Trump and The Brandon Administration Tout the Vaccines

Unfortunately, going into 2022 we still have to deal with COVID tyranny.  I am fortunate to live in Florida where things are less hysterical, but the threat of presidential edicts continually loom.

With every other president in my lifetime, I didn’t really have to worry much about what was being said or done.  As long as they didn’t start a nuclear war, life went on as normal for most Americans.

To be sure, the federal government has a major impact on our lives and makes us far poorer than we would be otherwise.  But each president is business-as-usual for the most part when it comes to taxes and spending.

Internationally, the president (and his advisors) has had a big impact on foreigners.  When a war is started in Iraq or Syria (to name just a couple), it has a dramatic, and sometimes deadly, impact on those living there.

But domestically, most Americans can just shut off their television and not really pay attention to what the president is doing.  Maybe your taxes will go up or down 1 or 2 percent, but most things just go on as usual.

For all of the Trump hysterics, they just had to turn off the TV, and perhaps social media, and Trump would have been non-existent to them.  He made almost no impact on their lives except to give them emotional stress from his latest Twitter rant.

This is not so for the Biden administration.  You actually have to listen to what is being said or be caught off guard by his latest edict.

You can shut off your TV, but you will still get an email from HR telling you to present your proof of vaccination or else you will be fired, courtesy of Brandon himself.

Earlier this week, I had to find out what was said by the evil duo of Biden and Fauci about domestic air travel.  If they unilaterally decide to ban unvaccinated people on domestic flights, it means that my family may not be able to travel to see some of our family unless we want a really long car ride.

It is all chaos.  The mandates are not only a massive violation of our civil liberties, but they are causing absolute havoc on the businesses that have to deal with them.

Of course, it is easy to not feel sorry for most of these big businesses, but it is still a burden that makes us worse off.  It’s not like these companies can just flick a switch and have their vaccine passport enforcement agency up and running by 9 AM tomorrow morning.  There is a lot that goes into this, including the costs of gathering information and going through exemption requests.

But that’s just the beginning of the chaos, because if it is actually enforced, it means that some people will quit or be fired who otherwise wouldn’t have been.  Many companies already have staffing problems while there are major productivity problems in the economy.

It seems that the Brandon administration will do whatever favors chaos and the destruction of Western Civilization.

And Then There’s Trump

I think most people overestimated Trump’s intelligence.  I know the left says he’s dumb, but I don’t think most people really think that.

George W. Bush is dumb.  He is also evil.  Bush was elected (barely) with the help of the Republican establishment.  Even the corporate media did not attack Bush anywhere near what they did to Trump.

Trump was against the establishment but still managed to win in 2016.  In this sense, he can’t be stupid.  He obviously has some good instincts.  He was very effective at labeling his opponents (Lyin’ Ted, Lil’ Marco, Low-Energy Jeb, Crooked Hillary, etc.).

Trump is considering running again for the 2024 presidential election, but he isn’t reading the tea leaves very well now.  He recently did an interview with Candace Owens.  He seems to be doubling down on the COVID vaccines.

He wants all of the credit for the vaccines, which he says are safe and effective, even though they are neither.  This is at a time when case numbers are hitting their all-time record, even though two-thirds of the population is supposedly vaccinated.

How could they be any more of a failure other than killing off a larger segment of the population due to side effects?  At the start of the rollout, we were never told about the need for booster shots.  We were told that if a majority of people were vaccinated, it would essentially end the pandemic.

But the hysterics – mostly the same ones pushing the vaccines – are terrified due to Omicron.  Shouldn’t this be a non-issue now?  We are about a year into vaccination, and the case numbers are worse than ever.  Maybe you could say that the PCR tests are inaccurate, but I am going by the standard of the hysterics.  The PCR test was therefore unreliable a year ago if that is the excuse.

Despite media claims, it isn’t a clear-cut thing that the vaccine skeptics are all rightwing Republicans.  It is much more nuanced than that.  However, there is certainly a tendency for those questioning the COVID vaccines to more likely be a Trump supporter.

But Trump is having trouble figuring out that something like half of his dedicated base doesn’t want the vaccines that he is pushing.  Trump’s ego is getting in his own way.

Although Trump likes to rail against the media, he also desperately seeks their approval.  He hates that the establishment media is touting the greatness of the vaccines while not giving the credit to Trump and his stupid Operation Warp Speed.  (I could give you anything at warp speed with trillions of dollars at my disposal.)

If Trump were smart, he would be playing it more like Ron DeSantis.  He could say that the vaccine may be beneficial for some people, but you should consult your doctor and make a personal choice.

Trump does say that there should be no mandates, and I do believe that we wouldn’t have these crazy mandates if Trump were still president.  But when Trump spends five minutes touting the greatness of the vaccine with a quick caveat that he doesn’t favor mandates, it makes you wonder whom he is talking to.

Trump is repeating the media lie that this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated.  So Trump thinks they will constantly lie about him, yet they somehow can’t be lying when they say that the hospitals are full of unvaccinated people.

This one issue could actually be the downfall of Trump.  Trump supporters are accused of being some kind of cult and just believing whatever their dear leader says, but this is showing otherwise.  Trump has even been booed at his own events when touting the vaccines and boosters.

If Trump is pushing vaccines that half of his hardcore supporters want nothing to do with, how is this a winning message for Trump?  Some of the big supporters of Trump are already questioning whether they will support him in 2024 because of this one issue.

If Trump is too blind to see the light on this one major issue, how can he effectively lead a movement against the establishment?  I think the answer is clear that he cannot.

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