Will Mass Death Stop the Vaccine Mandates?

We are at a critical point in the United States, and indeed the world, where we could head in any direction.  It almost seems as if we are on a small rope, and we are bound to fall one way or the other.

We could fall to the dark side and go down a path towards some kind of fascist tyranny.  Or we could fall to the other side where we see a new world of greater liberty, peace, and prosperity.

I don’t want to overexaggerate here.  I don’t think we are going to turn into North Korea or the old Soviet Union in the next 5 years.  I also don’t think we are going to become some libertarian paradise where the state is rolled back to a tiny fraction of what it is today.

But I also don’t want to understate the case.  We have seen great tyranny hit over the last 18 months with widespread lockdowns and stay-at-home orders.  Now, about 100 million Americans are told they may be forced to choose between getting their government-approved jab in the arm or losing their job.  The tyranny is already here.

The good news is that there is widespread resistance.  Just like about 10% of the population is vocal in favor of lockdowns, mask mandates, and vaccine mandates, there is about 10% of the population that is vocal against lockdowns, mask mandates, and vaccine mandates.

The numbers against the lockdowns and mandates are much greater than 10%, and may even be a majority now, but we need that 10% who are willing to speak out loudly and honestly.

There are tens of millions of Americans who are fearful that they will have to choose between their job or the jab, but they are also furious at Biden and the situation.  They are not used to speaking out.  Most of these people do not want to be involved politically.  They don’t want confrontation of any kind.

It has been said that you may want to avoid politics, but politics won’t avoid you.  That has come to light for a lot of Americans in 2020 and 2021.

The tyrants may be overplaying their hand.  They may have awakened tens of millions of people from their sleep.  That is my case for optimism.  I just don’t know how much damage will be done in the meantime.

Decentralized Examples

My hope is that common sense will eventually prevail for most people.  I know that is a stretch when we are talking about the sheep in the crowd.

In 2020, there was a piece of me that was really down on society.  The lockdowns, while being encouraged by the federal government, were imposed at state and local levels.  Almost every governor in the United States adopted dictatorial powers and shut down what were deemed non-essential businesses.

I thought, what is the point of decentralization if everyone gets it wrong?  I am fortunate to live in Florida where Ron DeSantis figured out the errors of his ways and opened up Florida completely in September 2020.  While he was slammed by the predictable tyrants, it showed that decentralization does matter.  Florida became an example for the rest of the country that you could open things up and not experience mass death.

South Dakota stayed open the whole time, but it is a state with a lot of land and not a lot of people.  So it probably didn’t provide much comfort to the more populous states with big cities.  Florida, on the other hand, has big cities with big populations.

It was actually a little funny seeing people visit Florida from the north in late 2020 and early 2021.  It was a bit jarring for some people who had been essentially locked in their house for many months, or even a year.  Then they would come to Florida and see life as pretty close to normal (as it was known prior to March 2020), except a lot of people were still wearing masks indoors.

The existence of social media also helped.  People in Florida and a few other open places would post pictures of parties, or even a few people enjoying a lunch inside a restaurant.  Someone living in New York or New Jersey would have to think twice when seeing such a picture, realizing that there wasn’t mass death occurring in Florida, despite any insinuations by the corporate media.

Now I can see a sporting event in places like New York or California and see it packed with people.  I don’t know if we would be at this point if it weren’t for a few places like Florida.

The Media Stories vs. The Real Stories

In our world of instant communication and social media, there is hope that the truth will get out there.  Unfortunately, the corporate media is still very powerful in propagandizing people.  That is why we had mass COVID hysteria in the first place.

The politicians and the media are constantly deceiving, and just flat-out lying at times.  I think of Joe Biden saying that if you’re vaccinated, then you are protected from hospitalization or death.  Now he has changed his stance that we need to protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated.  On this last point, I can’t think of a better sales pitch against the effectiveness of the vaccines.

The media had no trouble telling us about all of the heart-wrenching stories of COVID deaths throughout 2020, and even up to this day.  It didn’t matter if they died of COVID or with COVID.

