Prepare for the Election and a Possible Coup

The presidential election is not far away.  The official day is Tuesday, November 3, 2020, but I have a feeling this day won’t mean a lot except for those who go to their local polling place.

There is a strong chance that there will be no declared winner on November 3rd. This wouldn’t be that unusual. Even in 2016, we didn’t officially know until Wednesday morning because some of the swing states were relatively close.

This year, there is a good chance we won’t know on Wednesday either.  We may not know on Thursday.  The last time we saw election results drag out for weeks was in the 2000 election.

The 2000 election was ridiculously close.  The chances of that happening again are extremely small.  It came within a few hundred votes in Florida.  What are the chances that one state ends up deciding it all, and then it comes down to a few hundred votes in a state of over 6 million votes?  I’m sure there was a lot of funny business on both sides, but it was between two establishment candidates (Bush and Gore), so the outcome wasn’t all that important to the establishment.

The year 2020 is different.  The establishment has everything on this.  They will do whatever it takes to get Trump out of office.  If they can get away with a coup, they will do it. This could be through rigging the election, or just flat out denying the results if they favor Trump.

I have seen some speculation that the establishment is planning a military coup.  Of course, in order to do this, they will have to fool a majority of Americans.  This is why, it is being speculated, that the establishment has been trying hard lately to get the military generals on their side. They have been putting out stories of how Trump has been degrading to the military.  As Trump recently put it, it is the top people at the Pentagon and the military-industrial complex that oppose Trump.

The idea here is that they will falsify the vote totals.  Trump will be the clear leader after election night, but then they will claim that the mail-in ballots will have to be counted.  You will see a shift to Biden over the next several days, and the establishment will eventually declare him the winner. Trump will dispute the results, but the establishment will say that he is refusing to leave office and that the military needs to step in and take control.

This sounds far-fetched until you think about the last 4 years.  Everything has revolved around making Trump look bad and trying to get him out of office.  They spent at least 2 years, on an almost daily basis, lying about how Trump was colluding with Russia and how Russia had stolen or hacked the election. Apparently this happened with a few hundred thousand dollars in Facebook clickbait ads by a Russian organization that may not have even been tied at all to the Russian government.

There was also Ukraine where Trump was accused of withholding aid to Ukraine for political reasons and personal benefit.  In other words, Trump was accused of doing what Joe Biden had already admitted to doing on video when he threatened to withhold aid to Ukraine until the prosecutor investigating the company his son worked for was fired.

Of course, we also had to hear every story about Trump and what he said on Twitter if they could try to make him look bad in any way.  This included taking him out of context frequently and the establishment portraying Trump of what they think he meant to say instead of actually quoting him.

All things considered, I don’t think a military takeover due to disputed election results sounds that far off the wall at this point.

If Trump wins in a landslide, I don’t think there is much that they can do to change that. But if it is close, then expect major turmoil.

A Silent Majority?

The establishment was stunned in 2016 when Trump won.  A lot of people were stunned.  It came as a surprise because most of the news coverage was anti Trump. Except for the hardcore Trump supporters, the rest of the people who voted for Trump were relatively quiet about it.  Most of them weren’t announcing it on Facebook.  They weren’t being interviewed on the news.  They may have been quietly telling their close friends and family that they might vote for Trump.

I don’t think there is a silent majority in favor of Trump.  There may be a silent plurality though.  And there are many people who may not love Trump yet they despise the left.  This might be especially true since the left has essentially endorsed the rioting, and they continue to favor government lockdowns from a flu virus.

Rioting in the streets, mask mandates, and government lockdowns doesn’t really sound like a recipe for winning to me.  Then again, Trump is hated by many, as the media does have a hold of a good portion of the public.  Let’s face it.  Nobody is voting for Biden.  They are just voting against Trump.

Biden has finally spoken against some of the rioting.  Maybe he was waiting for his leader Obama to ask the protestors to stay peaceful, but for some reason that never came out of Obama’s mouth.  It makes you wonder if Obama actually favors the rioting and chaos.

Biden, in good leftist fashion, didn’t just say that he opposed the rioting.  Instead, he had to just flat out lie and say the opposite of the true story.  He said that it was Trump and his supporters responsible for the rioting. The scary thing is that there are probably millions of people that believed him.

It is really hard to know where things stand right now for the same reason we didn’t know going into the 2016 election.  The debates will tell us more, but it really is hard to know how people feel out there.

There is a lot going on.  There are protests and riots.  There have been lockdowns since March by governors and mayors across the country.  Now we feel like we’re in a hospital when we go to the grocery store.

We did get one glimpse on the opening day of football in the NFL.  Kansas City is one of the few teams allowing some fans in the stadium. When they paid tribute to social justice at the start of the game, there was major booing coming from the crowd. The reaction from the players is that they just couldn’t understand why anyone would boo.  I mean, are the majority of football fans in Kansas City racist?  To ask the question is to answer it.  They are tired of the social justice warrior garbage.  Football is supposed to be their escape from politics.  Instead, they are hearing from football players being paid millions of dollars talking about inequality and how they fear for their life every day.

If the Kansas City football game gives us any hint of what’s about to come, then Trump may stun the establishment once again.  You know most of these Kansas City fans aren’t on Facebook every night arguing politics and talking about how great Trump is.  Most of them are probably mostly silent on politics most of the time.  Yet, they were tired of the politically correct garbage and had no trouble booing when it was easy to do so.  Just like it will be easy to fill in a bubble next to Trump’s name on Election Day.

So with the major Trump hatred out there, chaos in the streets, and a smacked down economy, Trump is still in the game.  And this is before debating Biden.

Prepare on November 3rd

Unless Biden wins in a landslide, there is going to be some kind of chaos.  Either the election results will not be clear and it will drag on, or Trump will win in a landslide.

If Trump wins in a landslide, I expect there will be majoring rioting in the streets of major cities.  In some cases, this will just be a continuation of what has been going on since the end of May.  But I really do expect that the left will act violently to news of a Trump win.  Sure, it will be a small minority of people who actually commit violence and property destruction, but it will be enough people to cause a lot of damage and chaos.

If the results are close, then I expect the establishment (not just the left) will try to steal it away from Trump.  They won’t even necessarily declare Biden the winner.  They will just say that the results aren’t clear and Trump needs to step down.  Maybe they’ll push for Pelosi to step in.  I don’t know if it will come to the military stepping in for a more official coup, but anything is possible at that point.

Again, this will result in chaos.  We may have rioting during this time.  It will mostly come from the left.

I am not making a prediction on what will happen, but I am saying that there is a decent chance that there will be major chaos starting on November 3rd.  It may last a day, or a week, or a month, or longer.

I don’t think it’s a bad idea to prep a little for this event.  After you vote in the morning (if you plan to do it in person), then head to the store afterwards and pick up some extra supplies and food. I don’t know what the next toilet paper item will be to disappear off the shelves as we saw in March.  It could be food.  It could be soap.  It could be cash from the ATMs.  It will probably be guns from gun stores.  It may or may not be gold from coin shops.

Anyway, I don’t think it would hurt to be a little extra prepared than normal heading into the evening of November 3rd.  The worst-case in buying some extra stuff is that you will pay less for it than you would pay a month or two down the road when inflation has increased the price more.

2020 has been an incredibly wild ride so far.  I never thought we would see some of what has happened.  As usual, the left has overplayed its hand, which may cost Biden the election.  No matter what, I expect more chaos to prevail.

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