Why did the Biden Handlers and the DOJ Let Julian Assange Go?

The Department of (In)Justice and the Biden people are evil to the core.  Yet, every now and then, we get something slightly good out of them.  It’s hard to say that a broken clock is right twice a day in this instance.  I’m sure that it wasn’t an accident or an act of good will, but sometimes the regime will do the right thing if it sees benefit in doing the right thing.

Julian Assange appears to be a free man.  This is assuming that the U.S. government isn’t pulling any dirty tricks here.  Assange was forced to give a guilty plea in order to get released from prison.

There are some people who are up in arms at the fact that Assange had to plead guilty in order to be released.  It is true that Assange is not guilty of anything except exposing the crimes of the state.  Still, I don’t think there is anyone saying that Assange shouldn’t have taken the deal.  If there are such people, they can’t legitimately speak on this because they don’t know what Assange has been put through.

The U.S. and British governments are still evil for what they have done to Assange for more than a decade.  This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t celebrate this news.  We can be happy for Assange and his family.  We can also be happy that our voices may actually make a difference if they are strong enough.

We can assume that the DOJ didn’t just let Assange go for moral reasons.  The people at the top didn’t do it because it was the right thing to do.  There was obviously some sinister reason for doing so.  To be sure, the Biden handlers must have known that this was going to happen and approved of it if they didn’t actually give the directives.

Possible Motives

Why would the Biden handlers and the DOJ release Assange?  I can think of a few reasons.

  1. Perhaps they saw a political advantage in doing so.  They could appease the far left (who happen to be correct on this issue) by releasing Assange, while still getting a guilty plea as a warning sign to others who might do something similar.  It also eliminates any possibility of Trump coming out and saying that he might free Assange, even though he probably would have already said so at the Libertarian Party convention when he said he would commute the sentence of Ross Ulbricht.  I heard Judge Napolitano say that Trump was planning to free Assange when he was president, but he was persuaded otherwise by others around him.
  2. Maybe the Biden people thought Assange could die in Belmarsh prison, or even worse, in U.S. custody.  He has reportedly not been in good health, which isn’t surprising given the conditions and lack of sun.  In the little video I’ve seen of Assange being released, he looked better than I thought he would.  Still, I can see why the U.S. government would not want to have to put on a trial for Assange, and I can definitely see why they wouldn’t want him dying in custody.  Public opinion would correctly blame the U.S. and British governments for his death.
  3. By removing this as an issue, it keeps the left and libertarians from uniting on another issue against the regime.  It also takes a little bit of wind out of the sails of the Kennedy campaign.  Perhaps they see it as less chance that leftists and libertarians will go to Kennedy.  As much as the establishment hates Trump, I think they might actually hate Kennedy more.  They would rather have it as a two-way race between Biden (or his replacement) and Trump.

Where Does Assange Go From Here?

Regardless of the reasons, it looks like Assange will get to live in Australia and be free.  I hope he takes some time to regain his health and spend time with his family.  He has already sacrificed more than anyone can imagine.  If he never talks to the media and never does any kind of political activism again, I completely understand.

I actually hope that Assange doesn’t start back up in publishing state secrets that expose state crimes.  Maybe he won’t be able to help himself.  Still, he can let someone else take the next fall.

Assange should be celebrated as someone who is honest and someone who was trying to make our society better by exposing the evils of the power elite and those they direct.  The more people that understand that Assange is on the side of the good people, the more we will move towards a free society.

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