Should I Accept an Apology for COVID Lockdowns and Vaccine Mandates?

Most people have quietly moved on from COVID.  There are still a few fanatics who preach vaccines and COVID safety, but luckily there are few of them.  There may be some who still endorse COVID protocols reminiscent of 2020 through 2022 and are silent about it.  The reason they are silent about it is because it is too embarrassing to preach it any longer.  Most people will shake their head or laugh at them.

There is a large percentage of the American population who endorsed the lockdowns and vaccine mandates. We can’t be sure if it was a majority because there is always a segment of the population who accept government directives even though they may not explicitly endorse them.

Still, regardless of the percentage, it was probably somewhere around half the country that largely accepted the COVID tyranny.  Most of them have moved on.  They don’t say much at all.  If the topic comes up and they have to say something about it, they will usually say that we didn’t know as much about the virus at that time.

This is not true because it was known in March 2020 that it was mostly old people and people with major health problems who were dying of COVID or supposedly dying of COVID.  I can’t speak as much for what happened outside of the U.S., but I can say that many Americans who supposedly died of COVID were people who probably would have died soon anyway.  And for the younger or healthier people who supposedly died of COVID, it seems they actually died of deadly hospital protocols.

There was still mass hysteria in 2021.  Many states still had strict protocols, and this is also when the vaccine mandates showed up.  But in 2021, it was quite obvious that this was not the killer disease that it was originally portrayed to be.  So, I don’t buy the excuse that “we” didn’t know a lot about the virus back then.  Many people did know, but they were dismissed as whackos or conspiracy theorists.

Still, there is a bigger factor in this whole thing than knowledge that I have a problem with.


Most people won’t admit they were wrong.  It is a hard thing for humans to do.  There are a few people who will admit that they didn’t quite get things right though.  There is an even smaller percentage who will apologize or at least say that maybe the other side got things right.  Some are more genuine than others.

But even if someone apologizes for getting things wrong, this isn’t good enough for me.  I won’t accept this apology.  The problem is that these people advocated for the use of government force to keep people in their homes and to mandate a medical injection in order to keep their job.

There may be an extremely tiny percentage of people who got things wrong on COVID, and perhaps were hysterical about it, but did not advocate for the use of any government force.  I may not fully trust the judgment of these people now, but I could accept an apology from them if they just say they got some things wrong on COVID.

However, for most of the people who do admit getting things wrong and offer some sort of apology for getting things wrong, they advocated for the use of force.  Are they offering an apology for using force, or are they offering an apology for not understanding more about a virus?

The same goes for the vaccine mandates.  Are they sorry for mandating the vaccine, or are they sorry for not believing people who questioned the safety and efficacy of the so-called vaccines?

I don’t want an apology because the vaccine didn’t work.  I want an apology because force was used.

I won’t accept an apology from someone who is merely saying they got some of the facts wrong.  That means they will just make the same mistake the next time.  They will be willing to use government force again in the future.  They just want to make sure they get their facts straight before using force.  Of course, they probably thought they had their facts straight three years ago.

The lesson of this whole thing isn’t that the vaccines were not safe and effective as sold.  The lesson should be that force never should have been used.  Biden should be in prison for threatening to fire approximately 100 million people if they didn’t get jabbed.  Any politician, bureaucrat, or media figure who supported these mandates should be shunned from society.  They should never be in a position of power ever again.

The problem in 2020 through 2022 wasn’t that people got the facts wrong on COVID and vaccines.  The problem is that they were willing to use the force of government to impose their way on other people.

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