How Do We Know if Vaccines are Dangerous?

There is obviously a great push by the establishment to get everyone vaccinated with one of the COVID vaccines.  The most dangerous part is the mandates being pushed, but let’s also realize that these vaccines have been funded and marketed by the government.  In addition, the government has purposely exempted the drug/ vaccine companies from liability.

The number one issue is mandates because it involves the use of force by the state.  Even in situations where private businesses are requiring vaccination, it is largely in reaction to the state pushing the vaccines.  When there is no state coercion, you at least have the option as a customer or employee to find alternatives.

Even though the primary issue is the state trying to force people to inject something into their own body, it is inevitable that there will be debate about the safety and efficacy of the vaccines.

Most of the debate has focused on how effective they are.  Those pushing the vaccines keep repeating the narrative that this is largely a pandemic of the unvaccinated.  But when they say that 98% of hospitalizations or 99% of deaths are of the unvaccinated, they are using old and misleading data.  The CDC admitted this number was obtained by taking data from January 2021 through June 2021.  The worst period of hospitalizations and deaths attributed to COVID was in January, when almost nobody was fully vaccinated.  So the statistic is completely meaningless except to deceive people.

It is becoming evident that vaccinated people are getting sick and testing positive for COVID.  You can call it the Delta variant or anything else, but it isn’t just unvaccinated people who are getting sick.  I know this from personal experience, and I’m sure most others know this as well.  That is why many people who are vaccinated are again (or still) paranoid to go out where there are large crowds.  If anything, they are more paranoid than people who are unvaccinated.

It is also curious that countries with supposedly high vaccination rates are also many of the same countries with a surge in COVID cases.  You can see that countries like the United States, the U.K., Iceland, and Israel are all experiencing a surge in COVID cases where vaccination levels are relatively high.

But let’s say that the COVID vaccines aren’t causing the virus to mutate into different variants.  Let’s assume that the vaccines do prevent severe illness and help to stop the spread.  Even if that were the case, there is still a case to be made that some people should not get vaccinated because of the risk of the vaccine itself.

Approximately 30% of the eligible U.S. population isn’t getting vaccinated, but it isn’t because they are too lazy or don’t care.  In most cases, it is because they are doing a risk/ benefit analysis, and they obviously see some downside risks to getting a jab.


As with so many things COVID, we are lied to or misled by the establishment on the safety of the vaccines.  If you watch the news, you can see stories about individuals who tragically died after contracting COVID, but you will never see a story about an individual who died right after getting a COVID vaccine.  You will never see a story about someone who had a stroke, or an enlarged heart, or suffered some kind of paralysis because of the vaccine.

On Fox News, I saw a segment of the show Gutfeld (hosted by Greg Gutfeld) on September 1, 2021.  One of the guests that day was a Fox News contributor named Lisa Boothe.  They had a discussion about vaccines and mandates.

Lisa Boothe brought up the issue of vaccine safety.  She was saying that someone her age (age 36) or someone of college age might not want to get a vaccine because the risks of the vaccine may be greater than the risks of COVID.

She then mentioned VAERS, which is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.  Gutfeld pointed out that it is self-reporting, which is true.  But if anything, this means it is likely vastly understating the number of injuries and deaths.

After Boothe mentioned VAERS, she said that there have been more reported deaths from December 2020 to now than there were previously since 1990.  Surprisingly, Gutfeld said, “I don’t think there’s any deaths caused by the vaccine.”  I was rather shocked at the naivety of this comment.  He then revised his comment and said “maybe one”.  He said out of the millions, it’s probably close to zero.

(By the way, I am still thankful for Gutfeld and a few other shows on Fox News just for allowing these discussions to take place.  This discussion wouldn’t even have been possible on CNN or any of the other corporate media outlets.)

If you extract the data from VAERS, there are over 13,000 reported deaths, and almost half of those are domestic (within the United States).  There are tens of thousands of reported serious injuries.

Now, it is certainly likely that at least a few of these deaths would have happened anyway because so many people got the COVID shots.  If a 90 year old gets the jab and then dies three days later, it might have been his time to go anyway.

This was one of the criticisms of the COVID death data starting in March 2020.  If someone tested positive for COVID and died within 4 weeks, they were classified as having died of COVID.  But when this happens with a vaccine, then the establishment and its media will just say it was that person’s time to go.

But there is little doubt that a decent percentage of those deaths reported to VAERS were legitimately a result of getting the vaccine.

