A Libertarian Case for Joe Biden

Yes, you read that right.  In 2016, I actually made a libertarian case for Hillary Clinton.

To be clear, I am not voting for Joe Biden or supporting Joe Biden in any way.  I am not even hoping he wins because I have no idea what it will bring.

There are obviously numerous reasons to be against Joe Biden from a libertarian perspective, or even just a human being perspective.  He is corrupt.  He is embedded in the establishment.  He is creepy.  He is pro war.  He is a proponent of big government.

The number one reason to be against Joe Biden is Kamala Harris.  In terms of policy, she is everything he is and worse.  She is more pro war, and she is an even bigger proponent of big government.  And given Biden’s age and mental capabilities, a Biden presidency has a high degree of probability of turning into a Harris presidency.

But that’s enough about how bad Biden is.  The point of this piece is to make a possible libertarian case for Biden. How could that be, given what I just said?

First, I believe that the establishment has put the American people through the wringer on purpose for the last 4 years.  The year 2020 is the culmination of this with riots and coronavirus lockdowns and mask mandates.

Before 2020, the establishment and its media tried its hardest to get rid of Trump or delegitimize him as much as possible.  They also sought to divide the country and make people angry at each other. It was continual lies and falsehoods.  The biggest one was the Russia hoax pushed by the most vile people in existence.  When that wasn’t successful, they turned to Ukraine.  They impeached Trump over a phone call by accusing him of withholding foreign aid for political purposes.  In other words, the House Democrats impeached Trump over the very thing that Joe Biden admitted to doing on video.

So again, you are probably wondering how this is a case for Biden.  Well, my only hope is that removing Donald Trump would bring back some civility.  To be sure, it is more the anti Trump people who are not civil, but a Biden presidency could perhaps bring down the tensions.  It doesn’t make the 60 million or so people who vote for Trump go away, but there is at least a possibility of some civility.

I have had some Trump supporters get mad at me for saying this.  I said that if getting rid of Trump means that life can go back to somewhat normal (pre-March 2020), then I may favor Biden.  I believe that the hysteria over coronavirus and the subsequent lockdowns and mask mandates were push hard by the establishment to try to make our lives as miserable as possible until the election in November. It worked.

I have no idea what will happen if Biden wins.  He has said at times that he may favor a national mask mandate or national lockdown.  I doubt this would happen.  And good luck trying to enforce it even if the orders came.  I was in North Carolina in July when there was a statewide mask mandate and most people weren’t wearing a mask where I was in the mountains.  If the local sheriff wasn’t going to enforce it, the governor wasn’t going to go there to enforce it himself.  Biden certainly won’t be coming to my city to enforce a mask mandate.

In fact, if Biden did try such a thing, it would probably advance the cause of liberty greatly. We would see the ideas of decentralization and state nullification take hold.  As libertarians, this is really what we want.  We want it done peacefully, but ignoring federal orders sure does set a precedent for other things.

At the same time, I’ll say that if Trump wins the presidency again, I hope that states like California will consider secession or some form of decentralization.  We should all cheer this on.

Anyway, let’s get back to Biden.  If the coronavirus magically dies down after the November election after a Biden win, then I will celebrate to a certain degree.  I want to go to concerts again.  I want to go to sporting events.  I want to walk into the grocery store without feeling like I’m in a hospital.

Again, some Trump supporters hate me for saying this because it seems like I am giving in to the mob. But I’m not actually endorsing or voting for Biden.  I’m just saying that my life will be happier if Biden wins and, as a result, life somewhat goes back to the way it was.  It’s not my fault that the majority of people are so incredibly gullible that they listened to the words of the lying establishment media. Many of them are still being extremely gullible, and I can’t help that.  These people are making our lives miserable, and we should certainly fight it.  But again, if a Biden presidency makes it all go away, I think I favor that from a selfish point of view.

The other libertarian case for a Biden presidency is that the economy is in complete shambles. I know Trump won’t admit this, and he’ll blame what problems are evident on the coronavirus and the lockdowns. But the economy was a ticking time bomb anyway before the lockdowns.  It is just so much worse now with the lockdowns and the incredible levels of government spending and monetary inflation that have taken place just in 2020.

Trump has been mostly horrible in terms of economic policies.  He has been decent (comparatively speaking) with regard to some regulations and corporate taxes.  But he is a big spender, and the debt is completely out of control at this point.  There are going to be major problems over the next 4 years.

If Trump is president, we get to hear about how Trump’s capitalist policies are destroying the economy.  It will be false of course, but the same gullible people wearing masks everywhere they go will believe it.

If Biden is president, they will try to blame Trump for the recession, inflation, or whatever the problems are.  But after a year or so, that won’t stick.  Biden and the left will get more of the blame.  So if we’re going to have an economic mess on our hands, it seems better if the more socialist side gets the blame.

I know there is great fear over what Biden might do in reaction to a major economic depression, but we should have that fear no matter who is president.  Can it get much worse than trillions and trillions of dollars in new debt in a 6-month period?  Can it get much worse than $3 trillion added to the Fed’s balance sheet?  Maybe it can get worse, but it could get worse with a Trump presidency too.

Maybe the best situation is for Biden to lose the election but then be coronated as the winner through fraud.  I would rather that than the other way around.  I want a Biden presidency that is not seen as legitimate.

I actually don’t mind that people try to delegitimize the Trump presidency, except I don’t agree with lying about it, and I don’t agree with trying to do it by favoring the establishment.  I care more about delegitimizing the establishment.  That usually includes the presidency, but Trump is a different story. While Trump does many things that favor the establishment, he has a very adversarial relationship with the establishment, if in rhetoric only.

In conclusion, I am not cheering for Biden or supporting him in any way.  In fact, I will take some pleasure in watching the faces of the establishment hacks if Trump wins, just as I did in 2016.  However, no matter who wins or who takes office in January 2021, it isn’t going to be pretty.  The economy will still be bad no matter what.

There is a case that a Biden presidency could be more beneficial to the cause of liberty in the long run.  It isn’t a strong case, but it is hard to see how four more years of Trump is going to bring us closer to liberty unless we see California secede.

Trump has served his purpose in exposing the establishment – sometimes on purpose and sometimes inadvertently – for anyone who cares to see it.  I’m not sure what more he can do at this point, but I’m open to suggestions.

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