Alpha Trump Gets Shot, Keeps Campaigning

It was obvious that 2024 would get crazier, but this has reached new heights and we are still several months out from the general election.  With an assassination attempt against Trump, we are getting historic moments seemingly every week.

The event is tragic because at least one innocent person lost his life, and another was apparently severely injured.  Meanwhile, Teflon Don somehow gets through mostly unscathed.

If that bullet had been an inch or two over, Donald Trump would be dead.  We would be sitting here in the middle of July not knowing the nominee of either major party.

The left and the establishment really do want Trump dead.  Some are more willing to say it out loud.  They tried smearing him in the establishment media, and it only made him more popular.  They made up a Russia story, and at least half the country correctly didn’t believe it.  They impeached him twice.  They have multiple political prosecutions that are attempting to bankrupt him and send him to jail.  Yet, Trump only gets more popular, if anything.

I have said that the only thing left they haven’t tried (that we know of) is to kill him.  Now that has been tried.  We don’t know if this really was a lone nut or if there is some greater conspiracy.  It wouldn’t surprise me either way.  It won’t surprise me if we find out that the shooter had some kind of ties to the CIA or some other intelligence agency.  Again, it also really could have just been a lone nut who hated Trump.

Incompetence or Evil?

There is a striking similarity to this assassination attempt to what happened in Israel on October 7.  After the attacks in Israel, I said that the Israeli government either allowed or assisted in the attacks, or it is completely incompetent.

I feel the same way here about the Secret Service.  Either some of the Secret Service agents are evil and allowed the shooting to take place, or else they are completely incompetent.  If I were Donald Trump, I would be exploring new options for security protection.

How could a nearby building just outside of the rally not be cleared and protected during this rally?  That would be one of the most obvious things to do.  In fact, there probably should have been police or Secret Service on top of the building where the shots were fired.  If the building owners wouldn’t allow it, then you don’t hold the rally there.

In addition, there have been many witnesses who said they saw the man go up on the building with a rifle or some kind of gun.  They were trying to point him out to police and Secret Service.  The shooter was not killed until after he got off his shots.

I understand that you can’t just kill someone because it looks like he might be about to do something.  But why wasn’t the Secret Service rushing the stage where Trump was speaking until the possible threat was verified and taken care of?  How could they just not do anything other than kill the guy after he got his shots off?

I have read many things on the Kennedy assassination, and for some people who have done great research on the topic, they believe that at least some members of the Secret Service were in on the shooting of JFK.  They did not follow proper protocol that day.

I am not saying for sure that the Secret Service was in on the shooting of Trump.  It is more likely that they aren’t that evil.  But if that’s the case, then it means they are totally incompetent and should not be in that position.

Alpha Male

In this tragic situation, I still couldn’t help but laugh at Trump.  The guy just narrowly missed death.  He had the top of his ear blown off and there is blood on his face.  It was not fully known if there was still a threat.  While the Secret Service was surrounding him and trying to keep him down, Trump sticks his head up and pumps his fist in the air.  He seems to be saying, “Fight.  Fight.”  Meanwhile, the crowd starts cheering and chanting “USA”.

Trump had literally almost been killed seconds ago and had blood on his face, and his first instinct is to keep campaigning and pumping up the crowd in defiance of evil.  Trump is a true alpha male.

Let’s not forget that Trump is 78 years old.

Even after he was being ushered into a vehicle, he still stuck his head up one last time and pumped his fist in the air.  I can think of nobody else in this world who would do this other than Trump.

If Trump manages to survive the next 4 months, I don’t see how he could not be elected.  Even if he is sentenced to jail and there is massive election fraud, I don’t see how he doesn’t win.

If I were Trump (which I’m definitely not and can’t understand his mentality), I would consider not doing these events any longer.  I know this is where Trump thrives, so he probably will continue to do them.  Still, I don’t think anyone at this point will call him a coward if he campaigns from home.

Trump should be dead, and he was extremely lucky.  I’m not sure why he would continue to put himself at severe risk, especially with this incompetent or evil “protection” that he has.

If You Strike Me Down

Trump has his many flaws and gets a lot of things wrong.  Still, I can’t help but think of the Star Wars seen when Darth Vader is about to kill Obi Wan Kenobi.

“If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine.”

If “they” manage to kill Trump, his 80 million or so supporters aren’t going away.  They aren’t just going to accept what happens and say, “Oh well, I guess we’re stuck with Kamala Harris or Nikki Haley now.”

I do not think there is going to be a bloody civil war.  I think most Trump supporters will remain peaceful no matter what.  But it doesn’t mean they are going to sit down and accept whatever is handed to them.  This is actually a scenario where I see secession or some kind of separation become a real possibility.

The evil establishment has been exposed.  That is Trump’s greatest gift.  If they strike him down, it will just reveal how utterly evil they are.  The American people can only be tricked into supporting a government with evil people at the top.  If it is obvious that they are evil, the majority of Americans will reject it.  Even evil and tyrannical governments rely on the consent of the people they rule over.  This is why they use propaganda.

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