ABC “News” Spiked the Epstein Story

There are increasingly becoming two political worlds.  But sometimes one world can’t avoid the other.  There are cracks.  Let me explain further and give an example.

Project Veritas recently released a video of Amy Robach, an ABC news anchor, where she is venting her frustration that ABC did not air a story they had on Jeffrey Epstein from three years ago.  She is wearing a hot microphone, but she doesn’t know she is being recorded, and she certainly doesn’t know that her words would end up being released to the public.

Robach states that they had the Epstein story three years ago.  This shouldn’t be surprising, except maybe for the fact that ABC was actually investigating it at all.  I briefly mentioned back in 2016 that Clinton had taken repeated trips on Epstein’s private jet, and that was just from my own limited research.  It should have been a huge story then; yet it wasn’t.

Robach is visibly frustrated that ABC spiked the report.  The story was theirs to run with.  They had an alleged victim who was naming names.  She said they had other women backing it up. She said they had allegations against Prince Andrew, but that the Palace was threatening them in “a million different ways.”

They had implications against Alan Dershowitz.  She said, “we had Clinton”.  This is just what she said in this leaked video.  I am sure they had much more, but this is major news just based on the people she named.

It’s funny that ABC news was worried they wouldn’t get interviews with William and Kate if they aired this story.  I have to imagine it goes deeper than that.  Not only could they have aired the Epstein story, but then they could also air the fact that the Palace threatened them with it.  I certainly don’t speak for many people, but I would have a much better chance of watching ABC uncover a major scandal like this than watching some stupid and phony interview with William and Kate.

This Project Veritas video could ultimately take down the Palace.  The whole idea of a royal family is stupid anyway.  The Queen has little political power.  It is just the glamorization of a family that is living at taxpayer expense.  Maybe some of the British pride with the royal family will diminish with this. It certainly should.

Then we have Bill Clinton, who flew at least a couple dozen times on the so-called Lolita Express. But I’m sure Clinton was just talking business on Epstein’s private island.

Imagine if there were flight logs showing Trump was visiting Epstein’s private island.  Do you think the establishment media would be quiet about that?  Trump did know Epstein, but the media doesn’t even want to talk about that because the implications are so much larger for Clinton.

Here is a former president of the United States.  He is the husband of a woman who barely lost the last election, and there is even talk of her entering the race for 2020.  He is likely a pedophile.  At the very least, one if his best buddies was a pedophile.  Yet, the top dogs at ABC news didn’t think this story was newsworthy.

I assume they had the story before the 2016 general election.  This would obviously be a major reason for ABC spiking the story. No matter what, it shows that the corporate media is unquestionably part of the establishment.

The best ABC news can say now is that the story was uncorroborated.  But in the leaked video, Robach said there were pictures and other women to back up the allegations.

Plus, I would just like to point out that you don’t have to have 100% proof of anything to report it. If that were the case, there would be almost no journalism to speak of.  You report the facts.  The main fact in this case is that there was a woman (or women) making allegations against these famous people.

The establishment media certainly doesn’t care about corroborating facts when it comes to allegations against Russia or Trump.  Of course, even stories that aren’t political do not require 100% proof that something happened.  It is good journalism to make sure you aren’t throwing junk out there, but it doesn’t mean you can’t report something if it seems to be credible, even if you can’t 100% prove it.

You hear reports all the time saying that someone is under suspicion for a particular crime. The news report doesn’t say, “He did it.”  They phrase things a certain way.  They will not say, “The killer is under arrest.”  They will say, “The suspect is under arrest.”  That is factual reporting.

ABC could have legitimately run this story.  They should have run this story.  It is a scandal and cover-up that they didn’t run this story.

One thing that is important to point out regarding this leaked video is that Amy Robach is not at fault.  She is mad that the story didn’t run.  I actually feel a little bad for her that this came out.  I hope that all of the truth tellers of the world will back her up.

Sure, she could have leaked the story on her own and lost her job.  But it probably wouldn’t have been a story for very long. It is much more convincing that she was being open and honest, not knowing that she was being recorded.

