Why Libertarians Shouldn’t Trust “The Science” or “The Experts”

Back in early March of 2020, I was already questioning the narrative on the coronavirus.  I have 100% opposed all government measures pertaining to the virus or fear of the virus in terms of lockdowns, regulations, and mandates.  The only government actions I haven’t opposed are the reversing of original orders, such as removing government restrictions and lockdowns.

I was surprised how many Americans fell for the media-induced hysteria.  I was surprised how easily Americans gave up their liberty.  Property rights are a major part of liberty, and business owners in particular were deprived of their liberty if they were deemed “non-essential”.

I was even more surprised how many libertarians I know or know of who fell for the hysteria. I know of a few libertarians who bought into all of the hysteria and were (or still are) really fearful of the virus but didn’t favor government lockdowns.  But most self-identified libertarians who bought into the hysteria were willing to compromise their principles or showed they didn’t have a strong set of principles to begin with.

I have heard libertarian justifications for lockdowns, mask mandates, and other restrictions put on by government.  They say that someone with a virus is violating the non-aggression principle by infecting others.  There are many issues with this line of argument, especially when asymptomatic people are put in the category of potential aggressors.  It is also problematic that it is very hard to prove how someone became infected.

I believe the answer lies in liberty and property rights.  If you have strong property rights while government does not control most property, then it will be up to the property owner on how to handle the situation.

Here is the biggest problem with the “libertarian” argument that someone could potentially have a virus and as a spreader would be an aggressor.  The problem as with so many things is: Who gets to decide?

Why is the coronavirus considered so dangerous while the flu – at least in the past – was not considered to be really dangerous, at least relatively speaking?  What about the common cold?  Would someone with a cold be considered a violator of the non-aggression principle if the person left their house?  Who gets to determine what constitutes a major health danger and the threshold for becoming an aggressor?

This is really what separated most libertarians from the beginning.  Many have realized that the coronavirus is massive hysteria and that they were sold a bill of goods.  At the very least, some will admit that it was probably overblown and the reactions were overblown.

What has separated libertarians on this topic is in trusting “the science”.  The problem is that “the science”, as defined by the hysterics, is really the establishment-approved science.  They will quote Dr. Fauci and the so-called expert epidemiologists all day long.  But these are the “experts” paraded on television by the establishment media. There are a lot of scientists, including epidemiologists, who don’t agree with Fauci, and some of them think the coronavirus is no worse than a flu.  There are even a few who think it is less than the flu. Better yet, there are some who question everything we’ve been told about the virus.

I am not a scientist, but I question just about everything we’ve been told about it by the “experts”.  I really have no idea. I have read some people questioning whether there really is a new virus, saying that the virus everyone is talking about was never properly isolated.  This calls into question all of the testing, which even the so-called experts will admit can put out false positives.

What if the tests are just picking up any coronavirus and not COVID-19?  A certain percentage of people who are feeling sick will have a coronavirus, as has been the case in the past.

I showed an example of how, by today’s standards, we could have a pandemic for the sniffles.  If everyone who had a runny nose within 7 days of dying were deemed to have died of the sniffles, then we would get hundreds of thousands of deaths each year recorded as the sniffles.

There was obviously a spike in deaths in New York and New Jersey in April 2020.  Some of these could have been due to another virus spreading.  Some of them could have been due to people going to the hospital with anxiety or other problems and then drugged up and thrown on a ventilator to die.  Some of them could have died due to COVID-19. It’s possible it could be a combination of all three and more.

I really don’t know. What I do know is that we have been continually lied to by the “experts”.  Again, these so-called experts are the handpicked people by the establishment telling us what the establishment wants us to be told. It reminds me of what I have heard about climate change for the last decade or more.  I will hear that 97% of scientists agree that global warming or climate change is real.  This is based on the establishment’s own version of the question, and it involves mostly government-funded scientists.

Incidentally, this is one of the major problems when government is involved in anything. Many doctors are afraid to speak out because the government essentially owns them.  If the government pulls their license away, a doctor loses his or her livelihood.

I don’t trust the politicians, the government bureaucrats, the government-funded scientists, and the corporate media.  They are all part of the establishment.  These are some of the same people who told us there are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.  They told us Assad gassed his own people in Syria.  They told us that Putin and Russia hacked the election and colluded with Trump.  The list goes on and on.  If they will lie about things to get us into war, they will certainly lie about a virus.  Many of the exact same people who have lied us into war are now lying about the coronavirus.

I knew from the beginning that we were being lied to about the virus because I don’t trust anything of importance coming out these people’s mouths.  I saw from the very beginning that we were being misled with the statistics out of China.  The establishment media was quoting a death rate of 3 to 4 percent from those contracting the virus.  Some said it might be 2%.  It doesn’t take an expert statistician to realize that the 3 to 4 percent mortality rate was garbage because they were basing it on the sickest people who were being admitted to the hospital.  

On March 20, 2020, I wrote: “With the coronavirus, they are taking the number of people who tested positive for the virus against the number of people who have died from it.  Therefore, the mortality rate seems higher, but it isn’t a valid comparison.  They are largely testing people who are the worst off.  There will be many people who had the coronavirus who never got tested.”

Couldn’t this have been easily pointed out by Fauci and his minions and the establishment media?

(By the way, if there is one thing I got really wrong at the beginning of March, it is that I thought stocks were going to get hammered and not recover any time soon.  I underestimated the Fed’s massive monetary inflation and its impact, but that has nothing to do with believing the establishment or libertarian principles.)

Here is another thing to pay attention to, even now.  How many times have you been told that it is important to wash your hands, social distance, wear a mask, etc.?  How many times have you been told you should get a flu shot?  How many times have you been told that we need a coronavirus vaccine?  How many times have you heard that contact tracing is a key to stopping the spread?

On the first question in particular, if you have a television, you have probably heard some variation of “wash your hands, social distance, wear a mask” hundreds of times.

Now let me ask you this question.  Not including alternative websites, how often have you heard from the media on what to do if you do contract the coronavirus?

I have rarely heard anything from the establishment media on steps to take if one becomes ill and tests positive for the coronavirus.  I hear that you should stay quarantined or go to the hospital, but how should you actually treat yourself?

Even with the preventative measures “wash your hands, social distance, wear a mask”, there is rarely mention of vitamins, supplements, and just living healthy.  I have only occasionally heard about vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, and other things to take for preventative measures or for actually treating the coronavirus.

I think this in itself says a lot about what’s going on.  Why do we hear constantly about wearing a mask and getting a vaccine, yet we rarely, if ever, hear about how to treat the virus at home?  If many millions of Americans have already gotten the virus, and supposedly hundreds of thousands have died, don’t you think there would be a little advice on how to handle it if you do get sick?

I can only speculate that this is why a few hospitals become crowded when the number of cases spike in a particular area.  Someone who got flu symptoms in the past would have likely just stayed in bed, drank chicken soup, and recovered.  Now, if someone gets the flu and watches and believes the news, they are far more likely to go to the hospital.  They don’t know what else to do.

The world has been duped.  The same liars who lie to us about war and anything else of importance have also been lying about the coronavirus since at least March.  Libertarians, of all people, should know this.

I don’t have to know everything about the coronavirus.  Nobody else does either.  What I do know is that there are people in this world who are evil and will exploit human ignorance for their own gain in power.

You should never trust “the experts”, especially when it involves power.  Any time a crisis gives the possibility of more power (i.e., legalized violence) to politicians and bureaucrats, then the crisis itself should be questioned.  In a real crisis, the answer is peace and liberty, not handing over more power to others to rule over us.

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