I was in a home improvement store recently to pick up a few things. It is springtime, and it is time to think about my lawn. I saw a sale on lawncare products.
There were two different types of fertilizer for grass. One type was weed and feed. The other type was a turf builder. They were the same brand name. If you bought a large bag of weed and feed and a large bag of the turf builder, you instantly got $50 off when checking out. There was no coupon required.
I didn’t need these big bags. I saw there was a similar deal for smaller bags. If you bought one of each, you got $20 off at checkout. Considering one of the bags was only $25, it seemed like a pretty good deal.
As I was grabbing the bags of fertilizer, there was another man who had appeared. He put a big bag of the weed and feed on his cart. He said to his wife (I think) that he probably needs a smaller bag too.
I mentioned to him that if he gets the large bag of turf builder, he will get $50 off because he was already buying the weed and feed bag. That was the only thing I said.
The price of the large bag of weed and feed was about $60. The large bag of turf builder was about $50. He was already getting the weed and feed for $60. He could get the bag of turf builder for free.
He said to me, “I have weeds. I don’t need that stuff. I need this.” He said it in a rather brash way. He could have at least said something like, “Oh, thanks for letting me know. I only need the weed and feed.”
I find it hard to believe he couldn’t have used the free bag of turf builder to go with his weed and feed. I am far from a lawn expert, but I would think the turf builder could at least be a good supplement once the weeds are under control.
Walking Away
There is a point to my story. When he made his comment to me, I could have explained to him that the bag of turf builder would essentially be free. It might have been $49 and something cents, so it would have actually been a few cents cheaper to get it.
But this guy already had his mind made up. He wasn’t overtly rude to me, but he also wasn’t friendly or polite. I tried to be nice with my brief statement. Once he responded the way he did, I had no use for him any longer. I had no use for him in the first place, but I was just trying to be helpful. I didn’t say another word to the man.
It doesn’t usually annoy me when people are stupid about something. It annoys me when they are stupid and arrogant about it. They think they know something, yet they don’t.
Ignorance is Bliss
I remember an incident a long time ago when I was a young adult. I was going to Busch Gardens (the theme park) to meet some friends inside. I had a couple of empty cans of soda that had a $20 off coupon on the can. If you turned in the can when buying your ticket, you got $20 off the ticket.
I was waiting in line to get a ticket. I was a capitalist back then too. I was going to use one of the cans for my own ticket. I offered a young woman in line to buy the can for $10 from me and it would get her $20 off her ticket. She looked at me with skepticism and said no.
(Today, I would probably just give the can away to someone who looked like a decent person.)
The woman’s boyfriend hadn’t heard our conversation. He turned around and asked her what I was saying to her. She said (from my memory), “I don’t know. He was trying to sell me that can for $20 so that I can get $20 off of my ticket price.”
The guy then said to me, something to the effect of, “You know, that doesn’t make sense. It only gets $20 off the ticket. You should sell it for something like $10 so that we get something out of it.”
He was absolutely correct in what he was saying. The problem is that his girlfriend was an idiot. I had offered it to her for $10. She just couldn’t be bothered to process the information. She told him the wrong information.
I could have explained to the guy that I had offered it to her for $10. I could have explained that his girlfriend was not that bright. When he said what he said, I just looked at him with a smug face and turned around. I ended up selling it for even less to someone else.
The man thought I was an idiot. The truth is that his girlfriend was the idiot. I didn’t bother correcting the record. I knew when to walk away.
There are a lot of people in life who just are not that bright when it comes to certain things. There are many areas in life where I am not that bright. I just hope that I’m smart enough to know my limitations. When I don’t know what I’m talking about, then I should minimize my talking about it.
I see Facebook friends post stupid stuff all the time. When it is really stupid, it is usually political related. I have had my share of conversations in the past on Facebook. I don’t think there is anything wrong with this, but I think it is a mistake to spend too much time doing this.
The one purpose it can serve is that other people viewing the comments might be influenced by what you say. But even that isn’t common.
You aren’t going to change the person’s mind. They can post the dumbest meme in the world. You can point out how it is false or a really bad analogy. It doesn’t matter how right you are or how much sense you are making. It won’t change the person’s mind.
If you are going to have influence on someone, it isn’t going to be someone who is posting political stuff that is the opposite of what you believe. You aren’t going to change a statist into a libertarian because of your comments on Facebook.
If you are going to have influence on people, it will more likely be people who are already sympathetic to your views. Maybe they just need a little deeper understanding of an issue. Maybe someone who wasn’t previously interested in anything political is now being more curious. These are the people you are more likely to grab.
I have had to resist making comments many times to posts that are talking points for the establishment narrative. The best thing is when I see someone post something stupid and it gets no comments and very few likes or reactions. Silence is sometimes the best dissent.
You can’t avoid stupid people in life. But you can learn to walk away when it is possible. Sometimes you can just avoid stupid people by not saying another word to them.
Talking to them is probably not going to make them any smarter, and it will be healthier for you mentally.