The Ruling Elite are Losing, So They’re Fighting Back

The ruling class have always been against the people, at least in the United States for anyone alive today. However, the ruling class are more exposed today for a variety of reasons.

Technology is likely the number one reason, as people can communicate and disseminate information almost instantaneously. We no longer have to rely on just the establishment news sources to get information (or disinformation).

There are other reasons as well. Donald Trump helped to expose the establishment. Sometimes it wasn’t on purpose. The Ron Paul presidential campaigns woke up a small segment of the population, and many of these people are still trying to spread the message of liberty. There is a stronger libertarian movement in the U.S. today than at any time in the last century.

The ruling class itself has overplayed its hand. You can see this with Donald Trump. They try so desperately to smack him down that they just look pathetic at times. They have also become more bold in their rhetoric and their actions, which have been especially evident since the COVID hysteria began in 2020.

Since the ruling elite are more exposed, they are also fighting back. They are digging in hard, and they are out to destroy those who threaten their power.

This is why online censorship has become so prevalent. The government and the powers-that-be would prefer that some people know they are censoring rather than risk information getting out there that would hurt them.

When something looks bad for the establishment, they are often choosing the lesser of evils. It is better for the establishment to have everyone just think that Jeffrey Epstein was murdered than to risk having him reveal any secrets. It is better for them to withhold documents on the Kennedy assassination than for people to find out what really happened.

More people are better informed today because they are paying attention and because they have alternative sources for information. This is a great risk to the ruling class, and they know it.

This makes it an incredibly opportune time to smack down the ruling class and to gain greater liberty. But it is also a very risky time because the ruling elite will not easily relinquish their power.

It will be incredibly dangerous for anyone to challenge particular individuals or agencies. If they are a threat to the ruling elite’s power, then they will be threatened and risk harm.

The best way to take down the ruling class and dramatically reduce the size and scope of government is to continue informing others and making them realize who their true enemies are.

If a majority, or even a sizable minority, are well educated and understand the benefits of liberty, then the people ruling over us will lose their power. They cannot rule for long without the consent of the people.

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