The DNC, RFK Jr., and Trump

With the election approaching, there is no shortage of news out there.  It started in June when the other half of the world was forced to recognize that the sitting president of the United States has dementia.

In July, Trump was nearly killed by the deep state or deep state incompetence.  But he turned his head just enough at just the right moment, or else we would be in an entirely different political landscape right now.

Shortly after that, there was something of a coup against Biden, although I’m not sure if coup is the right word, since he was never really in charge of anything anyway.  He was forced out of running.  Anyone who thought that Jill and Hunter could say otherwise doesn’t understand how politics in Washington work.  It was never Joe Biden’s choice.  He is a useful idiot of the establishment.  As soon as it was apparent that he had no chance of beating Trump, he was easily dumped.  They don’t mind keeping the dementia patient as president for several more months though.

Now the corporate media has coronated Queen Kamala as the person bringing back joy to our world.  I have to admit, she was much sharper in her speech at the convention than I thought she would be.  Maybe the right word is “shrewd”.  She knows how to read a teleprompter well, and she can minimize her cackling when the time comes.

There was one lie after another spoken in Chicago at the DNC.  Joe Biden said he took on big pharma.  Yeah, remember that time that he told 100 million Americans that they better get a jab or else they wouldn’t be allowed to work and feed their families?  That really showed big pharma a thing or two.

We had Michelle and Oprah telling us not to be greedy or take too much.  And apparently Oprah wasn’t the only billionaire there that week to deliver a message.  The party speaking out against billionaires seems to have their fair share of them.

Michelle also let us know that the only reason someone wouldn’t vote for Kamala is because she’s black or because she’s a woman.  She assured us that Donald Trump fears her and Kamala because they are successful, intelligent women.

We got to see the guy Kamala picked, who has been elevated to “Coach”.  It looks like his arm is going to fly off when he waves to the crowd.

When Kamala finally finished things off, there wasn’t much left to say.  After all, they certainly weren’t going to talk about any substantive issues.  She inserted her own lies about an armed mob storming the Capitol on January 6th and killing police officers.  It’s really amazing when people are not just capable of lying, but uttering the exact opposite of the truth.  It reminded me of later 2020 when the Democrats were blaming Trump for the lawlessness and riots that took place in major cities.


The day after the convention was over, the political news didn’t stop.  Robert Kennedy Jr. took to the microphone to announce that he is suspending his campaign because he doesn’t see a path to victory in November.  He is also withdrawing his name from swing states so as not to help Kamala Harris.

If you live in a blue state, I would encourage you to vote for RFK Jr. just to make a statement.  Even if you are a Trump supporter, you should consider this.  I mean a really blue state like New Jersey, Washington, or California.  Imagine if Kennedy can get 10% or more in these states.  That would make a statement.

Kennedy is throwing his support behind Trump in spite of their disagreements on certain issues.  He hates the Democrats that much now, and probably rightfully so.  Kennedy was a bit naïve going into the presidential primaries thinking that he would be treated even remotely fairly by the Democratic establishment and its corporate media.

Of course, you have to give Kennedy some credit for recognizing it early and calling it out.  Bernie Sanders is still trying to figure out how he got screwed out of a nomination twice.  Maybe he is still investigating the Russians on that one.

Kennedy has said some really great things.  In his speech announcing the suspension of his campaign, he talked about censorship.  He talked about how unhealthy Americans are.  He also talked about Ukraine, and accurately said that the U.S. government helped overthrow the president of Ukraine in 2014, which provoked the current conflict.  Maybe he can educate Trump on that one.

Luckily, Kennedy did not bring up Israel, where he takes the establishment position.  Or you can call it the military-industrial complex position.  I still think if Kennedy had even been more neutral in his stance here, he would have gotten a lot more support.

We don’t know where Kennedy supporters will go from here.  Apparently, his family isn’t too happy with him, but most of them weren’t supporting him anyway.  I suspect that a tiny percentage of his supporters will go to Harris and a bigger percentage to Trump.  But I’m guessing that something like half probably just won’t vote for either one with Kennedy essentially out.


Donald Trump is certainly going to get a bit of a boost from RFK.  He is also getting the endorsement of Tulsi Gabbard.

If Trump rewards them with a position in his administration, I hope he makes Tulsi Secretary of State.  It should be a major improvement over anything we’ve had in several generations.  I like Kennedy on health issues, but I don’t think he is best suited to head up the FDA, CDC, or an advisory commission.  If Trump really wants to risk his life and that of Kennedy, he should make Kennedy head of the CIA.  Now that would be a shot at the deep state.  But changing the head of the CIA didn’t help RFK Jr.’s uncle any.  The person he fired from the CIA was probably behind his assassination.

If I knew that Trump would put Kennedy as head of the CIA and Tulsi in an important position in foreign policy, then I would likely vote for Trump.

Unfortunately, I can’t say that much good about Trump otherwise in recent times.  His campaign has not been very good at all.  It is a bit disturbing to hear him talk about the attempt on his life as he continually praises the Secret Service.  It seems like he does understand that it was an inside job, and he is afraid to say anything about it publicly.

Even on policy, he has been largely ineffective.  It is sometimes funny when he personally attacks his political opponents, but it can also be distracting.  Instead of questioning when Kamala started to identify as African-American, he should be hammering home how expensive life is.

On the foreign policy front, he hasn’t been good either.  He takes the establishment position of funding the Israeli government’s mass murder of people in Gaza.  Even on Ukraine, he hasn’t been good.  He says he’ll bring an end to the war, but he doesn’t say how.  He makes these ridiculous claims that these wars never would have started in the first place if he had been president because others would have been too afraid of him.  This just sounds stupid.

Trump has not been that impressive since the Republican Convention, but he still has a good chance of winning the election.  Despite the media hype at the DNC, there is a major problem for Kamala Harris.  She is in the incumbent party while the world is a mess and the economy is a mess.  It’s hard for her not to own some of that.

The next couple of months will be interesting to say the least.  The last couple of months have been a major piece of history that we are living through.  I’m not sure how much people recognize that.

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