American Distrust of Media Propaganda

Americans do not generally trust the media.  I wish they would trust the media even less than they do, but there is far more skepticism in the United States than most everywhere else in this world.

I have read and heard some people who come from a pro-liberty position who lament the fact that there is so much distrust in the media.  They are coming at it from the standpoint that the American media is really bad, which is bad for America.

For some reason, they see it more as a negative that American trust of the corporate media is at or near its all-time low, and it is lower than in other countries around the world.  The implication is that the American media is worse than in other places.

I see this as very positive news, at least for America.  It is the majority of people in other countries who are the suckers.  The media in Canada, Europe, Asia, and elsewhere are generally no better than the corporate media in the United States. It’s just that more Americans aren’t buying the propaganda.

The American establishment media has seemingly gotten worse in the sense that they don’t even try to present more than one side of a story.  They also just more easily make stuff up.  When they pushed for war in the past, they would at least try to cover themselves and get experts and reports that provide an excuse for going to war.  The media spent over four years going after Donald Trump and just making things up, like Russian collusion.  There was absolutely no basis for some of the things being said, but they would just run with it anyway.

Again, I see this as a positive.  I understand that many people buy into the propaganda.  There were way too many that bought into the COVID propaganda, and they too easily allowed tyrannical measures imposed from politicians and bureaucrats at all levels of government.

Still, when compared to the rest of the world, America is the bastion of liberty.

I have also heard pro-liberty people lament that there are massive protests in Europe and other places against the COVID regime, while Americans stay at home.  This is because America is a freer place.  In France, they are threatening to throw people in jail if they go to a restaurant or movie theater without a vaccine passport.  If that happened in the United States, you better believe there would be mass protests in the street.  The reason this level of tyranny is not being imposed is because there are too many Americans against it for the politicians to get away with it.

When American distrust of the corporate media is this high, it doesn’t mean they just aren’t getting news.  It doesn’t mean that they have no idea what is going on in the world.  It means they are finding alternative sources for their news.  This is positive for liberty.

Free Speech

While political correctness is taking its toll, America is still the land of free speech.  You can say almost anything, as long as you aren’t threatening violence against others (even though politicians threaten violence all the time).  There is certainly a threat of being “cancelled”, but Americans, in most cases, do not face prosecution for speaking out against the government.

This is why it is important to speak out and be heard.  The more you speak out, the more that others will follow.  There is safety in numbers.

A few months ago, I wrote a piece about using Hitler and Nazi analogies.  I know it is a common tactic to compare whatever or whomever you don’t like to a Nazi.  But because you are able to do this, it makes it less likely that we will become Nazi Germany.

We aren’t Nazi Germany because people point out similarities to Nazi Germany.  If you wait until you become something really resembling Nazi Germany, then it is too late to resist at that point.  I can’t emphasize how important this is.

The French never should have let their government get so far as to be threatening prison for anyone going to a restaurant without a vaccine passport.  They didn’t draw the line in the sand early enough, so now they are faced with ultra totalitarianism.

I think this would be almost impossible to implement in the United States.  The establishment and its media funded the vaccine makers and are funding the marketing campaign.  The vaccines are being pushed hard from every corner of the establishment.  The corporate media has done its part in trying to smear those who don’t want to take a vaccine.  Yet, about half of the American population hasn’t been vaccinated.

Maybe you could see these draconian and totalitarian measures taken in a place like Los Angeles or San Francisco.  But it isn’t going to be widespread.  If Biden tried to implement a nationwide vaccine passport just to go to a restaurant, there would be massive protests and disobedience.

When the CDC dropped its recommendation for mask wearing (for the vaccinated) a few months ago, part of it was to try to coax people into getting vaccinated.  But it ended up just resulting in a majority of people not wearing masks any more.  Even if a store says that you don’t have to wear a mask if you are vaccinated, most aren’t going to be checking with customers to verify the vaccination status.

I believe another reason the CDC changed its mask guidelines is because people were slowly starting to get rid of them.  It would look worse for the CDC if they kept saying everyone needs to wear a mask while more and more people stop wearing them.  It would just serve to show that a lot of people don’t really care what the CDC says.

While the virus hysteria and the lockdowns were disappointing in 2020, I am optimistic that it has awoken more people.  We are almost at a point where half the country just doesn’t believe anything of substance coming from the corporate media.  There is a growing percentage like me where they automatically assume the opposite is true until proven otherwise.

There has always been media propaganda.  The fact that it is so over the top now shows the desperation of the establishment.  They are losing control of the narrative, so they are doubling down.

The prospects for liberty are greater in the United States than anywhere else, particularly among major countries.  The high distrust in the corporate media is a positive sign for liberty in the future.

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