You Hold the Moral High Ground Over Your Vaccine Pusher Friends and Family

There were probably a lot of Thanksgiving gatherings across America where family and friends discussed (or argued) politics.  In particular, the COVID vaccines and vaccine mandates must have been a hot topic since tens of millions of Americans are threatened with losing their jobs if they don’t get jabbed.

If what we are being told about the vaccine rates are true, and approximately 30% of eligible Americans are not considered vaccinated, then you can imagine that there is a divide in most large family gatherings.

Sure, if you go to a leftist city, then chances are good that everyone will be vaccinated in a group of 6 or 8 people.  Also, some of the hardcore vaccine enthusiasts may not invite unvaccinated family members for dinner.  I doubt it would be as true going the other way.

Hopefully, in most cases, politics wasn’t actually discussed during dinner.  If it is at all, then it should be light.  I think to stir up controversy while eating dinner is impolite.

To be sure, there are probably just as many households that didn’t have any major arguments.  I know several vaccinated people who don’t want to shove their ideas down anyone else’s throat, or in this case, stick it in their arm.

But inevitably, you are going to have some vaccine enthusiasts who will shame others and even suggest that it should be mandated by the government.

When this happens, it is important not to cede the moral high ground.  It is quite clear that the COVID vaccines do not prevent transmission.  The CDC director admitted this a few months ago.  So the only rational argument for getting vaccinated is to protect yourself.  The only selling point for the vaccines at this point, which is waning quickly (kind of like the vaccines), is that you will be less likely to become seriously ill if you do contract COVID.

So there is no good excuse for using force.  When the government mandates vaccines, they are using the threat of violence, which is how government does what it does.

With the attempted mandates coming from the White House, it is a threat of violence against employers.  You are not allowed to freely associate with your employer.  If the employer doesn’t obey and allows unvaccinated employees (or in some cities, unvaccinated customers), then the employer is subject to fines.  If those fines aren’t paid, then eventually men with badges and guns will show up to throw the responsible party in jail.

Even though government agents aren’t literally holding you down and pushing a needle in your arm, they are using the threat of violence.

This should be made crystal clear to those advocating vaccine mandates.  They are resorting to violence to get their way.

For this conversation, it doesn’t matter how many people have supposedly died of COVID.  It doesn’t matter how many cases there were yesterday.  It doesn’t matter if vaccines are really safe and effective.  What matters is the use of violence.

I know a lot of people who are against the vaccine mandates.  Many of them are against the vaccines themselves, as they do not think they are as safe or effective as what we’ve been told by the establishment media.  But I don’t know anyone who wants to use the threat of force to prevent another person from getting the shot.

I don’t know anyone who said that people should be forced to leave their house, even if they are scared of the virus.  They aren’t telling people that they have to go eat at a restaurant.

I also don’t know anyone who said that all mask wearing should be forbidden.  Most people on the pro freedom side are exactly that.  They want to be free to choose for themselves.

Aside from claiming the moral high ground, you can also appeal to people’s self interest.  Ask these questions of your vaccine-obsessed friends.  When your house is burning down, would you rather a group of unvaccinated firefighters show up, or none at all?  Saying that you want vaccinated firefighters to show up timely is not an option in this scenario.

Would you rather have unvaccinated truckers delivering goods to the store shelves, or would you rather they sit home unemployed on welfare?  And what price are you willing to pay?  If half of the food shelves in your grocery store are empty, is that worth it to fire a bunch of unvaccinated truckers?

When people use violence in order to achieve their goals, there are reactions and there are consequences.  There is no free lunch in the use of violence.  People advocating violence must be made aware that they are in fact using violence, and there are deep ramifications in society for the use of initiatory violence.

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