The Hit Against Alex Jones is to Ban Free Speech

Alex Jones was recently ordered to pay in excess of $45 million in punitive damages over his assertions that the Sandy Hook shooting was a hoax.  This was on top of the $4.1 million he was ordered to pay for actual damages.

Aside from the fact that it involves Alex Jones, it is a somewhat bizarre case.  The judge issued a default judgment over Jones due to his supposedly willful noncompliance with the discovery process.

Perhaps part of this could be blamed on Jones’ attorneys, but it is rather odd that a defendant can just be found guilty like that.

Alex Jones and his company InfoWars are known for conspiracy theories, which sometimes means just questioning the official narrative put out by the establishment media.  It is important to point out that if you put Jones’ record up against Biden, Fauci, and the COVID hysterics in government, Jones has been far more accurate.

Oh wait.  Am I going to get into legal trouble for making such a claim?  Is this tarnishing the reputation of Biden and Fauci?  Is it putting them through personal pain?

If this Alex Jones case is any kind of precedent (and why shouldn’t it be?), then free speech in America is going to its graveyard.

Alex Jones was one of the first people to be banned by social media companies.  Most people didn’t care because they weren’t Alex Jones, and they weren’t fans of Alex Jones.  Once the social media companies had gained some acceptance for this censoring, it became easier to censor anyone who questions the official establishment narrative on COVID, Ukraine, or anything else.

I can tell you that the judgment against Jones is at least a hundred times worse than him getting censored by social media companies.  At least when the social media companies censor, it is just on their platforms.  They didn’t throw anyone in jail or bankrupt someone for posting anti-establishment narratives on Twitter or Facebook.

Why did parents of Sandy Hook children take this to the court system?  It was obviously for money.  Oh wait, I take that back, because I don’t want them to sue me.

If they were concerned about their reputation, why didn’t they go on Alex Jones’ show to set the record straight and provide some evidence that the shooting was real and that their children were victims?

But the real problem isn’t that the parents sued.  The real problem is that the justice system (more like injustice system) allowed the suit to go forward.  Then it turned into some kind of a kangaroo court.

Oh wait.  I don’t want the judge in the case to sue me for reputational damages.  I better not say that.

So let’s think about the kind of precedent this whole thing sets.

You better not challenge the official narrative of the 9/11 attacks.  The families of the victims might sue you and bankrupt you.

You better not question vaccine safety.  The workers at the pharmaceutical companies might sue you for defamation.

You better not criticize Joe Biden when he says that if you take the vaccine, you can’t die.  Biden might sue you for defaming his character.

Basically, you better accept every single government narrative as the official word.  If you don’t do this, then someone will feel hurt by it.  Someone can sue you.

Oh, and it doesn’t even matter if they are lying.  All that matters is that the establishment says that they aren’t lying and that you are lying for questioning it.

It doesn’t matter if you think Alex Jones is obnoxious.  It doesn’t matter if you think what he did was mean-spirited.  This isn’t what this is about.  This is about shutting people up.

If everyone is afraid of being sued for questioning a narrative, then the official narratives will get questioned a lot less.

So just shut up, obey your orders, do as you’re told, and you won’t get sued into bankruptcy through our “justice” system.

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