The Similarities of HIV and COVID-19

I recently watched the documentary House of Numbers.  I watched it many years ago and remembered the major points, but it was especially interesting to watch it over again now that a year has passed since the coronavirus hysteria began.

I was already not a fan of establishment medicine, which includes much of Western medicine, before 2020.  Much of this is because of my own personal experiences and having to do my own research on health issues due to the failures of establishment medical care.

I never believed what most politicians and the corporate media were saying about COVID-19 from the start because of my distrust.  It is all tied to my libertarianism and distrust of the power elite, along with my own health experiences.  Still, I also believe that having watched House of Numbersmany years ago contributed a little bit to also questioning the narrative on coronavirus.

House of Numbersquestions the whole narrative on HIV and AIDS.  When I re-watched it recently, I was expecting to see some similarities with coronavirus, but it surprised me just how many similarities there are.  Incidentally, even though I had this article planned, I saw an article by Jon Rappoport also comparing the two.

First, there are people who questioned (and still question) the existence of HIV, which is the virus that supposedly causes AIDS.  HIV was never properly isolated, but it was assumed by the medical community that it was everything we were told it is.

The SARS-CoV-2 virus (i.e., COVID-19) has never been properly isolated.  This was reported early on by Jon Rappoport, and he has continued to hammer home this point.

Anecdotally, I know people who tested positive for COVID-19.  Some of them had the same symptom of losing their taste and smell.  That is the only common characteristic other than just not feeling well.  So there is obviously a virus.  Whether it is the same virus that was happening in Wuhan in late 2019 and early 2020, I have no idea.

Still, if you have not properly isolated the virus and you are relying on computer programs to fill in the sequence, it does call into question everything else, especially the testing.

And that brings us to the second similarity between HIV and COVID-19.  The PCR and other testing was (and is) completely unreliable.  In House of Numbers, it is demonstrated what a joke the tests were and the many people who were told they had HIV who likely had nothing wrong with them.

The HIV test, in many cases, came with a questionnaire.  Your result of being positive or negative could actually depend on how you answered a question about your lifestyle.  It is somewhat amusing (but sad) that someone went to a testing place in Africa and was told that there were two different testing measurements.  If they both came back negative, then you were HIV negative.  If they both came back positive, then you were HIV positive. If one came back negative and the other positive, then a third test was used to decide.  The guy in the video asks why they don’t just use the third test then, if it is more reliable.  There was no logical answer because it is an illogical system of testing.

The testing with COVID-19 is also highly unreliable, if useful at all.  The tests are run at different labs that use different cycle thresholds (CTs).  The higher the CT, the more the material is magnified and the better chance of a positive result.  Even Dr. Fauci himself (if you want to call him a doctor) admitted last year that anything run above 35 cycles is unreliable and will spit out false positives.  Yet, the CDC has no problem recommending that tests be run up to 40 cycles.

Speaking of similarities, Fauci was a big pusher of the HIV narrative back in the 1980s.  He appears in a few clips in House of Numbers, as does Kary Mullis.  Mullis, now deceased, was the creator of the PCR test, but he stated that it has its limitations (and would likely be appalled today with its use in diagnosing coronavirus).

Another similarity between HIV and COVID-19 is the treatment, or the bad treatment. If you pay attention to the establishment media, they will continually tell you how bad coronavirus is and how deadly it is and how many people have died.  They will also tell you everything you need to do to avoid getting it (stay at home, social distance, wear a mask).  But they rarely offer advice on what to do if you test positive for COVID-19.  Don’t you find that a little bit odd?

With HIV, people were put on drugs that were actually weakening their immune system and causing them to die.  In other words, the drugs were doing what AIDS was supposed to do.  So when someone starts getting sick and weak from the drugs, they were just told that it is the AIDS progressing.

It hasn’t been quite the same with COVID-19, but I can’t help but draw some comparisons. First, the establishment did everything they could to demonize alternative treatments.  They would either say that they don’t work effectively (like zinc and other vitamins) or they would say that they are dangerous (like hydroxychloroquine).  And if you get really sick with COVID, then you should go to the hospital.

