Would the Coronavirus Hysteria Have Happened if Trump Weren’t President?

While I don’t think this was some kind of grand conspiracy, I am starting to think that the hysteria over the coronavirus is something of a punishment to the American people for allowing Trump to be president.

I am not saying it was planned in a boardroom.  I am not saying that governors and mayors were in on it.  The governors and mayors are politicians. They like power.  Once the hysteria was in full swing and people were clamoring for action by their savior (the government), then governors and mayors were more than happy to exercise their newfound power.

I also understand that the coronavirus is a worldwide issue.  It is not just an American problem.  When the Chinese government locked down millions of people there, I naively thought that it wouldn’t happen here.  China is a more authoritarian place.  Even compared to Western Europe, the U.S. is a bastion of liberty.

I think the U.S. media could have somewhat downplayed the virus.  The politicians could have downplayed it.  It could have been like the swine flu in 2009 where there was a little bit of paranoia and a few extra precautions, but life mostly went on.  Instead, we got mass hysteria and predictions of millions of people dying.  The lockdowns could not have happened without the propaganda coming out of DC and the establishment media.

I truly wonder whether the hysteria came as a form of revenge from the establishment. They tried to make up stories about Russian collusion, and they largely didn’t stick.  They tried to get rid of Trump for wanting Ukraine to investigate Biden.  They got an impeachment, but not much to show for it.  They have been trying to beat down Trump ever since he became a candidate.  The establishment may have finally gotten to him on this one.

Trump downplayed the virus back in February.  They have made him (and nearly everyone else) pay since then.  They said he wasn’t taking the threat seriously. At that point, it was in the interest of the establishment to make the virus as bad as possible.  This is why the CDC has encouraged attributing coronavirus as the cause of death on death certificates.  It inflates the numbers.

This whole thing has obviously wrecked the economy.  While I think “the Trump economy” was not that great and also didn’t have a lot to do with Trump, it was seemingly one of his winning hands.  Now he can’t really brag about the economy. He can blame the coronavirus for the bad economy, and he will continue to do so until Election Day, but it still messes up his winning hand.

If Trump from the beginning had said that the coronavirus is a very serious threat that could lead to tens of thousands or more Americans dying, then do you think the media would have just joined the hysteria with him?  The establishment media will say the opposite of what Trump says and try to come up with any evidence they can that is contrary to what he says. Therefore, if Trump had hyped the virus from the beginning, there is a good chance the establishment would have downplayed it.

I also wonder if Hillary Clinton, or really anyone else, were president, what would have happened. Either we would have gotten a full national lockdown from Queen Hillary, or there never would have been much hysteria in the first place.  It is hard to say for sure, but I think this would have been more similar to the reaction with the swine flu if someone else were in office.

Again, I don’t necessarily think this was coordinated.  The media has been trying to enact a coup against Trump since before he took office.  This time, something stuck.  And they are hoping it will continue to stick until the election in November.

The Establishment Media

I am not a big fan of Trish Regan.  I had only seen brief clips of her show.  She seemed like a Trump apologist.  Therefore, there were certain issues where I agreed with her, and there were some in which I disagreed.  But when she defends Trump against the establishment media, I will typically agree with her.

Unfortunately, Trish Regan didn’t fully understand that she worked for the establishment media. Fox is rare in television for leaning Republican/ conservative, but this doesn’t make it anti-establishment. There is certainly a wider range of discussion on Fox, but there are limits, and Regan hit hers recently.

On her show on Fox Business, Regan referred to the “coronavirus impeachment scam”.  She said, “We’ve reached a tipping point.  The chorus of hate being leveled at the president is nearing a crescendo as Democrats blame him and only him for a virus that originated halfway around the world.  This is yet another attempt to impeach the president.”

Regan was blaming the Democrats for trying to use the virus to take down Trump.  For this, she was fired by Fox after the outrage mob pointed to it.

The show aired on March 9, which was still closer to the beginning of the hysteria and just before most of the lockdowns were starting.

I don’t really find much to disagree with Regan on in the segment that got her fired. Anyway, it was obviously an opinion piece.  Fox News and Fox Business are full of opinion commentaries.

It’s funny that Fox would fire Regan over these comments.  The network was full of people advocating for the Iraq War and continuing to promote it many years later.  You may even find a few people on there today still defending it.

This is the world of the establishment media, which includes Fox.  You can feed lies and propaganda that leads to a war that kills a million people, and that is acceptable.  I don’t know of anybody who got fired over promoting the Iraq War.  You see, it was all a mistake.

But when you speak politically incorrect truths about the coronavirus being like the flu and the Democrats using it against Trump as a means to get rid of him, then this is just unacceptable to Fox.

I often say that the establishment hates Trump because Trump occasionally tells the truth.  I guess I can say the same about Fox now. The network didn’t like the fact that Regan was pointing out some truths to ponder.

Taking a position of calling the hysteria exactly what it is – hysteria – gets you in hot water. You all of a sudden want people to die.  You don’t care about old people, etc.

If Trump weren’t president, or even if he hadn’t made his initial comments downplaying the virus, I have a feeling that we would be in a different scenario right now.

The establishment will stop at nothing to take down Trump.  That includes causing mass fear and destroying the economy.

One thought on “Would the Coronavirus Hysteria Have Happened if Trump Weren’t President?”

  1. Why on earth is it so difficult for some people to understand that this is not a flu outbreak? This is a rare pandemic. I’m really struggling to understand what makes people so determined to downplay the seriousness of this. No, it’s not the end of the world, but if people would have just treated this as a bad flu season as some suggest it is, the consequences would have been disastrous.

    Maybe this blog from an actual epidemiologist with a good communication skills and a very balanced view will help.


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