Michelle Obama – Nastier Than Ever

Michelle Obama spoke at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago on Tuesday night.  She is a nasty and bitter person, and every bit of it came through in her speech.

It was far worse than I could have imagined.  If you read a transcript, parts of it sound like it could be a parody written by some rightwing Republican.

If you don’t want to suffer through her speech, it starts out with some “hope” and inspiration stories.  The second half mostly consists of her telling everybody that society is racist, Donald Trump is racist, and the only reason people won’t vote for Kamala Harris is because she is a black woman.  She also assured everyone that Trump fears her and her husband because they are intelligent successful people who happen to be black.

There was originally a lot of talk about Michelle Obama possibly replacing Biden as the nominee for president.  I questioned the basis for this.  Michelle Obama may not want to be president, and we don’t really know of her ability to discuss actual political issues.  Her speeches are one giant culture war accusing everything of racism.

Barack Obama, in spite of his evilness, is charismatic, and he also understands his audience better.  It is much the same way that Bill Clinton has a way of relating to people better than Hillary Clinton.  Maybe the men in these examples are just better actors.  But Obama at least tries to be funny and offer his empty platitudes of hope and change.

Michelle Obama, on the other hand, is purely divisive and bitter.  She just can’t help herself.  It is who she is.  This is why she could never be a legitimate contender for president.  She would simply turn off too many people with her hatefulness.  What plays well to the diehard Democrats at the convention would not play well with middle America, even for those who tend to lean politically left.  The people at the convention were eating up every word she said (in a creepy way), but I don’t think this is representative of America in general.

The Worst One

Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton have both spoken to the convention.  Their speeches were certainly filled with many lies and hate.  But they did not reach the level of Michelle Obama.

I had known that Obama was this way, but I had no idea it was this big of a psychological disorder for her.  She will forever be angry at the world around her.  It is a sad situation to see, especially for someone who spent 8 years in the White House with her husband ruling over this supposed racist country.

She says that there is no affirmative action generational wealth for black people in this country.  I wonder how her daughters feel about that.  What will happen to the multi-million dollar mansions that the Obamas own?  Will they be passed on to white people?

As evil and authoritarian as Kamala Harris is, I think she is smart enough to not give this kind of a speech.  At the very least, her advisors will make sure of it.  If Harris delivers anything close to the speech that was given by Michelle Obama, she will almost surely lose the election.

Harris already comes across as a phony, probably because she is.  She has this awful and uncomfortable laugh at things that aren’t funny, yet she is reportedly quite nasty to her staff.  This is why most of them end up quitting.

But Harris has to win over swing voters and independents.  She can’t give this kind of divisive speech that was given by Obama.  She can’t just call the whole world racist and expect to win.

Lucky for the Democrats that the speeches by the most notable people have come late at night when most people on the east coast have gone to bed.  If you watch the establishment media, the clips they show of Michelle Obama will tend not to be the really bad parts where she is calling everything and everyone racist.

Again, I had no idea she was this bitter and angry inside.  She can’t even cover it up for a nationally-televised speech.  She wanted to deliver this speech.  I don’t think most people would ever want somebody this outwardly hateful as president.

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