Did Jon Stewart Just Point Out the Obvious?

Jon Stewart recently made an appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.  Stewart went on a little rant about the infamous virus.

The best part about viewing that video isn’t necessarily the accuracy and simplicity of Stewart’s funny rant.  For me, it was watching just how uncomfortable Colbert was with the whole thing.

This was Stewart’s version of the boy yelling that the emperor has no clothes.  He was pointing out some obvious facts and helping to connect the dots.  He does it so well, but the simplicity of it all has to make others wonder why you don’t hear anything like this on the “mainstream” news.  It took a comic as a guest on a late night show to explain the obvious.

I have been a big fan of Harry Browne since shortly after his 2000 election run on the Libertarian Party ticket.  I listened to his radio/ internet shows in the 2000s up until his death in early 2006.

I recall Browne talking about Jon Stewart and The Daily Show at the time.  Browne highly praised Stewart, and it puzzled me a little bit at the time.  I knew Stewart was something of a political leftist.  I had watched his show a little bit.  I found parts of it funny, but then I could see his political leftism come out at times.

I also watched The Tonight Show with Jay Leno at times.  Overall, I liked Leno.  I believe he is a leftist as well, but he was fairly equal opportunity when telling political jokes.  He would certainly make fun of Democratic politicians almost as much as Republican ones.  He was also nice to Ron Paul when Leno had him on the show.

As a side note, the hatred for Trump completely destroyed late night comedy shows for me.  They tried too hard to make Trump look bad, so it did not come across as funny.  Watching Colbert, Jimmy Fallon to a lesser extent, and others was no longer funny.  It was more like watching CNN trying to slam Trump for his latest misstep.  I was already not a Colbert fan, but the last 5 years made it far worse.

I haven’t gone back to late night shows.  I have maybe seen a couple of minutes of Jimmy Fallon.  I also don’t watch Saturday Night Live any longer.

You would think it would be a gift to have Joe Biden in the White House with his many gaffes.  The problem is that they don’t want to make him look too bad just coming off of the Trump presidency.  Also, it is hard to make fun of him for his dumb remarks and for tripping over words because some of that is due to old age.  Are they going to make fun of the guy for having mild dementia?

Anyway, going back to Stewart and Colbert, it is interesting that Colbert got his main start by appearing on Stewart’s The Daily Show.  Somehow Colbert ended up with the late night show on one of the major networks.

Stewart was on the Comedy Channel, but his show became quite a hit at the time.  I don’t know if he got tired of it, but there hasn’t really been another show like it since that time.  I have heard or seen people say that they love Jon Stewart, even to this day.  I don’t think I’ve ever heard the same said about Colbert.

After I heard Harry Browne’s comments praising Stewart, I gave him more of a chance.  I never became a regular watcher, but I did appreciate him a bit more.  I was really appreciative of him when he did a segment exposing the establishment media’s attempt to hide Ron Paul in the Republican primaries.

Most political leftists end up being stooges for the establishment.  But every now and then you get someone who is willing to go against the grain and challenge the establishment narrative.  Just as Glenn Greenwald challenges the establishment narrative with his columns, so does Jon Stewart with his comedy.

I have really come to appreciate people like this.  They may not know their economics very well.  Their words are often imprecise.  They often challenge the lies of the establishment yet hang onto every word of them when it comes to some other issue.  For example, I have seen people talking about being led into war based on lies, but then in the next breath believing everything that they’re told about global warming.

But we need people with courage who are willing to stand up and point out that the emperor has no clothes.  Jon Stewart did this on Colbert’s show, which is typically a mouthpiece for the establishment.

I don’t think it is any coincidence that Colbert made it to the top in terms of comedy/ talk shows on network television.  He got the job as host of a late night show on a major television network because he fit in to the culture.  Part of that culture is towing the establishment line.

I have no idea if Jon Stewart ever wanted such a job.  But I don’t think he would have lasted, or else he would have been corrupted.  He would have been told to tone it down.  You can’t question Fauci and “the science” until you are granted permission to do so.

When Stewart had his moment on Colbert’s show, not only was it making Colbert uncomfortable, but his audience was also laughing.  Stewart was probably getting more laughs that Colbert ever gets on a regular basis.

We need comedy as part of political persuasion.  For those who appreciate Stewart and heard his rant, they probably have a little less faith now in the so-called experts and the so-called science that everyone is supposed to follow.

The establishment, for all of the damage done over the last year and a half, is actually quite vulnerable right now.  It only takes a few voices to tell the truth to expose the big lies.

2 thoughts on “Did Jon Stewart Just Point Out the Obvious?”

  1. I really enjoyed the Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert back and forth….became a fan of Jon Stewart during the g bush years ……………which gave US 9/11 and the subsequent middle eastern wars. But thank The Goodness they weren’t leftists with their knowledge gaps of finances. Guess it would have been awful.
    Thank you for this most enlightening post.

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