A lot of people have never heard of VAERS.  Surprisingly, there are even some doctors who are unfamiliar with it.  The number of reported deaths has to be greatly understated.  So it is quite possible that the number of deaths due to the COVID vaccines is in the tens of thousands in the U.S. alone.  But because of the lack of data and the lack of research (on purpose), it is impossible to know a good ballpark number.

Long-Term Effects and Available Data

Even more concerning are the long-term effects.  If someone gets vaccinated, then gets sick the next day, and then dies the day after that, then it is pretty easy to link that up, at least for those close to the person.  The thought is going to cross your mind if you knew the person had just been vaccinated.

But what if someone dies two weeks after vaccination?  What if there are longer-term effects and someone dies 6 months after vaccination?  Unless this is tracked and researched, there is no way to know.

Hank Aaron died a few weeks after getting vaccinated.  My local news reported his death, and they reported that he had just gotten vaccinated a few weeks earlier to show other African-Americans that it was safe to do.  They said this with no irony and no acknowledgement that there could have possibly been a link between his vaccination and his death.  Maybe it really was just his time to go and it wouldn’t have mattered if he had been vaccinated.  But nobody is curious enough to investigate.  The people who are in power are purposely not investigating because of what it might show.

One big problem is that the control group from the original vaccine studies was purposely let go.  In other words, those people who received a placebo in the vaccine trials were later told that they could go ahead and get the vaccine.  So there is no control group to see if there are long-term effects.

Now, we do have a control group in the United States in the form of tens of millions of adults who chose not to get vaccinated.  But unless a formal study is done (and it won’t be done by the government or the pharmaceutical companies), then we can’t get the right data.

We shouldn’t be comparing the vaccinated and unvaccinated for COVID cases, especially when the CDC measures them differently.  The CDC doesn’t count a breakthrough case unless you test positive at 28 cycles or less and are hospitalized or die.  The unvaccinated are held to a different standard.

Either way, this doesn’t tell us enough.  It might tell us that being vaccinated helps prevent hospitalization or death from COVID by some percentage greater than the unvaccinated.  But this doesn’t measure it against overall mortality.

The only proper way to measure is to figure out the overall mortality of the vaccinated versus the unvaccinated.  Since older people tend to have higher vaccination rates, the mortality would be higher for vaccinated people because of the age factor.  So you would have to compare people of the same age.

In other words, take 1,000 people age 75 who were fully vaccinated by February 2021.  Take another 1,000 people age 75 who have never been vaccinated.  Compare the mortality results between the two groups since the beginning of the vaccination.

Do the same thing for every age range.  Find 1,000 people age 65 who were fully vaccinated and compare them to 1,000 random people who were not vaccinated.  How many from each group died?

You can’t exclude people that have already died.  You have to randomly select people from January who were alive at that time.

If it can be done with the entire population broken down into age groups, that would be all the better.  But that data isn’t available to independent researchers.  The state controls this data, and it purposely doesn’t want to see any such comparison.

If you look at 1,000 people age 80 who were vaccinated, maybe you will find that only 20 of these people contracted COVID with symptoms between February and now.  Maybe the 1,000 people age 80 who were unvaccinated had 50 people contract COVID with symptoms.  Maybe 1 person in the vaccinated group died due to COVID.  Maybe 10 people in the unvaccinated group died of COVID.  But wait.

What if you look and see that 40 people from the vaccinated group died during that period, while 30 people (including the deaths attributed to COVID) in the unvaccinated group died during that period?  Maybe there are other factors that would have to be considered, but this would be interesting data that would be good to know.

Well, it wouldn’t be good for Fauci, Gates, vaccine manufacturers, and all of those who are trying to profit off of the fear while pushing hard for vaccination.

This is the data we need, but it is almost impossible to get.  The establishment and its pushers purposely don’t want any such studies done.  If you get vaccinated and die a month later of a stroke or a heart attack, they don’t want there to be any link to the vaccines.

It’s possible such a study could be done and it would be found that the vaccines are relatively safe.  If that’s the case, why hide the data?

This is why approximately 30% of the population doesn’t want the vaccine.  In fact, it may be higher because some people were pushed into getting it by their employer or by the state.  These people don’t trust what the corporate media, the CDC, the drug companies, and all of the other vaccine pushers are telling them for good reason.  They purposely hide and manipulate data constantly in their favor.

Until such an honest study is done, the vaccine skeptics will remain skeptical, and rightly so.

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