This shows that some journalists actually do want to be journalists.  They may be mostly shills for the establishment, but they are not always intentionally acting on behalf of the establishment.  That is coming from the top.  Robach wanted the story to run.  She is mad that it didn’t.  The orders obviously came down from high up.

Two Political Worlds

I don’t watch the establishment media much.  It is hard to avoid, so I do get a sense of what is being reported. I’ll catch little snippets here and there.  I can also see what the news feed is saying on my smartphone.  It will show 4 headlines of news articles.  It is almost a certainty that at least one of them is an anti Trump story.  (I just checked my news feed for fun, and there is a headline going after Trump Jr.  This certainly counts as an anti Trump story.)

Anyway, I don’t know how much coverage this Project Veritas video got in the corporate media. My guess is that Fox News has covered it a bit.  I doubt that the other major networks have covered it much, if at all.  I did see it on DrudgeReport, but that is a site mostly visited by conservatives and libertarians.

I think it would be an interesting experiment to ask some random people if they have seen the video of Amy Robach, or at least if they have heard at all about it.  My guess is that a great percentage of people are not aware of it.

This is why we live in two political worlds.  If you just watch the establishment media, or even lightly pay attention to it, then you are not going to hear these types of stories.  I consider Fox News to be mostly establishment, but it is an exception with some of these stories.

Every headline should be screaming that Bill Clinton is likely a pedophile.  But it doesn’t even get mentioned.

Instead, we have to hear about Trump’s latest tweet, or how he may have withheld money from Ukraine to gain political favor.  Even here, does the establishment media play the video of Joe Biden bragging that he got a prosecutor in Ukraine fired (who was investigating his son’s employer) by threatening to withhold money?  The question answers itself.

There are two political worlds.  One world hears these stories from alternative media.  The other world does not.  It hardens the views of both sides.  When I see this leaked video, it just confirms that the corporate media is in bed with the establishment.  It confirms to me that they lie.  They really are fake news.  In this case, it is a lie by omission.

My only hope is that the two worlds sometimes collide.  The problem is that it is hard for people to admit that they have been duped.  And when you acknowledge and fully digest a video like this, you basically have to change your whole worldview if you were accepting the establishment media narrative before.

When you see this video, and if you actually accept what happened, then how could you really trust anything you hear again from ABC news?  I mean, if they can’t report that Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton are likely pedophiles, then why wouldn’t they be lying about anything that is convenient for them?  It would have been one of the biggest bombshell stories ever, but they chose not to report it.  Why bother listening to anything they have to say?

Mark Twain reportedly said that it’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.

(Hey ABC news, notice how I used the word “reportedly”?)

This leaked video shows that anyone who takes the establishment media seriously has been duped.  But they won’t accept the video.  They will make excuses.  They will pretend there were good reasons for not running the story.  They will pretend that this was a one-time omission.  In order to stay duped, people can make a lot of excuses to themselves.

The good news is that some people are not in either of the two worlds.  You may be able to have a conversation with someone where they don’t shut you out or find you annoying.  You may be able to post this video on Facebook and get someone to reflect a little.  There are cracks between the two worlds.

In the pre internet era, this video never would have been exposed.  Even if someone had gotten the secret video to leak, where would they have leaked it?  If ABC won’t run a story exposing Epstein, Prince Andrew, and Bill Clinton, then ABC isn’t going to run a story showing they spiked that story. And I don’t think the other major networks would run it either.

Maybe the National Enquirer would have picked up the story.  But you can’t watch a video in a magazine.  And how many people would have bought a copy?  How many people would have believed the story without an accompanying video?

For this reason alone, we should be very thankful for the internet and our technology today. These stories would not have been exposed in the past.  We would not know about these stories at all.  We might not even know anything about Epstein.

At some point, there is a breaking point where the establishment media is forced to cover a story.  It just becomes too well-known by the public.  I don’t know if we will ever see headlines saying that Bill Clinton is accused of being a pedophile.  They never ran stories about him being accused of rape.  But when that happened, it was in the early days of the internet.

There really are two political worlds.  There are those who don’t trust the establishment media, and there are those who are being fooled, and you can’t convince them otherwise.

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