It has been one thing after another since Trump took office. Trump and Musk have been a bull in a China shop. That usually has a negative connotation to it. But in this case, the China shop is the U.S. government/ empire.
It hasn’t been pretty, but it is almost impossible to reduce the size and scope of this behemoth without it being messy. It is especially messy for those who have been sucking off the blood of Uncle Sam for all of these years. It is even messier for some of the ruling elite who have lived high while committing crimes in the name of doing good.
It would be nice if someone would compile a nice clean list of all of the highlights of the Trump administration in 2025. For example:
- Freeing the J6 prisoners
- Freeing Ross Ulbricht
- Repealing electric vehicle mandates
- Withdrawing from the WHO
- Declaring no biological men in women’s sports
- Uncovering USAID
- Appointing Tulsi, RFK Jr., Patel, Bhattacharya, Bongino
- Declaring a desire to cut the military budget in half with China and Russia
- Telling Zelenskyy to pound sand
This barely touches on things. There have been so many executive orders (or repeal of previous executive orders) that one can barely keep up. Yes, there have been some bad things mixed in there, especially with tariffs and some foreign policy statements. Still, how can someone who favors liberty not at least acknowledge that something is different this time around?
The Good Shock and Awe
When Bush and company invaded Iraq in 2003, we heard about a shock and awe campaign. This meant mass bombing, destruction of buildings, and the mass killing of innocent people. This was the evil shock and awe.
Trump is going with a shock and awe campaign of his own, but it is mostly good, at least so far.
Trump is hitting the media, the establishment politicians and bureaucrats, and all of his critics from every angle. And he is doing it so fast, they don’t know what is hitting them.
This was a good overall strategy, even if it has been, perhaps, more chaotic than necessary.
The Trump critics are going to whine no matter what. Trump could have just done one or two bold things, and the media would have obsessed over those things in order to criticize Trump.
These people were going to whine anyway, so you might as well make them whine about a hundred different things. They don’t know where to focus. As soon as they bring something up, Trump goes ahead and does something else.
Trump was going to get called a Russian agent or a Putin puppet by some of his critics no matter what he did. He might as well just hit them with everything he’s got.
It has made some of his critics look really bad in the process, even to the average person who doesn’t follow a lot of politics. You are complaining because Trump doesn’t want men in women’s locker rooms? You are complaining because Trump has exposed that we shouldn’t be paying for diversity programs in Serbia or transgender comic books in Peru?
Peace in Ukraine?
The latest part of the shock and awe campaign was to belittle the dictator from Ukraine, who has been on the receiving end of hundreds of billions of dollars courtesy of the U.S. taxpayer (and holders of U.S. dollars via inflation).
It was amazing to hear J.D. Vance go after Zelenskyy during his White House visit. When Trump stepped in, it wasn’t clear if he would try to calm things down. Instead, he just built on what his vice president said. Trump said that Zelenskyy was risking World War III. He also told him that he doesn’t hold the cards right now to be calling any shots.
There are comments all over by Trump critics saying “I stand with Ukraine.” Does that mean you stand with the dictator who cancelled the last election? If you actually stand with the people of Ukraine, then you should want to see them stop dying. The only way to do that is to get a ceasefire, which the dictator/ authoritarian doesn’t seem interested in doing. He just wants more money and weapons from the U.S. taxpayer.
This gives Trump an excuse now to just cut off funding to Ukraine. He has gone this far, so he might as well do this next.
Trump is absolutely correct in saying that this was a war that never should have happened. The U.S. never should have helped orchestrate a coup there in 2014. And in 2021, if the Biden administration had responded to Putin and given assurance of not admitting Ukraine into NATO, that in itself might have been enough to prevent the conflict.
For all of the people who are saying Trump acted like a child, or he acted undiplomatically, or he was an embarrassment to our country, just think about what you are saying. He is trying to end the dying in Ukraine. The Biden administration purposely flipped off Putin and would not sit down and speak with him in 2021 (or after), which could have prevented the war from starting. Then they proceeded to fund and weaponize Ukraine to prolong a war that was never winnable by Ukraine.
Who is the child here? Even if you do think Trump acted like a child during the meeting, which is worse? Is it worse to act like a child and get into an argument with someone in the Oval Office, or is it worse to take actions that lead to hundreds of thousands of people dying?
Trump should keep hitting the establishment from every angle. He should try to do this in a way that minimizes the damage to the ordinary American. Most Americans just want to go to work and support themselves and their family.
The establishment is going to strike back in ways that we can’t fully predict. But in terms of just being critical of Trump, they are going to whine and call him names anyway. If Trump is going to be called a racist, a fascist, a child, a Russian agent, or any number of things, he might as well make some progress in tearing down the criminals who have been running the show for way too long.