Two Years Since Two Weeks to Flatten the Curve

It has been two years since the world was shut down.  It has been a little over two years since the big lie started by the power elite and the so-called experts in the medical establishment.

We should never forget the death and destruction that has been wrought on society by these people.

Nobody should have ever been locked down.  All of the lockdowns, mandates, and restrictions imposed by government were immoral.

If there was any role for the state, it should have been advisory only.  Even here, you should never listen to what politicians and bureaucrats in positions of high power tell you.  It is often wise to do the opposite.

The most any government should have done is to advise people to stay home if they were sick and for elderly and people in bad health to be cautious in their activities.  That’s it.

Nobody should have been prohibited from visiting elderly relatives.  Nobody should have been prohibited from having a wedding or a funeral.  Nobody should have been forced to stay home.  Nobody should have been forced to close their business.  Nobody should have been prohibited from dining in a restaurant unless the restaurant owner voluntarily chose to close down.

No child should have been prevented from interacting with friends or going to school because of edicts coming down from mayors and governors.  No child should have missed a soccer practice or dance recital because of this.

Lies, Misinformation, and a Lack of Courage

We were lied to from the very beginning.  In February 2020, the “experts” (with their sham models) and the lying establishment media gave us an exaggerated death rate out of China.  It was never anywhere close to 3 or 4 percent.  It may have been that high for really sick people going into the hospital in China, but that doesn’t mean that is the death rate for the average person who gets infected.

In the U.S., the statistics were rigged from the beginning.  The government specifically gave instructions to inflate the death count.  If you tested positive for COVID and then died within a certain timeframe, then you were deemed to have died of COVID.

The government also incentivized mistreatment and death by paying hospitals more to classify patients as COVID.  And then they were incentivized to give patients Remdesivir and put patients on a ventilator, which has killed many people (and continues to this day).

I knew we were in trouble in the second week of March when most of the world bought into the lies and panicked.  When professional sports leagues stopped sporting events, that was the really bad sign.

And let’s not forget the role corporate America played (and continues to play) in doing the bidding of the establishment.  Almost every major corporation went along with the charade.  There were very few who stood up and spoke the truth.  There was a major lack of courage in 2020.

Courage is the distinguishing factor for the few people who did stand up.  Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida stupidly followed the establishment and issued stay-at-home orders in April 2020.  By September, he fully opened up Florida to the degree it was possible.  While he did educate himself greatly on the issue, it was really his courage that made it possible for him to stand against what most others were doing and allow freedom in Florida.

Vaccine Passports

If the lockdowns and restrictions weren’t enough, then we were hit with vaccines and vaccine mandates.  It’s hard to say how deep the lies go here.  Some claim that the vaccines were already in development before COVID even became a thing.  I have no idea, but I do know there have been massive lies.

In the Pfizer trial, it is claimed that one vaccinated person died of COVID and two non-vaccinated people died.  Out of thousands of people, this was the evidence that the vaccine is effective.  What isn’t widely mentioned is that if you look at overall mortality (see page 23), more vaccinated people died than those in the control group.  This is what really matters.  I don’t care if I don’t die of COVID if I die of something else.

And speaking of control groups, the corrupt companies working hand-in-hand with Washington DC ruined the control group.  They said that it was too important to get vaccinated, so the non-vaccinated people in the studies were allowed to take the jab.  So now there is no official longer-term study of the effects of the vaccine.  We can only do our own guesses based on our experience and observations around us, and by looking at unreliable data like in VAERS.  The main reason VAERS is unreliable is because the majority of side effects aren’t reported to it.

Isn’t it amazing that the universal vaccine cards were ready to go on day one?  How come people didn’t just walk in and get the jab?  Why were they walking out on day one with proof that they received the first dose of the COVID vaccine? In 2020, when someone suggested that the power elite were instituting vaccine passports, they were called a nutcase conspiracy theorist.

To this day, many people are required to show proof that they have received a COVID vaccine (a vaccine passport) in order to remain employed in their current job.  Foreigners are required to show their vaccine passport in order to enter the country.  We are still living under a soft tyranny.

Flatten the Hysterics

It all started with two weeks to flatten the curve.  I had to listen to people, some of whom are somewhat otherwise intelligent, make stupid remarks and trying to smugly explain transmission rates and how we need to spread out the illness so as not to overwhelm the hospital system.

These are the same people who warned about the dangers of opening up the beach.  Yes, you read that right – the beach.  I have never heard of a virus spreading at the beach before, but all of these intelligent nitwits were all of a sudden repeating the talking points that it was dangerous to leave your house.

When people make a mistake, it is often better to give them an out and not make them admit for past errors.  Sometimes it is easier to just move on and pretend that these mistakes were never made.  And for some people who have little power or influence who naively bought into the talking points, I am willing to let it go with them.

But for the people with a platform or those who were outspoken who helped ruin our lives, I want to rub in their face how wrong they were for the rest of their lives.  I don’t want anybody to ever listen to these people again about anything.  I don’t want people to forget those who ruined their lives.

And let’s be real here.  At the top, this wasn’t a mistake.  If it was a mistake, they would have at least gotten something right.  If you are just dumb or ignorant, sometimes you will stumble into something correct.  But when you are consistently wrong while doing significant damage to others, this isn’t a mistake.  It is evil, and I want everyone to know it.

Two weeks to flatten the curve was a big fat lie.  It quickly changed into shutting down society if it can just save one life. They acted as if the only thing to life is not dying.  It was as if they were saying, “It’s ok if we do long-term mental damage to children, as long as they don’t get grandma sick.”

Of course, nothing worked anyway.  A virus is going to do what a virus is going to do.  Even if it were a really deadly virus, it would have made more sense to allow young and healthy people to continue to live their lives as normal and gain natural herd immunity.  This would have been the greatest protection for the elderly and the highly vulnerable.

It has now been two years to flatten the curve.  Most of the hysteria has subsided, but it still exists, and there are still harmful government mandates.  Even if everything goes back to normal (pre 2020) in a year from now, we should never forget the evil people who tried to destroy our civilization.

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