Happy Secession Day 2021

Happy Secession Day!  It is also known as Independence Day.

You can read my Independence Day thoughts from 2020, which put off a rather negative tone.

Earlier this year, Joe Biden told us that if we behave well, and we get our vaccinations, and the CDC numbers look good, then we might possibly be able to have a few people in our backyard for a July 4th cookout.

As I watch baseball stadiums filled with fans, and I see restaurants filled up without any masks, I have to wonder who exactly Joe Biden was talking to.

2020 was a rather depressing and ironic Independence Day.  I had fun with my family and my neighbors in 2020, but the state of the country and the world was rather depressing at that point.  It made it hard to celebrate liberty when most of the country was locked down or under severe restrictions.

I am feeling much better about the situation in 2021.  A majority of people have dropped the masks, and life seems to be getting back to normal (pre March 2020).  It is understandable that some people remain guarded, not because of a virus resurgence, but because of a government tyranny resurgence.

I see how things have been in other first-world countries including Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, and much of Western Europe.  For all of the faults of the United States of America, Americans are demonstrating to the rest of the world that it is possible to be relatively free.

I don’t understand how Canadians can see filled sports arenas and see Americans living life, while they remain under lockdown or heavy restrictions while terrified of a virus.

The Soviet Union fell in the late 1980s and early 1990s.  The Russians got a glimpse of life in America, and it was far superior to that of life in the Soviet Union.  But this was in a pre internet era, so it is understandable that a lot of information was blocked from ever getting in.

In today’s world, how can Canadians and others not see what is happening?  They have televisions.  They have Facebook.  They have the internet.

I have been saying through the virus hysteria that the best thing you can do is to live freely to the greatest degree that you can.  It is a demonstration for others.  You won’t win over many people by arguing with them about statistics.  But when visitors came to Florida and saw people going to restaurants and congregating in crowds, they started to realize that we weren’t walking over dead bodies everywhere because of a virus.  It sets an example.

While Biden and Fauci continue the scaremongering with talk about vaccines and variants and everything else, the best thing to do is to ignore them in the way you live your life.  It is an informal way of seceding.

So for that reason, I am feeling better about American life in 2021.  We may not be officially seceding or declaring independence, but most Americans are essentially ignoring what Biden and Fauci say at this point.

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