almost impossible to count a vaccinated person as a so-called breakthrough case.  They are using two different standards for those who are vaccinated and those who are unvaccinated.

The only reason I grant the possibility that there really is something going on right now is because of personal experience.  I know several people who have tested positive for COVID-19 over the last several weeks.  I have probably known more people personally who have tested positive over the last month than I knew of in the previous 17 months.

In most cases, it is like the flu or a severe cold.  I have no idea if this is the delta variant.  It could just be the flu going around too.  I live in Florida.  I got the flu in July of 2019.  I had a fever for several days, but of course nobody made a big deal out of it then.

I know from hearing from healthcare workers that the hospitals are busy.  There have been exaggerated reports about them being at capacity, which I don’t think are true, but it does seem that they are busier than normal.  Supposedly most of the COVID patients are people who are unvaccinated.  I have no idea if they ask this question when the patient is admitted, so I can’t completely trust what I am being told.

It is also reported that there are younger people who are severely ill, and in some cases dying, from COVID.  The people I know who have tested positive recently are generally middle-aged people (30s, 40s, and 50s).  I don’t think any of them ended up in the hospital though.

Unbelievably, these hospitals are still sticking COVID people on ventilators.  I have no idea why, except for cynical reasons.  I heard about someone (not someone I know) who was actually coming off of a ventilator.  If that’s the case, that is the first example I have heard of someone being taken off a ventilator without dying.

If all of the reports are true, then it does seem that something is going around, and it is largely impacting those who did not take the jab.  I wonder if Fauci released a virus after the vaccine rollout in order to embarrass those who refused to get vaccinated.  (I am half joking with this comment, although I can’t discount any conspiracy theory at this point.)

Why is it that the countries that have been the most heavily vaccinated (the U.S., the U.K., Israel) are those seeing some of the biggest spikes in cases?  Yet the unvaccinated are taking all of the blame.

This coincides with the CDC issuing new mask guidelines, which suggest that vaccinated people can spread the virus.

Is it possible that people who are vaccinated don’t exhibit symptoms but then go around spreading the virus to others?  After all, they wouldn’t know to stay home because they don’t feel sick.  This is actually what the CDC was saying last year when they were telling everyone to stay home.  They said that you might still transmit the virus even if you don’t feel sick.

There is also the possibility that the virus mutated because of the vaccinated.  If that’s the case, it would have likely been better off to never have any vaccines and to let younger people get the original virus, which didn’t seem to have much impact on young and healthy people.  Now we supposedly have this new variant that seems more contagious than the original (although likely less deadly).

If it becomes widely thought that vaccinated people can spread the virus (unknowingly) to others, then this will just cause both sides to dig in more.  The vaccinated will say it wouldn’t be a problem if everyone just got vaccinated.  The unvaccinated will say it wouldn’t be a problem if nobody got vaccinated.  In a way, both sides could be right.

Side Effects

The latest push by Biden, along with the new CDC guidelines, is somewhat changing the subject.

Even if one concedes that the vaccinated are much more well protected against the virus than the unvaccinated, it doesn’t mean that everyone should get a vaccine for COVID.

This is another lie/ cover-up that has occurred since the beginning of the vaccines.  There is little data on the side effects, including serious injuries and deaths, from the vaccines.  This data, to the extent it exists, is being hidden.  It is not being reported or investigated as with other things.

We have the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), but it has many problems.  It involves a bureaucratic process to report an adverse event, and the data is clunky.  You can download it and look for yourself, but it is raw data that doesn’t give a good picture of all of the possible side effects.

There are reasons to be critical of VAERS from all sides.  First, many people have never heard of it.  In the past, it was said that only 1 to 10 percent of actual vaccine side effects were reported to it.  My guess is that it was closer to 1 percent than 10 percent.  But since the COVID vaccines get so much attention now, it could be closer to 10 percent now than 1 percent.

If you look through some it (which is overwhelming), you will get a sense of how clunky it is.  The problem, as with everything else the FDA and CDC handle, is that they purposely don’t investigate things.

There are some people who are 85 or 90 years old who died after getting a COVID shot.  When you have over 100 million people in the country get vaccinated in a span of about 6 months, you are going to get a certain number of people who would have died during that time anyway.  You also would get a certain percentage of people who would suffer an adverse health event regardless of the vaccine.

On the other hand, I suspect most people don’t correlate an adverse health event with the vaccine, so it never gets reported, especially if there is a delay.  If it happens within a day or two of the shot, then it is more likely to be correlated.

Hank Aaron got the shot and died a couple of weeks later.  We have no idea if he died prematurely because of the COVID jab.  I know of other people who died after getting a jab, but the family members simply don’t think it was from the COVID shot.  It doesn’t even cross their mind.

The problem, again, is that we just don’t know.  This should be investigated.  There could easily be studies going on right now.  There are people who wanted to be vaccinated and got vaccinated.  There are people who didn’t want to be vaccinated and didn’t.  There are millions of people in each group of varying ages.

Are people who were vaccinated dying at a greater rate than those who weren’t?  Are there people going to the doctor for ailments in greater numbers amongst one group or another as a proportion of that age group?

If 80% of those older than 65 have been vaccinated, and 20% haven’t, let’s compare the two groups to see if there is anything there.  Maybe there is, and maybe there isn’t.  But we have no idea because the ones promoting the vaccines don’t want to know.


Maybe the delta variant is the boy who cried wolf.  Maybe this really is the time we should be concerned, yet many have let their guard down because the boy (the CDC, FDA, the media, the politicians) has been crying wolf for 18 months now.

From a personal standpoint, there is no question that a lot of people are getting something similar to the flu in my area.  But for most of these people, it really is just like having the flu.  We’ll see in the coming weeks if the reported deaths increase substantially.

I have to guess that vaccinated people are helping to spread it.  If over half the adult population has been fully vaccinated, plus a small percentage who previously contracted the virus, then we already should have been near herd immunity.

This tells me that either this really is a new virus, or the vaccinated people are unknowingly helping to spread it.  If there is no long-term immunity and the vaccines don’t work, then we really are in trouble, especially with the mentality that nearly everyone has adopted.

There have been bad flu seasons before, but people weren’t freaking out all over the place.  You don’t want to get the flu, but it doesn’t mean you stop your life for it, unless you really are in the small minority that would be in a dangerous situation if you did get the flu.

I’ll return to my original question.  Why are some of the most evil, conniving, and power-hungry people on this earth the same ones who are supposedly so concerned for the human race that they spend most of their time pushing these new experimental vaccines?

I can’t answer the question, but it is a question that should be thought about.  What is their motivation to see nearly the whole population get the jab?

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