Other than maybe the rare local television news station, you won’t hear any stories about adverse vaccine reactions.  You won’t hear about people dying shortly after vaccination.  You won’t hear about young people who were seemingly healthy who now have a heart condition or some kind of neurological disease.  You won’t hear about the stroke victims or the people who are paralyzed after getting the clot shot.

The good news (if you can call it that) is that people spread these stories.  If someone knows someone else who got jabbed and then suffered a serious reaction after, then they will now know the dangers, assuming they connected the dots.  Even if they aren’t one to share on social media, they will probably quietly mention it to their family and friends.

The one problem is the assumption that people will connect the dots.  Many doctors are not connecting the dots, or their high salary and reputation is incentive to not connect the dots.  I find that nurses are much more likely to connect the dots because they are on the ground seeing the patients, and they are also a little more courageous in thinking against the grain.

Outside of the hospital setting, it is amazing how many people are being gaslit by the media.  They hear that 95% (or some high percentage) of people being hospitalized with COVID are unvaccinated.  These are sham statistics coming from the CDC.  They are old statistics taken from when most Americans weren’t vaccinated.

The gaslighting is even worse when it comes to adverse events from the vaccine.  You can see the numbers on the Open VAERS website, but VAERS is likely understated dramatically.  There are probably many reports to VAERS of things that really might have been coincidental.  People have new medical conditions all the time, and some of them are going to happen when 100 million or more people get a shot in a period of less than a year.

On the flip side, the majority of adverse events don’t get reported to VAERS.  Sometimes the dots aren’t connected, or the event simply isn’t reported.  It becomes harder when there is a delay.  What if you get a shot and then die or suffer a serious injury three months later that may or may not be because of the vaccine.  We don’t know how common this is because it is purposely not being studied or reported.

The biggest fraud now is that adverse vaccine events are being blamed on COVID.  If you get your first shot of one of the two-dose vaccines (not including “boosters”) and then end up in the hospital three weeks later, they will blame it on COVID.  They won’t blame it on the vaccine.  Even worse, it will be marked as a COVID case for the unvaccinated because the person wasn’t considered “fully vaccinated”.

There are even situations now where someone had COVID, then got the vaccine (or vice versa) and then has a medical problem down the road.  The problem isn’t blamed on the vaccine of course, but it is said to be a symptom of “long COVID”.

A certain segment of the population is being completely gaslit.  They can’t see what is right before their eyes.  They could have a close family member get vaccinated and die two weeks later, and they would never connect the dots.  If anything were suggested to them that it might have had to do with the vaccine, they would shut down mentally, if it is possible to shut down any more than was already the case.  They would be in denial.

As Mark Twain supposedly said, it is easier to fool someone than to convince someone that they have been fooled.

I wish these COVID vaccines were as harmless as what the media makes them out to be.  Unfortunately, that just isn’t the reality at this point.  Anyone with a little common sense and an open mind should be able to see that.

Maybe there is an argument to be made that the benefits outweigh the risks in terms of getting the vaccine, especially for older people.  But can the vaccine pushers at least acknowledge that there is a safety risk to the vaccines?

I have to believe at this point that at least half the people in the country realize that there isn’t an insignificant risk of the vaccines.  The personal anecdotes, over time, should overcome the media disinformation.

While it is hard to connect delayed reactions, I think at some point some people will connect the dots.  If, say, 5% of the vaccinated population either dies or comes down with a severe disease over the next year, then I think the word will get out even more than it is now.  Some people will be in denial forever, but the majority of people will see the stories in front of their eyes and take it more seriously than what is told (or not told) to them by the media.

There isn’t much good to say about the possibility of mass death.  But if the death count goes up dramatically from here for the vaccinated, then the one little piece of good news is that most people will figure it out eventually.

The more that people are lied to and realize it, the less they trust the media.  Over the long run, this is positive for the prospects of liberty.  We are at a crossroads here, and we could fall towards greater tyranny or greater liberty.  The way to get to greater liberty is for the general populace to distrust the corporate media, the politicians, the bureaucrats, and the so-called experts.

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