Are the Leftist Conspiracy Theorists Guilty of a Crime?

There are many conspiracy theories floating around after the attempted assassination of Donald Trump.  Some are more plausible than others.

It is possible that it really just was a lone nut who had a severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) who wanted to become a hero for those who hated Trump.  After all, if you think Trump is truly Hitler, then it becomes easier to justify violent actions against him.

The problem here is just how amateur the assassin seemed to be.  He obviously got one shot that hit Trump and several others that killed someone and severely injured others.  But his actions leading up to the shots being fired are just ridiculous.  He was scoping out the area and then climbed a ladder onto the roof.  He was crawling on top of the roof, but he could still be easily seen by people on the ground.

As I wrote a couple of days after the incident took place, either the Secret Service agents who were there are evil or completely incompetent.  I can’t rule out them being completely incompetent, but this is almost an understatement.  You could have trained a bunch of people off the streets the day before on what to do, and they would have done a better job.  In fact, if the Trump supporters at the rally and outside the rally had been armed and not afraid to get in trouble with the law, they probably would have taken out the threat.

I am sympathetic to the argument that the Secret Service couldn’t just blow a guy’s head off because he looked suspicious.  But it was obvious he was up to no good, and they should have been able to see that he had a gun because some people on the ground saw that.  If they didn’t want to kill him on the spot, why were they not radioing in a “code red” or whatever it is?  They should have been rushing the stage to cover Trump and get him out of there.  But none of this was done.

It was ridiculous that that roof wasn’t already occupied by Secret Service, let alone not being monitored carefully.  Now we get to hear different government agencies blame each other.  The local police say it wasn’t their job.  The Secret Service says it was the police’s job because it was outside the venue.  I don’t know about the police, but the Secret Service is fully to blame for this.  It is just a question of whether it was total incompetence or if it was done on purpose.  They only shot the guy after Trump went down.

Where is the Alex Jones Treatment?

There have been a few conspiracy theories coming from the left.  They don’t like the fact that Trump got shot and came out looking like a hero and a tough guy.  Shortly after Trump gets shot in the ear, he pops up and pumps his fist in the air.  How many people would do such a thing?

One of the conspiracies coming from the left is that Trump grabbed his ear and had some kind of packet in his hand with red liquid, to make it look like blood.  In other words, they are claiming that there were no bullets fired.

Of course, in today’s world of cell phones and videos, that would be almost impossible to get away with.  But let’s compare this with the Alex Jones treatment.

Alex Jones originally questioned whether a school shooting actually happened.  He got sued and had a judgement against him for something like $50 million.  It was supposedly hurtful to the families of the victims, as if that is a reason you should be prevented from speaking.

Well, this shooting at the Trump rally took at least one innocent life.  It is not known if anyone else will ultimately die, but there are a couple of serious injuries as well.

What about the families of these victims?  These leftists who are claiming there was no actual shooting are doing the same exact thing that Alex Jones was accused of doing.  Does it only matter because Alex Jones is more famous?  Can these leftist conspiracy theorists be sued for tens of millions of dollars because of the hurtful things they are saying?

Of course, I don’t believe it should be illegal in any way to speak conspiracy theories, even if they are ridiculous.  As long as you aren’t threatening anyone, you should be free to give any theory you want, even if it may hurt the feelings of others.

The point is that there is a massive double standard.  The powers-that-be orchestrated this lawsuit against Alex Jones in order to bankrupt him and shut him up.  You won’t see the same treatment given to those calling the shooting at the Trump rally fake.

With the complete evil or incompetence we just saw that almost resulted in Trump’s death, we should be discussing conspiracy theories more openly than ever.

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