The Last Stand Against Tyranny

I don’t like to be overdramatic.  I don’t like to say that this is our last chance for liberty or else we are all doomed.  As long as there is one voice alive speaking in favor of liberty, then the flame stays lit.

What happened on September 9, 2021 is very troubling.  It is the most dangerous and widespread infringement on liberty that we have seen in modern times, at least domestically.

The war between the states in the 1860s was horrific.  The act of drafting men and sending them off to war was horrific throughout much of the 20th century.  The killing of innocent people overseas in many wars has been horrific.  I am not trying to compare any of those events to what is happening today.

But this thing just hit home with Biden’s immoral and unconstitutional executive order.  It is all bad, but the part about requiring most federal workers, federal contractors, and companies with 100 or more people to require vaccination of their employees is especially egregious.  In other words, on Biden’s word (there is no law), you have to get jabbed if you want to work.

This is it.  This is the libertarian moment.  This is the last stand.  America, overall, is still the freest place on earth.  Maybe some people will quibble with that.  But there is no moving to another location.  If America falls, the whole world falls.  We are supposed to be the example for the rest of the world.

Joe Biden and his handlers are acting as thug dictators.  A thug dictator dressed in a suit is still a thug dictator.  This must be resisted.

This will directly impact tens of millions of Americans.  They are being given a choice by the government to take a jab or not get a job to feed and house their families.

It will actually impact everyone.  The tyranny has arrived.  If you think this is acceptable, even if you love the vaccine, then you are a permanent slave.  When they come for you, there will be nobody there to defend you.

If this dictate goes through, I believe that millions of people will choose to lose their jobs over getting vaccinated.  But I guess Dictator Biden won’t count these people as unemployed.  He makes up sham statistics for COVID and the vaccines, so he can make up sham statistics about the economy and the employment that he will help destroy.

I encourage everyone to contact their “representatives” in Congress.  Go on the record and let them know where you stand.  Make it clear that you expect them to stand hard against this.  Let them know that they should support articles of impeachment to remove this dangerous man from the presidency.

You can also email the White House.  It’s not that they care about you, but they may care if they receive millions of emails telling them that we will not consent.

I don’t want to hear anyone say, “If the government can do this, then what infringement will be next?”

The tyranny isn’t coming.  The tyranny has already arrived.  It doesn’t matter if you are pro vaccine or anti vaccine.  Anyone who tries to dictate that you must inject chemicals into your body or your livelihood will be taken away from you is a thug.

Joe Biden said he has lost his patience.  Oh, so that means he gets to pull out a gun and demand that you listen to him.  A bank robber loses his patience when the teller doesn’t hand him the cash quick enough.  He may use his gun if he loses his patience.

The American people must resist this.  It should be done through any peaceful means necessary.  This means secession.  This means disobedience.  This means protests.  This means lawsuits.  This means making it clear that you do not consent to these illegitimate dictates.

Let’s see if the cowardly executives in corporate America finally take a stand.  They have been going along with the politically correct crowd all this time.  They have no problem having their diversity trainings and their woke seminars.  Let’s see now who is willing to take a stand and say “enough”.

Most people not getting a COVID vaccine are doing it for legitimate reasons.  It isn’t because they don’t care.  It isn’t because they are stupid.  It isn’t because they are too lazy to make an appointment.  There is skepticism for good reason.  Most people I know who aren’t getting jabbed are doing a thoughtful risk/ benefit analysis.

We need to find allies who did choose to get vaccinated.  There are people out there who took the jab who also don’t think it should be imposed.  This isn’t a battle of the vaccinated vs. the unvaccinated.  This is a battle of liberty vs. tyranny.

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