Get a Vaccine, For the Good of Society

In my last post, I wrote about Dave Smith announcing a possible run for the presidency in 2024 on the Libertarian Party ticket.  He first mentioned this on Joe Rogan’s podcast.  And while this was the big news for me coming from his latest appearance on Rogan’s podcast, that wasn’t the big news nationally.

Instead, it was another discussion that is apparently forbidden in establishment circles.  Dave Smith and Joe Rogan dared to question the wisdom of getting the COVID-19 vaccine, especially for younger people.  The establishment media is ignoring Dave Smith because he is a nobody to them.  Maybe they’ll get to know him better in 2024.

Joe Rogan, on the other hand, is a podcaster with millions of followers.  The establishment knows this, so they had to attack him for his comments.  The video clip apparently went viral, which then led to it getting some attention from the national establishment media.

When appearing on CNN, Joe Biden’s communications director, Kate Bedingfield, said, “I guess my first question would be, ‘Did Joe Rogan become a medical doctor while we weren’t looking?’”

That goes right along with the narrative of the last year.  You have to trust the experts.  If you aren’t a scientist or a doctor, then you shouldn’t be questioning the official narrative.  But more importantly, you have to listen to the doctors and the scientists that the establishment (made of mostly non doctors and non scientists) tells you to listen to.  Only the scientists and doctors who parrot the official narrative will get airtime on the establishment media.

This reminds me of questioning a U.S. Supreme Court decision.  If someone disagrees with you, it is inevitable to hear something to the effect of, “You aren’t a lawyer or legal scholar.”

Then you look at the ruling and realize it was a 6-3 ruling.  So there were 3 justices who opposed the majority ruling. They were all lawyers who managed to get appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court, yet they disagree with their colleagues.  So how can we ever know who is right or wrong because they are all supposed to be “experts”?

Of course, it is ridiculous to say that you need to be an expert to analyze something.  I didn’t have to be an expert in statistics to realize that the line about a 3 to 4 percent mortality rate of COVID patients coming out of Wuhan, China was bogus.  They were testing people who were really sick.

If all you do is follow the line of the “experts”, then the experts and their controllers can have their way with you on anything.  If they tell you to stand on one leg and cluck like a chicken to keep the virus away, are you going to do it because that is what the science says?

Societal Responsibility

On the podcast, Joe Rogan said if you’re 21 years old, why get vaccinated.  He said, “If you’re a healthy person, and you’re exercising all the time, and you’re young, and you’re eating well, like, I don’t think you need to worry about this.”

Dave Smith was probably even stronger, but he doesn’t get as much backlash, at least from the big players, because they don’t want to give him too much attention.  Rogan is the big fish to fry right now.

Dave said that he wouldn’t sacrifice his daughter for the good of society.  He correctly pointed out that the chance of serious illness or death from COVID for a very young person is essentially zero.  This is true even if you buy into the CDC’s death statistics.  Meanwhile, we don’t really know the risks involved with getting vaccinated.

The establishment’s favorite expert, Dr. Fauci, who doesn’t actually treat patients, discussed these comments on some interviews.  Among other things, he said, “So you have to put a little bit of societal responsibility in your choices, and that’s why I disagree with Mr. Rogan under that circumstance.”

In other words, Fauci is saying the exact opposite of Dave Smith.  Fauci is saying that people should get their children vaccinated for the good of society.  The “good of society” or “societal responsibility” sounds like a term used by communists.

In other words, there may be someone who is old or really vulnerable to a virus.  It is possible (according to the establishment “experts”), that your child could get the virus and pass it on to someone vulnerable.  So even though this has no benefit to your child, and it actually increases their risk of injury due to the unknowns of the vaccines, you should sacrifice your child for others.

Is this really what our society has come to?

For the good of society, I would like to see Dr. Fauci go away.  Unfortunately, Trump was too weak to get rid of him, and Biden and hid handlers depend on Fauci to promote their narrative, which now apparently includes societal responsibility.

I don’t put much faith in the FDA, but even the FDA has not approved these COVID vaccines.  They are only authorized for emergency use.  We do not have an accurate picture of the deaths and side effects from these vaccines, especially in the long term.  The messenger RNA technology is new to humans when it comes to vaccination.  Given all of this and more, it is quite reasonable to believe that the risk of a vaccine is greater than the risk of COVID for a young person.

Does Fauci really want to put children at an increased risk of harm for the good of society?  Is this how sick of a man he is?

For all of the parents out there who have to decide on behalf of their children whether to allow them to be vaccinated, I hope you are taking note.  If your child is harmed, it is ultimately your responsibility.  While you may be fed propaganda from the medical establishment and the establishment in general, it is your responsibility to do your own research and analysis.

Guess what?  If your child becomes permanently disabled in some way due to vaccine impacts, you will be responsible.  You will have to take care of your child for the rest of your life.  Dr. Fauci isn’t going to take responsibility and look after your child.  The FDA isn’t going to look after your child.  The pharmaceutical companies aren’t going to look after your child.

I have a responsibility to my own family.  They are my number one priority.  But I am still trying to benefit society by calling attention to the criminals who are purposely selling these lies.  They are evil people.  Fauci and Bill Gates are evil people, promoting their vaccines for their own evil purposes.

If you want to get the shot (or shots) as an adult, go ahead.  While that’s not my choice, I do believe in free choice.  It is your body.  When it comes to your child, it is your responsibility to look out for the interests of your child.  Fauci and Gates are not looking out for the interests of your child.  They are hiding behind the tyrannical term of “societal responsibility”.

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