Was Biden Drunk?

The first presidential debate of 2024 between Trump and Biden is in the books.  It is probably the last debate we’ll see between these two.  Either Biden’s people will refuse to debate again, or else Biden will get replaced.

The whole thing started with Biden walking out and looking like an old man.  He started waving to a crowd that wasn’t there.  From the very start, he tripped over his words and mumbled a lot.  If he was given drugs, it wasn’t the right dosage.  It’s not as if they wore off towards the end of the debate.  Or maybe no drugs can save him at this point.

He really sounded drunk to me.  I’m sure it was a drug other than alcohol, but he did sound drunk.  He showed the whole world that he is unfit to be president, even though everyone should have already known that.  In fact, Biden is unfit to work at a grocery store or to watch the neighbor’s dog.

I don’t like for his dementia to be the number one reason that he shouldn’t be elected again.  It is certainly a good and legitimate reason, but it isn’t the number one reason.  The main reason he shouldn’t be elected again is because he is a criminal.  Even though he is senile, it doesn’t erase his past criminality.

Biden is a war criminal who has continued to fund an evil Ukrainian regime that is killing tens of thousands of Ukrainians unnecessarily.  Biden tried to impose vaccine mandates on the entire country, which led to massive suffering.  Many people lost their jobs, had the stress of fearing a job loss, or were compelled to take a medical experiment that they didn’t want.

Biden is, of course, deep in corruption.  Ukraine is his slush fund where he funnels money.  His son was getting paid (and handing 10% over to the “Big Guy”) handsomely in exchange for his dad’s influence when vice president.  Joe Biden is a total criminal, and we probably don’t even know a tenth of it.

So, I didn’t feel sorry for him on the stage.  He has helped terrorize and ruin millions of lives, so I can’t feel sorry for his embarrassment just because he has some kind of dementia now.

Let’s move on to the debate itself.

Who Was the Winner and Loser?

The winner was Robert Kennedy Jr., who still has hope of pulling off an upset, even though he was excluded from the “debate”.  Trump was mediocre, but looked good compared to Biden.

Biden was unquestionably the loser.  He will either go down in an epic defeat in November or he will be replaced.  There are already rumors about replacing him.

You have to wonder if this was part of the plan of the Democratic Party establishment.  They waited until after the primaries, but they held the debate earlier than normal.  These two aren’t even the official nominees yet, as the conventions still have to be held.  This now gives the option to replace Biden with enough time for someone else to come on the scene.

If this was the plan, perhaps it was foolish of Trump to debate Biden this early.  Maybe he should have waited until August or September to force the Democrats to make a choice before knowing Biden would make a total fool of himself.

In the debate itself, Trump was the winner by default.  Still, he wasn’t that great.  There was one point where the two men started arguing over their golf game.  We are on the verge of a massive war with Russia and Americans are struggling to afford groceries, but the two main presidential candidates are arguing over which one is better at golf.  I was just waiting for them to start arguing over who had a longer particular body part.

Biden said he got down to a 6 handicap.  Maybe that was a putt-putt course.  Biden was lying about almost everything he said when I could make sense of anything.  He was repeating some of the old lying talking points of the media about Trump (drinking bleach, calling white supremacists very fine people, etc.).  I am almost certain Joe Biden was never a 6 handicap in golf.

Biden Blunders

Biden told so many lies and so many ridiculous things, it is hard to know where to start.  I will just comment on a few.

At one point, they were talking about getting the black vote.  Biden said that he cut black child care costs in half.  Really Biden?  First, I didn’t know there were child care costs specific to black people.  Was it only for black children, or was that for everyone?  With the massive price inflation we’ve seen over the last 3 years, I find it hard to believe anything of significance went down by 50%.  What exactly did you do, Biden, to get black child care costs cut in half?  Do you have some source other than your non-functioning brain to cite?

Trump had to pander on this topic too, unfortunately.  Trump said that immigrants are taking black jobs.  I don’t want to get into a whole economic lesson here, but I didn’t know that black people owned jobs.  It was a far less stupid comment than Biden’s, but still not good.

On abortion, Trump was pretty good (not great).  He did say he wanted to leave it to the states, but then kind of contradicted himself.  On this issue, which you might think would favor Biden, he totally blundered it.  He started talking about a young woman who was just murdered by an immigrant.  Talk about handing your opponent a victory.

Biden, in reference to abortion, went on to talk about women “being raped by their in-laws, by their spouses, brothers, and sisters”.


Was Biden speaking from experience here?  When we talk about abortion, I’m pretty sure women being raped by their sisters isn’t really an issue, although in today’s world of transgenderism, I guess anything is possible.  Why is Biden talking about women being raped by their own family members?  Do we need to know something about his past?  This is all a bit troubling to say the least.

There were many other times where Biden had little substance and was just rambling and mumbling.  He was bailed out by the CNN moderators in one particularly bad episode when they said his time was up.

Trump Could Have Been Better

Trump came out ahead, but it wasn’t that great.  If he ends up facing a Biden replacement, he will need to step up his game.  Trump certainly had some good moments.  At one point, Trump said he couldn’t understand the last part of Biden’s sentence and that Biden probably didn’t understand it either.

If I heard correctly at one point, I thought Trump referred to Biden as “Brandon”.  It is funny to those of us who understand.

Trump was muddled as usual on foreign policy.  He says the Ukraine war will be over when he becomes president, but he implies that it will be because Putin and other foreign leaders will fear him.  Even though Trump has some good instincts at times on foreign policy, it is very frustrating to hear him.  He is afraid to speak too much truth and say that Putin will end the war in Ukraine if NATO doesn’t assist or arm Ukraine and if the ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine are protected.  This is one area where Kennedy would have shined over Trump.

It was kind of funny listening to Trump talk about COVID.  At one point, he was wanting to brag about the vaccines and he shifted and said that he never imposed mandates.  At least he is listening to his base a little more on this issue than before.

I also thought Trump was weak on coming back on the Biden lies.  He probably needs to more clearly address some of these myths that the media has told.  Trump didn’t say neo-Nazis were very fine people.  He didn’t say to drink bleach.  He needs to expose these things as lies.  It is crazy that the Biden handlers told Biden to repeat these old lines at the debate.  But anyone who would consider voting for Biden would just believe them anyway.


CNN came out of this looking ok.  I’m sure Biden knew the questions in advance, or at least had a pretty good idea.  It didn’t do him any good.  CNN is obviously biased against Trump, but I think they put on enough of an appearance of being fair as was possible without really grilling Biden.

It should not be surprising if Biden gets replaced in the coming weeks.  The Democratic establishment can just pick their nominee (Gavin, Hillary, etc.).  No voting is necessary.  The party that likes to talk so much about saving democracy will never have a vote for their favored candidate.  Why put up with some annoyance like Bernie Sanders unnecessarily?

Trump is obviously the favorite to win at this point.  We can only guess what the deep state is going to pull.

Kennedy is sitting in the background as an alternative option.  I’m sure many people were disgusted by both men at the debate, which can only help Kennedy.  Still, the deck is stacked against Kennedy.  He has trouble getting on ballots as a third-party candidate.  He is shut out of the debates and most of the establishment media.

If you enjoy a political show, the rest of 2024 will not be boring.

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