Will Republicans Take Control of Congress? Will It Matter?

As I write this, Election Day is just over a week away.  Even the mainstream (i.e., establishment) media is admitting there may be a red wave.

The “red” is referring to Republican, but the quality of the Republicans up for election matters.

First, I do believe there will be this red wave.  I think the Republicans will easily take a majority in the House of Representatives.  The Senate is a bit more unclear.

I know there has been a lot of talk about voter fraud since the 2020 election.  There has also been a lot of censorship of talk about voter fraud.  There are some who are wondering if that will be a factor in these mid-term elections.

There is voter fraud in virtually every national election, at least to some degree.  It is just a question of whether it is limited in scope and if it has any impact.

For the House, there are 435 elections.  It is quite difficult to have widespread fraud to make a major difference.  There could certainly be fraud that tips the scale in five or ten races.  But if the Republicans get a massive wave of voters compared to the Democrats, then it won’t matter much.  They will still pick up a majority.

It could matter in the Senate.  It would be something similar to what was seen in the 2020 presidential election.  In all of the really close states, vote counting seemed to stop in the middle of the night, and it was generally the big cities (Detroit, Milwaukee, Atlanta, Phoenix) where things seemed to get strange.

This could certainly happen with the races for senators and governors.  It is hopeful that it won’t be as bad, as I do think local Republicans are a little bit more prepared than last time, even though these big cities are dominated by Democrats.

Why It Does Matter

It is very important that Republicans at least take control of the House.  I say this as someone who thinks that elections are overhyped and that both major parties are bad.

The last two years have been horrific.  They have been far worse than I could have imagined, and I am a cynical libertarian.  Joe Biden declared that 100 million people had to get medical injections or they would not be allowed to work.  They would not be allowed to feed their families.

Luckily there was enough pushback in a substantial minority not getting jabbed.  It was also fortunate that the Supreme Court struck down a large portion of the mandate, even though millions of people still ended up being subjected to it.

There are many other things aside from the vaccine mandates.  Biden has been funneling tens of billions of dollars to Ukraine and the military-industrial complex in order to prolong the war in Ukraine.  Russia is not going to leave Ukraine until they get assurance that U.S. missiles won’t be on the Russian border and the ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine are protected.

There is not one Democrat in Congress who has opposed funding this war.  While most Republicans have also been guilty of supporting the funding, at least some Republicans have spoken against it.

There are many other bad things Biden and the Democrats have done and continue to do.  They continue to spend like crazy and promote their so-called green agenda.  They continue the culture war and are actively trying to tear down Western Civilization.

Biden just declared that some student loan debt would be forgiven.  He can just declare anything, and if it is struck down by the courts, “Oh well, nothing lost.”  There are no consequences for him acting like a dictator.

This is why we need a red wave.  There have to be consequences for this recklessness.  Imagine if the Democrats keep control of Congress.  They will just be that much more emboldened to continue with their destruction.

Most Republicans will not be great.  I heard Blake Masters (Senate candidate in Arizona) on Ron Paul’s show and on Dave Smith’s show.  He was good compared to most other people running for national office, but he was wishy-washy at times.  Whenever he used the word “basically”, I cringed.  When someone says, “I basically opposing getting involved in Ukraine”, it probably means they don’t really oppose it.  He is probably acting along the lines of Rand Paul.  He won’t be really bold on some things, but he will be far better than most politicians.

Kari Lake, running for governor of Arizona, is really good.  I understand she isn’t a libertarian, but she is good on a lot of major issues.  But the most important thing is that she is really bold.  She shows courage.  She is like Trump in a lot of ways, except less sloppy.

There are several other decent candidates running for office this November.  This is encouraging.  The Republicans are becoming less hawkish on foreign policy, and they are mostly less bad on other issues compared to Democrats.

I know that Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham are total disasters.  But I also know that there are people out there like Marjorie Taylor Greene who will not hold back and will be mostly good for liberty.

So the red wave does matter.  We need the opposition to Biden and his destructive policies.  We need more gridlock.

And slowly, the Republicans are getting a little better.  The establishment Republicans are losing ground, and they know it.

I think the Republicans will take the House.  They may take the Senate.  I hope the decent ones get elected.  It will be a step in the right direction.

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