The Out-of-Touch Politicians

At least back in the day, the Democrats would play the class warfare game and pretend to be for the poor and middle class. Their solution – at least in rhetoric – was to tax the rich more. But at least it insinuated that they wanted to help the average American.

Now the Democrats don’t even pretend to be for the little guy. They have been too busy defending big pharmaceutical companies and the military-industrial complex, while collaborating with social media companies to censor information they don’t like.

The Republicans aren’t much better, but at least some of them will occasionally acknowledge the plight of middle class America.

Mike Pence recently said that Ukraine is his number one priority. This was right after Tucker Carlson listed all of the problems at home in the United States. If Pence thinks this is a winning message, let him keep it.

DeSantis was pretty good at standing up for the little guy in Florida after he realized his mistake with the COVID lockdowns. As a presidential candidate, he has been horrific. I don’t really care about Bud Light and its transgender spokesperson. I can choose not to buy Bud Light, just as millions have chosen. I don’t need a president standing up for me regarding stupid decisions by corporations.

Where are the Populist Candidates?

In today’s world, being a libertarian is almost being a populist. Nobody else is standing up for the tens of millions of Americans taking it on the chin, so libertarians might as well do it.

You don’t even have to sell them on radical libertarian reform. You just have to acknowledge their pain, and that will be enough for a good percentage of the population to go to your side.

The only two candidates with somewhat of a populist message are Donald Trump and Robert Kennedy Jr. Sometimes Vivek Ramaswamy has the ability to connect with people, but it still isn’t an adequate acknowledgement of the suffering out there.

Trump and Kennedy touch on it at times, but they could both be better. They are the two best major candidates on the issue of Ukraine. They both want to end the war. They should tie this back to the struggling middle class.

It would be easy to say, “Why should you pay higher prices at the grocery store every single week while we ship tens of billions of dollars of money and weapons to Ukraine to prolong a war?”

“Why do the budgets of the corrupt FBI, CIA, and NSA keep growing while Americans have trouble paying their rent and their insurance premiums?”

See how easy this whole populist thing can be.

Where Rand Paul Failed

I recently read something on a forum that was discussing politics, and someone mentioned that they wished Rand Paul would run for president and get elected.

Rand Paul is wisely not running for president this time around. DeSantis should have done the same. He should have learned from the mistakes of Rand Paul. He never should have run. But if you are going to run, you have to sell a populist message and acknowledge the struggles of everyday Americans.

Rand Paul was cooked in the first 10 minutes of the first Republican debate in 2015. The first question asked was if the candidates would promise to support the eventual nominee. Everyone but Trump raised their hand.

Rand Paul then stupidly spoke up and criticized Trump for this, even though his dad had done the same thing 4 years earlier.

Rand Paul should have avoided criticizing Trump or anyone else. He should have been hammering home about the struggling American middle class every time he had the opportunity to speak.

You can do this with any question. It doesn’t matter if it is foreign policy, or gun rights, or your opinion on gay rights. You can bring every single issue back to the struggling average American.

Trump and Kennedy

Biden, or whoever replaces Biden as the establishment favorite, has the backing of the corporate media and the entire establishment. This includes many big corporations who feel the need to play ball with the government. So it won’t be easy to defeat Biden or the establishment replacement for Biden.

But there is a reason that Trump and Kennedy are the other two most popular candidates right now. It is because they talk about some real issues, even if they don’t always get them right. There is at least a sense that they are acknowledging the pain of the American people.

This is why it is basically a three-way race right now. It is Trump, Kennedy, and the establishment candidate.

The establishment would rather have two of their own candidates running against each other. Then it wouldn’t matter who won. That is why they are trying to censor and slander RFK Jr. It is why they are trying to throw Trump in jail with any possible charge that could stick.

Nikki Haley, Chris Christie, Tim Scott, Mike Pence, and the rest of the Republican establishment candidates are just plain pathetic. I don’t understand why they are running. Are they so delusional that they think they can win? Or are they all there just to try to damage Trump? That’s not working.

It is impossible for the really insincere ones to even pretend to be in favor of the little guy. They can lie, but they can’t lie that much. They don’t even understand what is happening in America. They don’t understand that people just want to be able to work, pay their bills, save a little money, and enjoy some entertainment in their free time.

Instead, a majority of Americans sense that they are getting the short end of the stick. They see their grocery bills go up and continue to go up. They see their car insurance, homeowners insurance, and medical insurance all go up in price. Meanwhile, their 3% annual raise at work barely covers a few of these items.

Americans know that things aren’t right. They are just waiting for someone to articulately point it out.

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