Libertarian Debate Analysis: Pence vs. Harris

Mike Pence vs. Kamala Harris was not as entertaining as Donald Trump vs. Joe Biden.  Most people were disgusted with the political theater of Trump vs. Biden, or at least they claimed to be.  I’ll admit I enjoyed it.  I have low expectations of these people anyway, so it may as well be entertaining.

After watching the vice presidential debate, I have confirmed that I prefer Trump over Pence, and I prefer Biden over Harris.  Actually, I already thought this, but it was easily confirmed after the debate.

Biden is part of the good old boys club.  He is corrupt and part of the establishment.  He is easily molded, which could be seen as good or bad.  I don’t see Biden as more of a threat than any other politician belonging to the establishment.

Kamala Harris is far scarier.  I can tell she is a nasty person like Hillary Clinton.  She holds just about all of the worst positions.  She is evil, and her stance on issues is evil.

This was yet another debate without talk of foreign policy.  There was a little discussion about China, but it was mostly about tariffs and the coronavirus.  There were a couple of mentions of Russia, but more on that little item later.

Harris did not get to show off how much of a war hawk she is.  She talked about how many different groups of people were supporting the Biden/ Harris (or is that Harris/ Biden?) ticket.  She said 7 members of the George W. Bush cabinet are supporting their campaign.  In other words, the establishment war hawks who hate Trump are supporting their campaign.

Harris is really scary on all of the issues.  The good news is that she isn’t likeable.  She is condescending at her best.  Mike Pence tried to play it different from Trump.  Pence was more conciliatory and sometimes overly nice.  Harris was an attack dog who couldn’t say a nice thing.  Almost all of her jabs were directed specifically to Trump.

There were a couple of times where Pence interrupted, but it wasn’t frequent.  As soon as he did, Harris had to condescendingly berate Pence about how she is talking.  It was easy to see why she was such a failure in the Democratic primaries.

Harris avoided directly answering many questions.  When asked about a national mask mandate and national lockdowns, she avoided answering.  Instead, she talked about contact tracing and vaccines.  In Kamala Harris world, this means more government spying and forced injections.

Pence was not particularly good talking about the coronavirus.  He kept talking about a vaccine.  He is a bit more polished than Trump, but he is so much more boring.  He is there to play it safe.  You don’t get the cold hard truth from Pence like you sometimes get from Trump.

This was probably the most frustrating aspect and the main reason why I am not fond of Pence. He is an establishment guy, and he sounds like an establishment guy.  He isn’t Trump or anything close.  He didn’t go after Harris hard enough, and Trump and Pence should know that they aren’t going to get much help from debate moderators.

This moderator was an improvement over Chris Wallace, which isn’t saying much.  She didn’t have as many problems to deal with.  But it was annoying when Pence would go over his time.  She would keep saying, “Thank you Vice President.  Thank you Vice President.”

I know he was going over his time, but can you say it once and let him finish?  Do you have to keep interrupting every 3 seconds?

I used to laugh when they would have these lights at debates that would change colors when the candidate was getting close to the time limit.  I can see now why they may have been somewhat effective.

Anyway, the moderator didn’t ask any really tough questions, especially of Harris.  That is my biggest criticism.  That is why it is up to Trump and Pence to ask the tough questions.

There was one question that the moderator definitely didn’t ask.  Pence had a great opportunity to bring it up, but mostly fumbled it.

Harris actually started, on her own, talking about Trump cozying up to Russia.  She was revisiting the whole Russia hoax. Just the other day, there was a document declassified (but heavily redacted) that showed John Brennan’s handwritten notes from when he was head of the CIA.  He says in his notes that he informed Obama about how Hillary Clinton was going to push the Russia narrative against Trump.

Maybe this is what Trump was talking about at the last debate when he said they had Obama and all of them caught.  But it has received almost no media coverage (surprise, surprise).

Here is really strong evidence that the whole Russia narrative was a hoax.  It was pushed by Clinton, Obama, Brennan, Comey, and the other criminals.  Yet, when Harris brings up Russia, Pence didn’t say a thing.  He did mention something in reference to it near the end of the debate, but it was not specific and most people probably didn’t know what he was talking about for the few who were still watching.  I can only hope Trump keeps talking about it at the next presidential debate.

Overall, I thought they were both terrible.  Pence is polished but boring.  Harris is unlikeable.  And like Biden, she couldn’t directly answer a question about packing the court.  I think Pence and Harris are both losers, but Harris is the bigger loser.  Unfortunately, despite her horrible qualities, she actually has a pretty good chance of becoming president of the United States because many people hate Trump and Biden is old and controlled.

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