At the beginning of all of this, ventilators at hospitals were pushed hard.  Do you remember Cuomo in New York demanding 40,000 ventilators immediately?  Almost everyone put on a ventilator died.  I believe there were many people who went to hospitals in New York with anxiety attacks or other issues who were drugged up and thrown on ventilators.  If they hadn’t gone to the hospital, they would have survived.

Even to this day, hospitals are using ventilators for some COVID patients.  How did I know from the very beginning that this was a harmful treatment?  I have no medical background other than what I have read on my own.  I don’t know if the medical community is just ignorant or evil, but many people died (and continue to die) because of their fake treatments that only cause greater harm.

We’ll see if the so-called vaccines also end up being more deadly than the disease itself. They sure are being pushed hard.

One lesson to take away is that when Cuomo or some other hack politician is telling you something seemingly important, it is best to believe the opposite until you can verify one way or the other.

When I was a kid, I remember some of the hysteria over HIV.  Luckily, there were no lockdowns at that time.  I remember that if you got HIV, it was supposed to be a death sentence, which it typically was if you took the prescribed drugs. If you got HIV, you would develop AIDS and likely die in 5 years or less.

I remember when Magic Johnson announced he was HIV positive.  It was supposed to be a death sentence.  And here we are three decades later.  Magic Johnson is still alive, yet most people don’t question the HIV/ AIDS narrative that was sold to them back then.  Yet, there is no cure for HIV.  The cure was to stop giving patients deadly drugs.

With COVID, we were also told it was very deadly.  It wasn’t like HIV, but it was supposedly a 3 to 4 percent mortality rate coming out of Wuhan, China.  These were obviously bogus statistics from the start, as they were just measuring the death rate of people who were already severely ill.

And that leads to another similarity between HIV and COVID-19.  The people who die from these things are typically people who die.

With HIV, it was primarily people in Africa and other third-world nations who were severely malnourished.  They lived in unsanitary conditions.  They did not have proper food, and they didn’t have clean drinking water. It was easy to label someone as having AIDS.

The same goes for the gay community.  This is a generalization, but many gay people were living an unhealthy lifestyle.  They were taking drugs, including “poppers”, which is documented in House of Numbers.  So the people supposedly dying of AIDS were people who were dying.  They were people living an unhealthy lifestyle, to put it mildly.

The same goes for COVID.  The people who die are mostly elderly, or in really poor health, or both.  The majority of people supposedly dying of COVID (really, with a COVID diagnosis) are over 80 years of age.  Most of the rest are severely obese or have severe health issues of some kind.

You can always find someone who dies of an unknown cause, which can now easily be chalked up to COVID.  And out of a country of 325 million people, you will hear anecdotal stories about how a young healthy person died of COVID.  But these are rare, and there are always deaths occurring with an unknown cause, so it is convenient now to label it COVID.

Lastly, perhaps the biggest similarity is the acceptance of the narrative by the medical community and the population at large.  I remember the hysteria that started in the 1980s with HIV and AIDS.  The good news is that society didn’t shut down because of it.  Many people were fearful, but it was pretty clear that you were not likely to contract HIV if you didn’t sleep around and you didn’t do drugs.  So even believing the narrative was not that damaging to one’s life.

With COVID-19, the establishment narrative was largely accepted, and we all paid the price in the form of lockdowns and hysteria.

People who have not bought into the hysteria are generally better off than those who did because we don’t have to live in constant fear of contracting a virus.  Still, most everyone has suffered in some way due to lockdowns, mask mandates, and other restrictions, plus having to deal people who are irrationally hysterical.

We can only hope that with the internet and some experience that people will stop trusting the “medical community”, or at least those presented to us by the establishment and its corporate media who parrot the same lines.

It is time to stop blindly trusting the “experts”, who are really experts in getting funding and promoting propaganda.

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