The Unvaccinated Shrugged

What happened when Atlas felt the weight of the world on his shoulders?  He shrugged.

In Ayn Rand’s famous novel, Atlas Shrugged, the producers went on strike.  It is not all that realistic, but it’s not because of how it’s done or how they secretly disappear into a hidden world.  It is unrealistic because it involves some courageous business leaders.

If there’s one thing lacking in today’s world, it is courageous business leaders who are willing to go against the grain and stand up to the establishment.  Maybe it is because anyone who does this finds they cannot operate a business successfully against the behemoth empire.

While the idea of the liberty loving people running away from the tyrants is appealing, it is hard to imagine how that would work in today’s world.  I have followed the Free State Project from the beginning, but that has had only marginal success.  New Hampshire was not as free as South Dakota or Florida by October 2020.

Perhaps the best way to spread liberty is to lead by example.  You create pockets of freedom where it can be done.  You find loopholes around the state.

But sometimes seceding from the tyrants is the only option, even at an individual level.  Unfortunately, we may be approaching a situation where that nuclear option is the only option left other than letting our society completely fall to the tyrants.

Joe Biden issued an executive order that will require most federal workers and federal contractors to be vaccinated for COVID.  It will also require that all companies with 100 or more employees require weekly tests or vaccination for all employees.  This is immoral and tyrannical.  If it is allowed to stand, then we have fallen, and our children face a grim future.

In the United States, we are a completely divided country.  Biden talked about unity when entering office, but his version of unity means obeying all of his commands.  If everyone obeys, then there will be unity.

If someone holds up a bank with a gun, there is great unity by everyone lying down on the ground with their hands spread out.  There is no violence as long as everyone obeys those who are threatening the violence.

Since tens of millions of adult Americans don’t want the experimental COVID jabs, there is disunity.

The battle isn’t about the vaccinated versus the unvaccinated.  The battle is between those who believe in liberty and those who believe in tyranny.

The tyrants will not admit to being tyrants.  They do it all in the name of safety.  This includes the sheep who follow the tyrants and allow it to happen.  They now think of the unvaccinated as second-class citizens.  They see the unvaccinated as spreaders of disease.

I would say it is like Nazi Germany, but there are differences.  One difference is that Joe Biden just skipped over the Enabling Act.  He just issued his executive order without even trying to pretend that it’s a valid law.

If this tyrannical order goes through, then a lot of people will be faced with a choice.  The choice is their job or to roll up their sleeve.  I can’t tell people what to do, and it isn’t an easy decision.  But just know that if this is allowed to happen, the future is bleak indeed.

I think people should try to find a way around it any way they can.  This may mean becoming an independent contractor and then contracting out your services to your employer.  Or maybe you can get an exemption of some sort.

If there are no workarounds and you do not consent to the vaccine, then you should not quit unless there is a major financial incentive to do so.  Otherwise, let your employer fire you.  It is discriminatory.

While I don’t believe there should be anti-discrimination laws, we know that most employers will speak political correctness about how diverse they are and how they will never discriminate (unless it is discrimination against an unfavorable group).  Make your employer discriminate and fire you for being in the unvaccinated, second-class citizen boat.

There are a lot of nurses who don’t want the vaccine because they see the adverse effects from people being admitted to the hospital.  A lot of them will quit or be fired because they don’t want the jab.  The already short-staffed hospitals are going to feel the pain, as are the consumers.

There is already a shortage of workers available (at yesterday’s prices).  Many businesses are already facing reduced hours or closure because there simply aren’t enough people to keep operating.  They could pay a relatively unskilled worker $40 per hour, but then they wouldn’t be profitable unless they could dramatically raise prices.

This shortage is going to get a lot worse if people leave or are fired due to vaccination requirements.  Imagine someone who is 18 years old working a part-time job while going to school.  If this person doesn’t want the jab, they will work at the local coffee shop with 8 employees instead of at Walmart.

There are people who got vaccinated who are against the mandates.  We need these people to speak out too, but I don’t expect them to quit their job.  It is going to be on the shoulders of the unvaccinated.

If 20 million people choose not to get vaccinated and get terminated, how will that impact the economy for everyone?  Is that going to be Biden’s ticket to gaining congressional seats in 2022?

I know that many Republican governors are fighting this at the state level.  Some are only pretending to fight it because they see which way the political winds are blowing.  While this tyranny should be opposed from all angles including state challenges and legal challenges, we have to be prepared to fight this as individuals.

We need everyone on our side that we can get.  This includes military personnel and other federal government workers. We need tens of millions of people to just say “no” and not consent to this.  We have to make employers feel the pain and realize that they will have trouble surviving if 10 to 20 percent of their workforce is willing to leave.  Maybe then we will see some courage from corporate executives, who will really just be choosing the least bad confrontation from their perspective.

If the unvaccinated shrug, the pain will be felt everywhere.  The tyrants and their sheep know this is wrong.  They must be put in a position where they feel very uncomfortable.  They must be looked down upon as the fascists that they are.

We must point out at every opportunity that they are not using persuasion.  They are using violence to impose their way on everyone else.  They are essentially forcing us to participate in their medical experiment.

They are not actually holding us down and injecting us with a needle (yet), but they are telling you that you must get jabbed if you want to keep your job and provide for your family.  Society must know who the tyrants are.  They are thugs.  They are violent criminals who would rather use guns than persuasion.

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