The Nightmare of COVID Vaccine Mandates is Finally Over – For Now

The nightmare is finally coming to an end. Perhaps it was the most authoritarian U.S. government action perpetrated on the American people this century.

The corrupt and evil Biden Administration has finally thrown in the towel on vaccine passports, at least for now. The White House announced on May 1, 2023 the following:

“Today, we are announcing that the Administration will end the COVID-19 vaccine requirements for Federal employees, Federal contractors, and international air travelers at the end of the day on May 11, the same day that the COVID-19 public health emergency ends.”

We can only wonder why Biden and his handlers finally threw in the towel. It’s not because the vaccines don’t stop you from getting COVID. It’s not because the vaccines don’t stop transmission. It’s not because the COVID vaccines have led to many thousands of deaths and disabilities. Even though all of those things are true, they were true and well-known a long while ago. So why now?

Maybe they figured the damage, destruction, and chaos they wanted to throw on society was already mostly done. Now they have to worry about the next election. They figured they could lightly take their boot off of the throat of the American people and give them a gasp of breath.

Even the authoritarian Trudeau let go of the vaccine passports for international travelers in 2022. Maybe international tourism means more to Canada.

Never Forget the Damage Done

These vaccine mandates caused massive chaos in 2021 up until now. Many millions of people took the jab because of these mandates. It is impossible to know anything close to the exact number.

So even if all of the taxpayer-funded propaganda didn’t get you, the mandates came for you next. You were told to get the shots or else you were not allowed to keep your job and feed your family.

There are so many Americans who were faced with a really bad choice. Some stood strong and fought the mandates, and some really did lose their job. Many people folded and took the shot because they weren’t in a financial position to say “no”. I do not blame these people. I feel for them. It was essentially forced on them.

Even if you were willing to get fired, it was a very scary situation in late 2021. The corrupt Biden people were trying to force everyone to get jabbed who worked for an employer with 100 or more employees. This would have accounted for approximately two-thirds of the whole American workforce.

So if you got fired from your job for not take the medical experiment in your arm, then your future job choices would be severely limited. Remember, it wasn’t known for a little while if the Supreme Court would strike down that mandate.

International Travelers

Aside from the employee mandates, let’s not forget the pain and suffering for those who live in a foreign country who are not U.S. citizens or residents. Not everyone coming to the U.S. is going to Disney World or playing in a major tennis tournament like Novak Djokovic.

Imagine someone who was born in Europe and is married to an American. This person was not allowed to travel to the U.S. to see relatives without being jabbed. Think of the people who couldn’t travel with their spouse to see a dying relative or to celebrate an event.

This isn’t a tiny number of people. There are over 7 billion people in this world who aren’t American. Some of them have relatives and friends in the U.S. Some of them have business to do in the U.S. Some of them just want to visit Disney World.

This all adds up to this travel mandate likely impacting many millions of people over the last couple of years.

Chaos and Destruction, For What?

All of this chaos, death, destruction, heartache, lost sleep, anxiety, and depression was caused for what?

It was to line the pockets of the pharmaceutical companies. It was to enhance the power of the ruling elite. It was to give a thrill to the creepy depopulationists like Bill Gates. It was to cause chaos and destruction to civilized society for the people who want to destroy civilized society.

Let’s be clear. These so-called vaccines did nothing to stop infection of COVID. They did nothing to stop transmission. They cause death and disease in at least a small fraction of those who get them, and we still don’t know the long-term consequences with things like cancer and auto-immune diseases down the road.

But even if you naively believe that the COVID vaccines are “safe and effective”, the mandates are highly immoral. They were also illegal.

Yet, nothing happens to Biden and company and all of the shills who pushed the shots. But trust me on this. There are many millions of people who won’t forget what happened. They are not going to forgive the evil criminals who tried to force these shots on all of society.

Now the mandates are over, at least for now. It’s just like all of the other corrupt and illegal things done by Biden and company. They declare student loans forgiven. They declare COVID vaccine mandates on the majority of the population. The Supreme Court strikes some of it down. “Oh well, they declared it unconstitutional. Back to the drawing board for our next illegal and immoral edict with no consequences.”

I will never forget the evil that has been perpetrated on the American people from lockdowns to vaccine mandates.

We Won

To end on an optimistic note, somehow our side has won, at least for now. The non-vaccinated suffered discrimination and humiliation like no major group has experienced in the last many decades of this country. Not only were our jobs threatened, but many places like stores and restaurants prohibited the non-vaccinated from entering.

Despite all of the government edicts and the mass propaganda campaign that even continues to this day, we somehow fought it back. The ruling elite wanted vaccine passports to be the new norm, yet we were able to defeat it.

This seemed far from inevitable in late 2021. But here we are. I’m sure they are already planning their next stunt.

The road of tyranny is not inevitable. If there are enough people paying attention who refuse to consent to the evil, the authoritarians can be defeated. We should use the example of vaccine passports as hope that we can achieve greater liberty.

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