The Durham Report is Obviously Russian Disinformation

Now that the Durham report has been released and shows how the FBI, CIA, Obama, Clinton, and Biden all colluded to make up a story about Trump colluding with Russia, it is time for the Democratic establishment media to come up with a new plan.

I’ve got it for them.

You see, John Durham himself is actually a Russian agent. He has been colluding with Russia to make up this report exonerating Donald Trump.

The Durham report has all of the earmarks of a Russian disinformation campaign. Durham is obviously a Putin puppet.

That’s all you have to tell the people watching CNN and MSNBC, and they will understand that this is more Russian meddling. They clearly understood that the COVID vaccines were safe and effective and that we had to fund Ukraine’s fight for democracy against Russia, so this should be no problem.

Actually, now that I think of it, why mention anything at all? The establishment media doesn’t have to say anything about the Durham report at all. It’s not as if the viewers will question anything they hear about it. They may not hear anything about a Durham report anyway. They don’t trust any alternative media.

But just in case one of their Facebook friends mentions something, or perhaps they catch something about it on a Tik Tok video, maybe it is best for the establishment media to just briefly mention the story and move on.

They can just say that the Durham report was released, and it did not recommend prosecuting anyone involved. It did not, however, 100% prove that Donald Trump is not a Russian asset.

All of those things are technically true by themselves. The media should be able to cover this story in 15 seconds and move on to more important things like climate change and white supremacy.

As long as the people don’t get curious and consider alternative media, then everything should be fine. Trump is still a Putin asset for at least half the country.

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