Does Joe Biden Even Have a Choice?

Since the disastrous “debate” performance (not from my view), there has been a rift within the Democratic establishment on whether Joe Biden should continue as the party’s presumptive nominee for president.  This is noteworthy because usually the establishment media (other than Fox News) and the Democrats in power are singing in unison, especially when it comes to something like this.

Just about everyone on the left has shown support for Joe Biden.  It’s never been because they love Joe Biden.  It is because they hate Donald Trump.  Some just truly hate Trump’s personality.  The people in power hate Trump because they see him as a threat to the status quo, which is a threat to their power.

The corporate press hasn’t exactly turned against Joe Biden.  They aren’t pointing out that he is a criminal.  But they are pointing out that he had a bad debate performance and that maybe he is not the best person to beat Donald Trump.

The sad, yet hilarious, thing about this is that the establishment people, including the corporate media, are questioning Biden’s cognitive abilities in terms of running for re-election.  They are purposely ignoring the bigger question in the room.  How is Joe Biden currently the president?

How is Joe Biden “running” the country?  They have assured us that the idea of there being a deep state is a right-wing conspiracy theory or that it simply means we have people in government who will do the right thing.  But if Biden is too demented to debate or run again, then who exactly is running the country right now?  Can we have a name or a group of names of the people calling the shots?  It sure doesn’t seem to be Biden.

If there isn’t a deep state, then there is at least a shadow president who is running the show.  Is it Jill?  Is it Hunter?  Is it Obama?  Is it Hillary?  When Biden signs an executive order, who is putting it in front of him to sign?  We know that it wasn’t Joe Biden’s idea.

I don’t like the idea of the president “running” the country, but that is the view of the establishment and, to some degree, the average American.  Biden still has 6 more months as president.  Shouldn’t the media’s concern be about who is running the country for the next 6 months?  Why is all of the concern about being who should replace Biden as the nominee in order to beat Trump?  It tells you where their priorities are and what they really believe.

Mutually Assured Destruction

Countries with nuclear weapons tend not to use them, especially against other countries with nuclear weapons.  Let’s hope this remains the case.  The reason, at least up until now, is an idea known as mutually assured destruction.  If you drop a nuke on another country, then you might get blown up too.  This makes even all of the politicians vulnerable.

The same theory operates to a certain degree in establishment politics.  Anyone who is heavily involved is invested in the game.  They have dirt against others, and others have dirt against them.

Biden is more than waist deep in dirt.  He has criminal activity going back a long way.  He has been using Ukraine as some kind of slush fund since at least the time he was vice president.

If there is a consensus in the establishment that Joe Biden has to go, then Joe Biden doesn’t have a real choice.  Unless he wants to blow up the whole system, he will quietly go into the night.  In return, the establishment will continue to cover up his crimes.

If Joe Biden is too demented to understand and Jill makes the decision to refuse to give up the nomination (let alone the presidency), then I’m sure she will be reminded that we wouldn’t want any leaks to the media about the “big guy” getting 10%.

Of course, Joe Biden is already on video saying that he threatened to withhold a billion dollars from Ukraine until they fired the prosecutor that was investigating the company that his son was working for.  The corporate media just doesn’t play it.  “Hey Jill, if Joe doesn’t give up the nomination, it would be a shame if the media started playing that clip for everyone to see.”

If Jill and Joe get the big idea to go full nuclear and expose the criminality of others, then it would be game over for them.  There might be a plane crash, or Joe might suddenly suffer from a more extreme health issue.

I think Jill and Joe would get the point.  He is senile and demented, but he is a career criminal.  He still understands the game.  If they want him out, then he will have to leave.

The only reason they would keep Joe Biden around at this point is if they truly think he is the best chance at beating Donald Trump.  I don’t think most people believe that any more.  For that reason, it is likely that there will be another nominee coming out of the Democratic establishment.

It actually worked really well for them.  They didn’t have to worry about a democratic vote with the people.  They didn’t have to contend with RFK Jr. getting the nomination.  They didn’t have to worry about someone mildly disruptive like a Bernie Sanders.  They will just get to pick Kamala or whoever it is without any fuss or campaigning.

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