Should I Vote for Marco Rubio?

The November elections are about a month away, and I have an inner conflict.  I have a decision to make.  Will I vote for Republicans whom I don’t like?

I live in Florida.  It is the land of the free compared to California or New York.  Florida has a lot of problems, but at least we have a governor who doesn’t seem to actively hate us.

I wonder if libertarians and hardcore conservatives are making a mistake by not lobbying DeSantis more.  I don’t really care about winning a small battle about teaching critical race theory or using gender-neutral pronouns in the schools.  I want the government schools abolished, or at the very least decentralized more.  Can we at least start with less funding for the government schools?

I will write more about this in a future article.  I think liberty lovers may be missing an opportunity on making more permanent changes.  It would require a lobbying effort directed towards DeSantis.

Anyway, I did not vote for DeSantis for governor in 2018.  I saw him as another typical establishment Republican.  And while I don’t completely trust DeSantis now, I will vote for him this November because he was one of the least bad governors when it came to COVID and lockdowns.

I have to remind people that DeSantis did lock down Florida in April 2020.  I was referring to him then as Dictator DeSantis.  I even sent an email to his office saying that nobody should be acting as a dictator as I adamantly opposed the lockdowns.

To DeSantis’s credit, he loosened things up in May 2020 and completely opened up Florida in September 2020 when almost every other state still had significant restrictions.  Counties in Florida could still impose mask mandates, but there were no statewide mandates at that point.

I still have no idea if DeSantis did it because he’s brilliant, or courageous, or principled, or politically savvy, or maybe all of the above.  If it was a completely political decision, he read the tea leaves better than the governor of Texas who waited until 2021 to open up Texas.  He only did it after he saw how popular DeSantis had become.

The Lesser of Two Evils

I have heard the term “lesser of two evils” for a long time because I was involved in the Libertarian Party a long time ago.  Many people then, and some still today, say you shouldn’t vote for the lesser of two evils.  But isn’t it really just a degree of evil?  I don’t 100% agree with most Libertarians running for office, so that would preclude me from voting for them as well.

I don’t consider it immoral or stupid to vote.  It doesn’t mean I fully endorse the system.

My rule for a long time is that I will vote for the lesser of two evils, but there has to be a substantial difference between the evils.  I’m not going to vote for one candidate over another just because they think the marginal tax rate should be 35% instead of 39%.  It’s not that I wouldn’t favor a lower marginal tax rate, but I just don’t trust anyone who can’t be any bolder than that.

It’s sad to think about what has happened since March 2020.  Most liberty lovers would rejoice at going back to 2019, even though we were far from free at that time.

It’s still amazing to think that most of the world shut down because of virus hysteria, while the so-called experts were saying and doing things that brought us greater death and destruction.

DeSantis is no libertarian.  I don’t even know if his actions in 2020 were purely political.  But I want to reward him for being more right than others and more courageous than others.  Also, if we hit another virus situation or something similar, I don’t want to be in lockdown like in California and New York.

Now I have an issue with Congress and whether to vote.

I don’t usually vote for anyone.  My “representatives” in Congress are all Republicans, but they don’t represent me very well.  They send my money to Ukraine and other wars.  They waste my money on the welfare/ warfare state, and they continue to fund all of the bad agencies, and this particularly goes for the so-called intelligence agencies.

At the same time, Biden and the Democrats have done great damage to our country.  He and his handlers are far worse than I ever could have imagined.  I don’t know of one single Democrat in Washington DC who opposed the unlawful and immoral vaccine mandates.  I don’t know of one Democrat in DC who opposed funding Ukraine.

I don’t like Marco Rubio.  He is part of the establishment.  He may have been decent when he was in the Florida legislature before he went national.  He is sometimes ok on economics.  But overall, he isn’t good.  He certainly doesn’t oppose the deep state.

But the thought of having the Democrats maintain control of Congress for another two years really puts me at unease.  They are bad on almost every single issue these days.  And if anything, the Republicans have been better (or less bad) when it comes to issues of war and peace.

If the Republicans gain a majority in Congress, I fully expect most things to stay bad.  But at least it may put a halt to the absolute worst things.  Maybe there will be a little bit of accountability for the White House instead of Biden and company just continually trying to upend Western Civilization.

The FBI and the Department of Justice (Injustice) are just blatantly going after those who oppose their agenda.  They are terrorizing pro-life activists.  They are terrorizing Trump supporters.

Biden continues to impose vaccine mandates on many workers, as well as prohibiting people from entering the country.  This has to be stopped.  I don’t just want these things overturned.  I want hearings that expose the criminality of putting out these jabs and the mandates.

I don’t just want people saying, “The pandemic is over, so we don’t need mandates any more.”  I want people saying, “I think these criminals were trying to kill us with their deadly jabs.”

Even if Fauci and company don’t end up in handcuffs, I want them to feel the heat.  I want him called in front of Congress and grilled.

I don’t expect much from most Republicans in Congress, but at least there is an outside chance of a little bit of accountability if the Republicans have the majority.  If the Democrats stay in the majority, there will be no accountability, and things could even get worse, if that is possible.

So I may hold my nose and vote for Marco Rubio.  If he is way up in the polls, maybe I don’t need to.  I don’t want to feel like I have to take a shower after going to the voting booth.  I also don’t want to deal with these psychopaths in power in Washington DC.  They are trying to destroy our civilization, and a strong message must be sent in November.

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