The Difficulty in Reversing the Surveillance State

Congress and Biden recently renewed FISA and warrantless spying.  In fact, they actually added a provision to require every company that provides internet-related services to assist the NSA.  Now the government can tell people to spy and they are not allowed to say anything.  According to the legislation, it seems it would make it legal for the government to instruct your cable guy to spy on you and prohibit him from saying anything.

There is great danger to our liberty with the surveillance state.  It’s not just that the government spies on you.  It’s also that is makes it nearly impossible for any kind of significant reform against the deep state.

The government is collecting billions of emails and text messages, probably in any given day.  The problem for the tyrants is that it is information overload.  They are dealing with so much data that most of it will go unseen by anybody.  Of course, it might not be pleasant for those who are being closely surveilled.

It makes a mockery of our justice system.  The powers-that-be in the federal government can destroy just about anyone that they are determined to destroy.  They could probably destroy Trump, but since he is so well known, they have to do it more delicately.  It seems strange to say because of these blatant attempts to get Trump on anything.  But I do think some of the elitists recognize the danger of just outright killing Trump or throwing him in jail on frivolous charges.

Anyone in favor of liberty should obviously be against government spying, particularly warrantless spying. There shouldn’t be people still around who believe in the myth that it is all to stop terrorism.  Of course, the government will define a mother going to a local schoolboard meeting as a terrorist.  They will define anyone who opposes certain official narratives as a terrorist.  So, by the government’s own definitions, perhaps they really are spying to stop terrorism if by terrorism they mean anyone who threatens the tyrannical powers of the deep state.

How Do We Get Reform?

Perhaps the even bigger problem is that is makes it almost impossible to achieve significant reform in this area without the whole system blowing up.

There are some people who enter Congress who actually want to do the right thing.  The power inevitably goes to their head, but it doesn’t make everyone in Congress completely evil.  The problem is that they can’t reform the system even if they wanted to.

When you think of Epstein island, it wasn’t just a child sex trafficking ring.  It was a blackmail scheme.  There were rich and powerful people who go caught up in it.  At that point, they always had to play ball with the establishment.  Otherwise, their lives would be instantly ruined.

It is a joke that nobody other than Epstein and Maxwell have faced charges over this.  The Department of Justice had no problem rounding up over 1,000 people who were on Capitol grounds on January 6, 2021 and prosecuting them, yet they just can’t seem to find anyone guilty from Epstein’s island.

Trump appointed Alexander Acosta as Secretary of Labor.  Acosta originally oversaw the easy treatment of Epstein (the first time) in 2007/ 2008.  Acosta said that he was told not to go any farther with Epstein because he belonged to “intelligence”.  Why is nobody from Congress demanding that Acosta testify and explain exactly who told him that?

The people in Congress are terrified of the intelligence agencies.  As Chuck Schumer accurately said about Donald Trump, “Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.”

There are many evil people in Congress who don’t want the right things for the country.  But there are some who aren’t evil but are not able to confront the intelligence agencies and the spying state.  What’s worse than someone in Congress who is in on the evil is someone in Congress who is afraid to confront the evil.  With the latter, it shows little hope of ever reforming the system for the better because there is nobody in there who can be replaced with someone who will do it.

Imagine if a group of people in Congress put forth legislation to abolish the CIA, the FBI, and the NSA.  How long would it take for at least some of these members of Congress to find themselves in trouble with the law?  They would be facing the Trump treatment.  Who really wants to go through that?

You can see the problem here.  How do we ever rid ourselves of this evil if there is barely anybody willing to face it?  It is completely understandable why nobody wants to take on the deep state.  It is called self-preservation.  We see what happened to Edward Snowden and Julian Assange.

If it was just a matter of getting rid of some corrupt congressmen, that would seem like a doable task.  How do we get rid of the deep state characters who are truly evil who will punish anyone who threatens their power?


It’s not that there is no hope for the future.  There are ways for the evil people in power to at least lose power if not brought to justice.  The only real hope is that a large percentage of the population becomes aware of the evils being perpetrated upon them.

In 1985, it looked like the Soviet Union would last for a long time.  Yet, in 1989, it started to crumble.  A couple of years later, it ended.  Miraculously, it ended peacefully for the most part.

The worst of the criminals of the Soviet empire were never made to pay for their crimes.  Some of them probably went off into hiding with a lot of money.  But at least they lost power.  Sometimes a system can seem unbeatable even though it is not sustainable.

We can’t rely on people with political power to remove power from the tyrants.  But if enough people stop consenting to the system, it is possible to get changes for the better.

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