Will the Lockdowns and Mask Mandates End if Trump Loses?

I am ready to cry “uncle”.  The establishment is showing that it is still in charge as long as Americans are stupid enough to believe the propaganda they put out.  The establishment briefly lost control in 2016.  There was Brexit.  Then there was the election of Trump.

The establishment and its media told us that we have to vote for Hillary Clinton.  They told us that Trump is a horrible human being who would be a horrible president.  Maybe they were right, but compared to what?

I didn’t vote for Trump, but I sure did enjoy the night of the election in November 2016 when the results started rolling in.  I enjoyed the next day watching the shocked faces of the establishment shills.

Ever since then, they have been trying to destroy Trump and what he represents.  There are a lot of bad things to say about Trump, but he has represented a thumb in the eye of the establishment to a large degree.

They tried the Russia hoax.  They tried Ukrainegate.  They got an impeachment, but he is still in office.  They have turned the lives upside down of many of his former associates by accusing them of Russian collusion, or lying to Congress, or whatever they can get away with.  They hang on to every word Trump says, trying to make him look bad.  It has worked on the people who already hated Trump, but close to half the country doesn’t hate Trump.

In early 2020, Trump downplayed the coronavirus.  He basically said it isn’t a big deal and that Americans should carry on with their lives.  This was the opportunity the establishment had been waiting for, and they took advantage of it.

This is one of the main reasons why there is so much hype coming from the establishment media. We hear about the death counts, even though they are wildly inaccurate.  We hear about the cases.  We continually hear anecdotal stories about someone who isn’t elderly and supposedly died of the virus.  We have had government lockdowns due to the hysteria, and now we have mask mandates almost everywhere.

The economy has largely been destroyed, which is the one major theme Trump had to run on.  I personally don’t think the economy was strong anyway heading into 2020, but the forced lockdowns obviously brought on a hard recession very quickly.  Now the only thing Trump can say is that the economy was strong and that it will eventually come roaring back (even though it won’t).

The establishment, in 2020, has finally been able to take the air out of the Trump bubble. They have made us all pay dearly for ever having put Trump in the presidency.  I can’t be sure, but if Trump weren’t president, I have a feeling the coronavirus would have been more similar to the swine flu of 2009/ 2010.  There would have been some extra precautions in hospitals, but most of life would have gone on as normal.

Trump hasn’t lost yet though.  I think the left is overplaying their hand with the protests and race wars.  This could actually help Trump.

I’m still not sure if Biden will actually be the Democratic nominee, but if he is, Trump is definitely still in it.  Biden can’t stay in his basement and say nothing up until Election Day. He will have to come out and make a fool of himself at some point.

I am not voting for Joe Biden or Donald Trump in November.  I will consider voting for Jo, not Joe.  That is Jo Jorgensen with the Libertarian Party, although I may not even vote for her.  She is too busy trying to please the radical leftist social justice warriors instead of selling a message of a liberty to the American people. But that’s a subject for another day.

I may not even be cheering for Trump in November as I did in 2016.  While it might be fun for a day to see the look of despair on the faces of the most evil people on television, I don’t want to be punished for another 4 years.

Since most Americans are willing to believe almost anything they are told by the establishment media, at least when it comes to the coronavirus, I don’t know what will be done to us next if Trump actually wins.  Will we be on lockdown for another 4 years?  Will we have permanent mask mandates?

The American people are eating the propaganda given to them, and they are enslaving themselves as I never thought they would.  From now on, all the establishment has to do is announce the next dangerous version of the flu, and nearly everyone will just fall into line.  They’ll isolate themselves, they’ll destroy the livelihoods of their children, and they’ll destroy the economy.  I hope I’m wrong, but this is what has happened in 2020 so far.

Trump has served his purpose.  He has exposed the deep state for what it is for anyone who cares to pay attention.  Most of his policies are still bad.  We are getting spending and deficits today that would have shocked us even under a Bernie Sanders presidency.  Can it get much worse?

It could get worse if Biden or whoever starts yet another war.  Biden or whoever could try to impose mask mandates and lockdowns from the federal government, but I think there would actually be some resistance there, and it would be tough to enforce.

Economically, I don’t see how the policies could get much worse at this point, but I won’t discount the possibility.  Anyway, if things are going to be bad, maybe it’s better for a Democratic Party president to take the blame.

The establishment failed to take down Trump for over 4 years (as candidate and president).  Now the fear of the coronavirus has changed all of that.  A majority of Americans have been played for suckers.  They have believed the same people who continually lie to them about wars. If the establishment and its media will lie to get us into war, why wouldn’t they lie about the threats of the coronavirus?

Since there are so many gullible Americans, I am crying “uncle”.  I don’t want four more years of Trump if they are going to be like this.  I want my children to be able to have activities.  I want to go to concerts and sporting events.  I don’t want to walk around with a mask on my face.

If Trump loses in November, I don’t know if this all goes away.  The politicians obviously like the political power they have gained.  But at least there won’t be an incentive of making everything look bad because of Trump.

If all this hysteria goes away with a Trump loss, then it is hard to cheer for Trump at this point. The establishment has won this round big time, as the American people were played for fools.

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