Why Listen to People Who Were Wrong?

Have you ever wondered why people who were so wrong in the past still have a platform for their views?  This can span across all subjects, but I have really been thinking about this with regard to COVID.

It is really quite striking how this occurs.  Take the Iraq War as an example.  Some people got it wrong just because they listened to the wrong people and believed what they were being told by the media and politicians.  And then there were some people who were cheerleaders for the war and pushed it hard.

These people either blatantly lied or they were just completely wrong about weapons of mass destruction.  Iraq under Saddam Hussein never posed any threat whatsoever to the U.S.  Perhaps Hussein just wasn’t obedient enough to the U.S. government.

Anyway, the people who pushed the war the hardest are the same people who are still to this day on television analyzing foreign policy.  They get to comment on Ukraine and Russia and everything else.  Why would anybody listen to them?

There are some rare people like Tucker Carlson who admit they were wrong.  In fact, Carlson goes well beyond this because he has learned from his mistakes (mainly, trusting the regime).  So I don’t mind listening to Tucker Carlson on foreign policy topics because he admits that he was wrong on the Iraq War and his views have changed dramatically.

COVID Hysteria and “Vaccines”

I realized recently that most of the people who were right on almost everything from the very beginning of COVID hysteria are people who don’t have much of a platform to this day.  There are exceptions.

Of course, the talking heads on CNN or other establishment media outlets were wrong on almost everything.  They just move on as if they were never wrong.  They will never admit to being wrong.  If they are questioned, they will just say that they were following the science and the science changed.

How does the science change?  Doesn’t that mean that they were just guessing in the first place?  And if they were just guessing, then there was no justification of forcing their views on others.  From my standpoint, there’s no justification for forcing your views on others at all, even if they are grounded in fact.

Why would anyone listen to someone like Fauci or Biden at this point when it comes to anything COVID, or really anything at all?  They are quite obviously liars.  They didn’t just make mistakes.  If they just made honest mistakes, then they would have occasionally gotten something right.

Biden just flat out lies about stupid things all the time.  He makes up his own stories.  But he repeated several times in 2021 that if you are vaccinated, you can’t die.

Even if this were true, he was extremely loose and inaccurate with his words.  Perhaps what he meant to say was that if you have taken the COVID vaccine, then you can’t die of COVID.

But even if he had said it more precisely, it was still a complete lie.  And then he tries to force the shot on 100 million Americans with the loss of their job.  He has also banned foreigners from entering the country without vaccination proof, even though there is widespread admission now that the so-called COVID vaccines do not stop transmission.

The people who pushed COVID hysteria but who now just quietly move on are generally immoral people.  It is fine to get things wrong, but it is not fine to advocate the use of force on other people.  Anyone who supported lockdowns or vaccine mandates should absolutely never be trusted.  They shouldn’t have a platform.  They should be begging for forgiveness.

The problem I have is that there were some people who got completely suckered in at the beginning.  Since that time, they have come around to the other side.  Some of it was not out of principle.  They just saw that the wind had shifted.  This is what the governor of Texas did.  He opened up Texas when he saw how popular DeSantis was becoming for opening up Florida early on.  For this reason, you should never trust Greg Abbott on anything.  He is just better than some other politicians because at least he stopped the tyranny when he realized it was no longer popular.

Some of the harshest critics today of the COVID vaccines are people who actually got the vaccine.  Maybe some of them were vaccine injured or saw other people around them who were injured.  In most cases, they just realized that they had been lied to.

I am not talking about some of the doctors on Fox News who now give wishy-washy warnings about COVID vaccines, or lightly criticize them for not stopping transmission.  These people have just hopped on the bandwagon.  They were shills for the vaccines a year ago.

I am talking about some of the hardcore critics.  Some of them are very good, and they sound very scientific.  But where was their science when the shots first came out and they thought they were good?

I don’t want to oppose them because they are on my team now, so to speak.  And they are often quite effective in their opposition to the COVID vaccines and COVID tyranny in general.

The thing I struggle with is why they have the big platform.  It’s like the military guy who goes to war and realizes that he’s fighting a war for lies.  He comes home and speaks out against the war and gets the biggest audience.  Yet, there were people who were never duped and never supported the war in the first place.

Getting It Right From the Beginning

I think of Ron Paul in March 2020.  He was speaking out against the COVID tyranny from the very beginning of it.  He said that kids need to be outside playing football.  I remember it very clearly, and I remember being quite happy hearing someone that was on my side.

I still to this day don’t know why I never once bought into the hysteria.  I never “social distanced” from anyone from my end.  I know little about science and viruses, but I knew it was ridiculous to be closing beaches and outside parks.  A very quick search on the internet at the time confirmed that viruses break up in the sun.  This was before Google started rigging all of the results for the regime on anything COVID.  If the official science was saying that in 2019 and before, then why were things being shut down everywhere in 2020, including outside places?

The biggest reason I never bought into the lies was because I knew that the ruling elite defaulted to lying about anything of importance.  When the establishment media, politicians, and bureaucrats are all singing the same tune in unison, I figure it must be a lie.  I have to at least assume it is a lie until I can prove otherwise.

Ron Paul was right on COVID from the very beginning.  It helps a lot when your views are grounded with principles.  In this case, it is the principle to not initiate force against others.  Even if COVID was as bad as they said it was, it does not somehow make it moral to lock people down.  It does not make it moral to force people to get injections that they don’t want.

I certainly welcome those who changed their views and came to the correct side, as long as it was done for the right reasons.  They need to demonstrate that they will never again fall into a moral trap of advocating force on others.

But I would like recognition that there were some people who took the moral high ground the entire time.  There were some people who were correct the entire time.  They didn’t have to wait until it was ok to have divergent views from the mainstream media.

I will remember who got it right and who got it wrong.  And for those who got it wrong, I know the people who quickly straightened course and those who changed with the wind.  Personally, I would rather listen to the people who got it right from the beginning or near the beginning than others who took a while.

2 thoughts on “Why Listen to People Who Were Wrong?”

  1. Well I’m with you and felt like it was government overreach from the beginning in 2020. I was surprised by how otherwise reasonable people that I know fell in line with the mass messaging and disagreed strongly with me. I like your note about when everyone (media, politicians, etc.) is strongly pushing one side of a story, you can pretty much assume the opposite is the truth (until proven otherwise). Remember when all of the intel officials signed a letter certifying that the laptop was classic russian disinformation. That was my sign to basically believe the exact opposite. Anyway, thanks for all your write ups this year and hope you have a nice holiday season.

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