A Libertarian Take on RFK Jr.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has announced that he is seeking the Democratic Party nomination for president in the 2024 election. This is the latest political news that is disturbing to the establishment.

RFK, Jr. is the son of Robert F. Kennedy, who was the U.S. attorney general and a senator in the 1960s. Kennedy (the senior) was assassinated at the age of 42 in 1968, just as he was locking up the Democratic nomination for president that year.

RFK, Jr. is also the nephew of John F. Kennedy, who was the 65th president of the United States and assassinated in office in 1963.

While the Kennedy brothers apparently had their moral shortcomings, Ted Kennedy was the worst. The country was saved from Ted Kennedy ever being president due to his killing of a young woman in 1969 when he drove off a bridge and left Mary Jo Kopechne to die. He was more worried about his political career than saving the woman.

Despite JFK’s moral shortcomings, I have generally come to believe that he was a decent man, at least politically. Sure, he was no libertarian, and I think some libertarians give him too much credit in saying that he wanted to get rid of the Fed. But I do believe that JFK wanted peace in the world, and that is one of the main reasons that he was assassinated.

RFK (senior) was something of an enemy of Lyndon Johnson, who probably had a hand in JFK’s assassination. It is very possible that RFK was seeking some revenge and was going to expose the assassination of his brother. But then RFK was assassinated before getting the chance to become president.

The Best Kennedy

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is now trying to carry on the legacy of his father and uncle. Like both of them, he is putting himself at great risk.

I have followed Kennedy for several years now. I was already quite aware of his work on vaccine safety before COVID-19 was ever a thing.

For this alone, Kennedy is in disfavor with the establishment. They label him as a conspiracy nut and an “anti-vaxxer”. The last part is probably true, but it doesn’t mean it’s wrong.

Kennedy is deeply suspicious of the deep state. He generally believes that the deep state killed his uncle, and possibly his father too.

Kennedy is generally a man of peace. He speaks against corporatism (state and corporate power merged). He, of course, was an outspoken critic of COVID lockdowns and forced vaccination.

There are areas where libertarians will disagree with RFK Jr. He speaks of democracy (as if it is a good thing) in a way that most libertarians wouldn’t. But a lot of his talk about democracy is really talk against censorship, which most libertarians would agree.

Kennedy will also talk about the environment from a leftist perspective. Most libertarians don’t think the national government (possibly the biggest polluter on earth) should have anything to do with the environment. But Kennedy isn’t obsessed with centralizing more power when talking about the issue.

There are probably economic issues too where libertarians might take exception. But I think most libertarians can live with the few areas of disagreement because Kennedy is so good on the really important issues of our day.

RFK Jr. is probably better than his father and uncle, politically speaking. He certainly doesn’t lack courage, and he is already accustomed to taking abuse by the establishment and its media.

Let Them Debate

RFK Jr. is basically the polar opposite of Joe Biden. Biden is a liar and a criminal, and he is bad on almost every issue. Kennedy is honest and courageous.

Therefore, RFK Jr. has very little chance at getting the Democratic nomination. The establishment media will throw all of their hit pieces at him, and the majority of the Democratic constituents will believe it, just as they obediently believed everything about COVID and vaccines.

Maybe I am too pessimistic on this front, but give me a reason I should have any hope in the Democratic Party after the last 3 years of lockdowns, forced vaccination, spending, war, and a war on the American people?

The big positive about Kennedy seeking the presidency is that he will bring up issues that would be barely touched otherwise. He will also help to expose the evils of the establishment.

If Joe Biden runs again, I can’t imagine he would debate Kennedy. I think they would shut Kennedy out of the debates if there even are debates. If Kennedy were miraculously able to debate Biden, he would tear him down. Biden would be fumbling over his words even more than usual.

Kennedy will also serve as an attack against Trump on his worst qualities. Trump, no matter what you think of him, was really bad on COVID. He supported lockdowns, and he allowed Fauci to run the country into the ground. And I’m sure Kennedy will have a few things to say about Operation Warp Speed.

Support the Conversation

Libertarians can choose for themselves whether or not to support Kennedy in his quest for the presidency. But support is a lot more than just voting for someone or saying you endorse them.

You don’t have to commit to voting for Kennedy while at the same time support his getting in the race. He will open up the conversation to things that need to be discussed. He will provide a viewpoint that may not otherwise be heard.

I am happy Kennedy has entered the race for these reasons. I want the media to attack him so that more people will pay attention to him. I want people finding his work on the internet.

Maybe Kennedy isn’t the best on economics, but he is honest and courageous. These are the most important qualities that libertarians should look for in a candidate. Kennedy also tends to focus on the issues where he is strongest. Let’s hope he is able to reach many people who have yet to hear his message.

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