Intelligence Doesn’t Equal Smart

I already knew this before, but 2020 and beyond has made it more clear to me.  There are a lot of intelligent people who can sometimes be stupid.

I saw two adults today pushing a stroller outside.  The couple was presumably the parents of the child in the stroller, so they were on the younger side.  It was in the 90s outside and bright and sunny.  The two adults were wearing masks, and it isn’t allergy season.

They might as well have been wearing a shirt saying, “I am an idiot.”

Even if you “follow the science”, it is a rather elementary fact that you don’t have to worry about contracting a virus when outside in the hot sun.

We’ve seen the COVID hysteria since March 2020.  There are intelligent people who wouldn’t know logic if it smacked them on the head.  It doesn’t matter what you say to them or what evidence you show them.  They will just believe whatever Fauci tells them, or the CDC tells them, or CNN or NBC tells them.

I think that is where it is hard for people.  Because if you start disbelieving what these people tell you, then it opens the whole narrative up.  It means there is a concerted effort for these people to lie, or at the very least to not seek the truth.  It shatters your entire worldview.

I don’t understand how people are still believing in the so-called vaccines, let alone the vaccine mandates.  You’d have to be living under a rock not to see that these so-called vaccines are useless, at best.

Even if you ignore the tens of thousands of reported deaths to VAERS, and the hundreds of thousands of vaccine injuries (which are likely vastly understated), you are still left with supposed vaccines that don’t stop transmission or infection.  If anything, I feel like I know more people who are vaccinated who have tested positive for COVID, but maybe it’s just because they are more likely to get a test.

Whenever we see one of these rare breakthrough cases (ha ha), we always gets to hear the obligatory line.

“I have COVID, but luckily I’m vaccinated or it would have been much worse.”

This is a completely unprovable statement that has been spoken too many times to count over the last year.

It’s like in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis when the Federal Reserve created trillions of dollars out of thin air and the federal government spent trillions more in deficit spending.  We hear that if they hadn’t reacted like this, it would have been much worse.

Obedience and Intelligence

I was recently watching an old episode of Cash Cab.  It is a game show in New York City.  When people get into the cab, they say where they are going.  Then the party lights come on and they are told they are in the Cash Cab.  They have to answer trivia questions to win money on the way to their destination.

I don’t know how much editing was done for this show.  Maybe they had some people get into the cab and completely bomb on the questions and these episodes just never aired.  I really don’t know.

If it is just one person in the Cash Cab, it is usually pretty tough to win unless it happens to be a short drive.  If you get three or four people, the odds increase quite a bit.

Still, I am quite impressed by the knowledge of the man on the street.  Maybe it tends to be a better-educated class of people who ride in taxis in New York City.  The episodes I was watching were at least 10 years old.

New York City is considered very liberal (i.e., politically leftist).  I happen to have some friends who are still in New York, and they are on the conservative side.  But the majority, especially in or near the city, are on the left.

So the people I saw on Cash Cab were really very smart when it came to answering trivia questions.  And they aren’t just pop culture things.  It isn’t like watching Jay Leno do a man on the street interview where the people sound dumb.

My guess is that a majority of people on Cash Cab have a college education or higher, and they are also on the political left.  Again, this is just a generalization.  They are also quite smart at answering a wide range of questions.  Yet these are some of the same people who will wear a mask outside in the sunshine.  They will also dutifully get their vaccines and boosters and whatever else the CDC tells them to do.

I shop at both Publix (a grocery store) and Walmart.  The Publix clientele tends to be a little higher financial class even though the two stores are near each other.  I will find more people wearing a mask in Publix.

(For the record, I never once wore a mask at Walmart or Publix, and I was never questioned about it.)

So the people who have less formal education and who probably couldn’t tell you where Ukraine is on a map are the ones who are less obedient.

Why is this the case?

It is easier to train a smart dog.

I heard this from Dave Smith, who was quoting Michael Malice (who incidentally was once on Cash Cab).

I have an intelligent dog.  He doesn’t put anything in his mouth other than his own toys or his own food.  I can put hamburgers on the edge of the table (about eye level to him) and he won’t touch them.  He might get his nose close to sniff.

He doesn’t want to get in trouble.  He doesn’t like being yelled at.  He rarely gets in trouble any more because he doesn’t do any of the things that have gotten him in trouble before.  He is very intelligent.  He is very obedient.

It is good for a dog.  It is a bit more dangerous for human beings.

The problem is that they are being too trusting.  They don’t want to show skepticism.  They lack a certain curiosity.  And if they did realize that they were being lied to, they probably wouldn’t have the courage to stand up.

I think some people want to be seen as sophisticated.  They want approval from others.  They want to fit in with their peers of intelligent people.

Of course, they are not intelligent when it comes to dealing with certain logic.  They can’t see with their own eyes that the vaccines don’t work.  They can’t figure out that locking down society has greater harms than the virus they so irrationally fear.

Again, it would shake their entire worldview.  It would mean that just about everything NBC Nightly News has told them is a lie (or at least not the full story).

This is all generalizing, of course.  We know dumb people who are obedient to the virus hysteria.  And we know very intelligent people who do not buy into all of the virus hysteria.

The otherwise intelligent people who have bought into the hysteria from day one and continue to accept the establishment narrative are sensitive to their reputations.  This is why ridicule is an effective means of getting at them.

I am not saying to ridicule your relative on Facebook.  But you can certainly ridicule Biden and Fauci and the other lying liars who are in positions of power.

The more these people are ridiculed and mocked, the more it wears at the otherwise intelligent people who don’t want to be seen as unsophisticated.  They have already gotten worn down to a degree.  They need to feel like a tiny minority if they continue to hold their irrational and immoral views regarding COVID and vaccines.

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