Why is Biden Trying to Destroy Civilization?

We live in strange times.  In many ways, it is true that politics is downstream from culture.  This is why I stress the importance of education (not schooling).  When more people are educated as to the benefits of liberty, then the politics will change.

While I think some progress is being made on that front, it sure hasn’t changed the politics yet.  I’m hoping the politics isn’t too far behind.

There are tens of millions of Americans who are absolutely furious at Joe Biden and the corporate media that covers for him.  It isn’t just a matter of them disapproving of the job he’s doing in a poll.  I really mean they are furious.

My neighbor commented the other day that she couldn’t think of any other president who has had such a direct impact on her life.  I had been thinking that same exact thing earlier in the day.

The president can have a very direct impact on people in other countries when starting a war.  That is the worst thing someone can do.  You can’t get any worse than directly killing people.  But the truth is that, for Americans, war doesn’t directly impact most people.  The small percentage of people who go to war are directly impacted, but that is it, except for those close to them.  For everyone else, it is just watching the television and seeing what is happening.  Your taxes or purchasing power may be impacted, but the war itself is just one of many things that impacts that.

Maybe there are a few people out there who really get bothered by a hike in income taxes of 2 or 3 percent, but I don’t think it’s many.

In 2021, tens of millions of people are dealing with vaccine mandates, and many of these people have to choose between a jab and their job.  This is a direct result of orders coming down from the White House.

This applies to most federal government workers and all federal contractors.  It is also supposed to apply to all companies that employ 100 or more people, but there has been no formal directive on this yet.  There are some companies that are trying to implement mandates even though they are not yet legally compelled to do so, but it is still a result of what is coming out of the White House.

While Trump Derangement Syndrome impacted many people (some severely), there was an easy cure.  All you had to do was turn off the television and social media.  If you didn’t hear the latest news, then you would have no idea what Trump’s latest obnoxious tweet said.  And it likely had absolutely no impact on you whatsoever.

But in 2021, you can turn off your television set, but it doesn’t mean you won’t get a notification from your employer saying that you must be vaccinated or lose your job because they are following directives from the White House.

Devastating Impacts

While it looks like the White House is backtracking slightly, saying that the December 8th deadline to be vaccinated is “flexible”, it still makes one wonder why this is happening.

Biden is now one of the least popular presidents of all time at this early of his presidency.  The man has only been in office just over 9 months, and he is absolutely despised by half the population.  So much for him being a uniter (as if anyone actually believed those words).  If anything, he is uniting people against him.

I don’t think it is actually Biden calling the shots, as he is too incompetent and senile at this point.  Still, he is the president, so he takes full responsibility.  Given this, it is still curious as to why his handlers seem intent on destroying civilization.

It sounds strange and conspiratorial to use those words, but I don’t know what else to call it.  Just about everything the White House does these days is stupid and destructive.  And when it seems not to be working, they just double down on it.

Now they are looking at throwing tens of millions of people out of work because they won’t take their shot in the arm.  Meanwhile, there is already a massive shortage of labor and goods due to the destructive policies coming out of Washington DC and the Federal Reserve.

I have never been a fan of Bill Clinton.  I think he is a criminal, and he certainly used his office for many criminal and corrupt activities.  But when Clinton was president, he also wanted to be liked.  He was something of a populist.  He actually wanted a good economy, or at least the appearance of a good economy.  He may have been doing bad things, but he wasn’t trying to destroy civilization.

I don’t think Biden and all of his absurdities are sustainable.  But it is still terrifying because Biden and his handlers seem to have no limits.  They are just an out-of-control machine intent on destroying things and wrecking people’s lives.  Maybe this can be corrected with the 2022 congressional elections and the 2024 presidential election, but by then I’m not sure how much there will be left to save.

The coming months are scary with millions of people facing job losses because of mandates.  Add on top of this widespread shortages and the possibility of significantly higher price inflation.

I feel like something has to give.  We are going to descend into a much worse tyranny, or else we are going to fight back the beast here.

The chants of “Let’s Go Brandon” seem to be getting louder and more widespread.  It is more than just Biden, but Biden is the front man, so he should be held responsible.

The left will toss Biden aside when it is convenient, but he is the one right now who is signing these unlawful and immoral executive orders.  If he is removed from office, then his replacement should get the same treatment until these mandates and other disastrous policies are removed.

The defenders of liberty must beat back these destroyers of civilization through persuasion, disobedience, and any other peaceful methods.  All of the absurdities must be pointed out to those who are not in full opposition to the ruling class.

We need chants of “Let’s Go Brandon” to be so loud and widespread that the man just resigns in shame and goes into hiding for the rest of his pathetic life.

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