Ukraine – Biden’s Network for Corruption

Ukraine is to the Biden family what the Clinton Foundation is to the Clinton family.

I haven’t devoted a lot of time to the story of Hunter Biden’s laptop.  In 2020, before the election, I knew that the general basis of the story of the Hunter Biden laptop was true.  I knew that the media talking point about it being Russian disinformation was a lie, just like all of the previous lies about Russia, including the lie that Trump somehow colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election.

I actually had a friend on Facebook who calls himself a libertarian deny the story in 2020.  He was implying or outright saying that those pushing the Hunter Biden laptop story were crackpot conspiracy theorists.  Yet, the claims of Russian disinformation somehow seemed credible to him?

I have said since the COVID hysteria that the break in society is between those who believe what the establishment narrative says and those who question it (or generally believe the opposite on important issues).

I don’t understand how someone can call themselves a libertarian yet believe the talking points of CNN and NBC Nightly News.

For anyone who paid attention, it was obviously Hunter Biden’s laptop, and the email exchanges were obviously true.  First, Joe Biden himself didn’t deny that it was Hunter’s laptop.  Second, one of Hunter Biden’s ex-associates, Tony Bobulinski, actually appeared on Tucker Carlson and corroborated it in 2020 before the election.  It would have been almost impossible for him to make the whole thing up.

Now that the election is well past the rearview mirror, the establishment is admitting that it probably really was Hunter Biden’s laptop.  Now the talking point is that it isn’t a big deal and that it is Joe Biden who is president, not his son.

The problem is not just that Hunter Biden was making money off of his father’s position of power and that there are no criminal charges going against him.  The bigger problem is that Joe Biden was part of the whole thing and was taking a cut of the money.

That is a major bombshell.  Joe Biden shouldn’t just be impeached.  If there were equality in the justice system, he would be behind bars.

Yet, that still isn’t the biggest aspect of the story.  The biggest aspect of the story is that there was a widespread suppression of the story before the election by almost every major news outlet and social media company because they didn’t want to take any chance on Donald Trump being reelected in 2020.

We are somehow supposed to believe that the Russians conspired to overturn the election of 2016, yet the establishment media conspired to keep secrets from the American people and to outright lie so as to make sure that Trump would not stay in the White House.

Ukraine Impeachment

Many people forget – if they ever knew – that the first time Trump was impeached was supposedly due to a phone call with the Ukrainian president.  This is the same Ukrainian president – Volodymyr Zelenskyy – who is supposed to be a hero to the West as he fights the evil Russians.  Zelenskyy looks up to tyrants like Justin Trudeau, so I’m pretty sure Trump went barking up the wrong tree on this one.

Trump essentially asked Zelenskyy in a phone call to investigate the Bidens and their dealings.  Trump knew that Ukraine was a big center of corruption that the Biden family used for the sake of their own power and money.

What Trump was supposedly impeached for, Joe Biden actually did before he was elected president.  Joe Biden bragged in front of an audience at a CFR conference that he threatened to withhold a billion dollars in foreign aid (when he was vice president) if they didn’t fire the prosecutor who was investigating the company paying his son.

I don’t know all of the details surrounding Ukraine and the Bidens.  Here is what I do know.

The U.S. government helped to fund and execute a coup against the Ukrainian president in 2012 who was friendly towards the Russians.  The Obama/ Biden regime used Ukraine as a playground for their bribes and corruption.

What Biden did as vice president was to send U.S. foreign aid (your tax money) to the Ukrainian government where he and his family would get a cut in return.  Of course, some of this was done by using a Ukrainian energy company employing Hunter Biden at a ridiculous salary.  Hunter Biden’s only real job was to manage the politics of the whole situation to make sure money and favors changed hands.  Even here, I’m not sure how much of a role he played other than having the checks made out to him.

It isn’t unlike how other politicians play ball.  It really does remind me of the Clinton family.  Bill and Hillary set up foundations and third-party companies where they can funnel the money through.  A Saudi prince will never write a check directly to the Clinton family.  It will always be done through a third party.

In the case of the Biden family, the country of Ukraine – a hotbed of corruption – was their foundation.  It was their third party that they used as cover.

Trump threatened to blow this whole thing up.  He probably had some sense of what was going on.  He never should have trusted Zelenskyy, but you could say that about a lot of people that Trump dealt with for four or more years.

Virtually all governments are corrupt, but Ukraine is definitely one of the top places for corruption.  Ukraine is a poor country, yet billions of dollars are funneled through there.  The Ukrainian people mostly don’t see it.

Americans are getting ripped off to be sure, but Americans are far wealthier than most other people around the world.  It is easy for Obama/ Biden (and many others) to throw around billions of dollars which they can use as bribes and vehicles of power.

With a war going on in Ukraine with Russia, I’m sure the power elite are worried that more will be exposed.  We have already seen admissions that there are bioweapons labs in Ukraine.  Does this have any ties to coronavirus?  Maybe these are the weapons of mass destruction that George W. Bush and Colin Powell were looking for.

Before the 2020 election, Trump should have been running ads showing Biden bragging about threatening to withhold a billion dollars in foreign aid from Ukraine.

Trump is not often a friend for liberty, but he sure has a knack for blowing up the system.  He finds a way to expose the deep state whether on purpose or inadvertently.

Now that Biden has served his purpose and is expendable, more and more about the Biden family and Ukraine is coming out.  The establishment will turn on him if they see it as necessary.

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