Impeachment and the News You Don’t Hear

The House of Representatives has voted to impeach Donald Trump.  The establishment media has been trying to get Trump long before he was sworn in as president, so they took part of a victory lap with his impeachment.

The impeachment was a sham, just as the Russia-gate hoax was before it.  There are far bigger crimes that Trump has participated in (if you could call his phone conversation with the president of Ukraine a crime), and you could say the same thing for probably every president of the last 100 years.

Trump could be impeached for bombing Syria, threatening and sanctioning Iran (among others), and helping Saudi Arabia to starve the people in Yemen.  But almost nobody cares about these things, which actually kill people.  If anyone went after Trump on these things, then they would have to be consistent and give the same criticisms (or worse) to Obama and Bush before him.

I would like for Trump to be impeached for waging war, dropping bombs, and issuing sanctions. This would be a precedent that I want to be set.  But most of the leftists are not really anti war.  If they are, they are certainly more anti Trump than they are anti war.

Politically speaking, I think the Democrats may have overplayed their hand on this.  It is so blatantly partisan.  The Clinton impeachment 20 years ago was mostly partisan, but at least Clinton actually committed a crime.  It was made to be all about sex, and the Republicans got sucked into that narrative.  But Clinton did commit perjury, which is a felony, in the Paula Jones trial.  One could certainly make the argument that, while it was a felony, it only hurt the victim in court. It didn’t hurt the whole country. But at least there was an actual crime that would send most people to prison.

With the Trump impeachment, there really was no crime.  Trump asked the Ukrainian president to help find out what happened with Joe and Hunter Biden.  But there was no proof that Trump threatened to withhold money.  It may or may not have been because Joe Biden is running for president.  You do have to understand that Ukraine ties in with Russia and the whole Russia-gate hoax.  Trump may have been trying to find out more about who was trying to frame him and how.

The articles of impeachment were weak.  One was for abuse of power, which is incredibly vague.  And again, probably every president has abused power.  According to Biden, he knew how to use power too.  He did the exact thing that Trump was being accused of and admitted it on video.

The other article of impeachment was obstructing Congress.  This is so incredibly stupid.  Does Trump have to hand over anything that Pelosi and Schiff ask for just because they asked for it?

While the establishment media had its little celebration over the impeachment (again, overplaying their hand), it probably was a distraction to a certain extent.  I suppose I have played into that distraction just by writing what I have so far.

I heard someone say that it distracts us from the spending legislation.  The federal budget is approaching an incredible $5 trillion per year, while the annual deficit is around $1 trillion and rising.  And this is during a supposedly booming economy.

The only thing is that I don’t think most Americans would care about the budget anyway, even if impeachment weren’t a story.  They’ll say in polling that they care about spending and the debt, but they don’t really care when it comes down to it.

The Ignored Stories

I would contend that there are even bigger stories than the budget.  We expect the budget to keep growing as long as they are able to fund it.  So in that respect, it isn’t anything out of the ordinary.

But there have been at least three bombshell stories that have happened just within the last few weeks.  Yet, you barely hear a thing about them from the establishment/ corporate media.

The first story is about Afghanistan.  The Washington Post obtained documents showing that top leaders continually lied about the progress (or lack of progress) of the war for the last 18 years.  In other words, with the tens of thousands of lives lost and many more than that ruined, the whole thing is a farce.  The war just continued on, wasting lives and money, when the people waging the war knew it was a disaster.

The second story is about Syria.  Members of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) have disputed the final report that was released that claimed Assad used chemical weapons against his own people.  There are many people who dispute the final report and say it is unlikely that it was Assad.  They also point out that the chlorine traces that were found were very low levels, such as that commonly found in a household from cleaning products.

The claim that Assad gassed his own people has been an ongoing lie to help justify the immoral and illegal war in Syria.  It was likely the U.S. government that threatened the OPCW and rigged the report.  In other words, the U.S. government lied us into war in Syria.  But impeachment gets all of the headline news.

The third story is about the FBI.  The Inspector General report was originally hailed as showing that there was no evidence of bias in the FBI obtaining warrants to spy on the Trump campaign.  But when you dig into the details, it shows that the FBI withheld and distorted evidence to obtain the FISA warrants to begin spying (and continue spying) on the Trump campaign.  And the Steele dossier, which was put together by someone working for the Clinton campaign, was used as the primary source for the FISA warrants. In other words, it proved all of the things that were pointed out by those of us who have been calling it a hoax from day one.

The CIA, FBI, and other elements of the deep state have been trying to overthrow Trump since before he took office.  This is so blatantly obvious to anyone paying attention who can think rationally for a couple of minutes.

Maybe the average Democrat hates Trump for his brash personality and his insensitive Tweets. But the people trying to overthrow him hate Trump because he occasionally tells the truth and questions the nature of the empire.  This is why they so desperately want him gone.

But the media ignores all of the big stories that show that the high-level people in the military and the intelligence agencies are a bunch of liars and murderers.  Instead, they focus on Trump.

It’s not that any one of these stories were a surprise to me.  They just added confirmation to what I already knew.  But these stories do provide evidence to what some of us have been saying all this time.  Yet the media ignores them for the most part.

The establishment media should be losing legitimacy.  I think it is to a certain degree, but still not enough.  There are way too many people who just hear the talking points and accept them as spoken.  But the media distorts and sometimes outright lies.  They lied with the Russia story.  They lied about Assad using chemical weapons.

Perhaps worse than their lies is just the ignoring of certain stories.  Just as ABC spiked the Epstein story years ago, they will ignore the stories of Syria that refute what they once said. They will mostly ignore the important details about the corrupt FBI.  They will mostly ignore the liars in the military-industrial complex who kept cheerleading the war in Afghanistan.

The establishment media should be ignored.  They want to control the narrative, which they have successfully done in the past.  Luckily we have some alternative sources today.

Whenever you hear a political story from one of the main networks, you should assume they are lying or distorting the story.  More importantly is to not fall into the trap of thinking that what they are saying is really the top story.

For whatever reason, the media does the bidding of the deep state.  This is why the FCC should be abolished.  There are other reasons for this too, which go back many decades.  But regardless of the reason, it is important to delegitimize the establishment media so that people stop listening.  Whatever they say, you should believe the opposite until you can verify the claims being made.

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